Friday, January 6, 2012

No Apology Necessary

Since my post of January 4th, 2012, I have received emails and calls from friends to the effect that I might have been a little "less than kind" to Alderman Guccione. I admit that I should have waited a day after becoming angry about his latest "plot" but that's where it ends. Other than a few snide (and to some, "overly harsh") remarks about him, I stand by my statement. None of those who contacted me contradicted the facts I pointed out regarding his record or campaign strategy, they just desired to let me know that they think I need to be a little less passionate and overly bombastic when expressing myself about his escapades.

"The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it,
ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."
—Winston Churchill

If there is anything that upsets me more than not having cow-paste to spread on my corn-pone, it's hypocrisy, and Alderman Guccione is a great hypocrite of the first order. Since he became an Alderman I have yet to hear any reason or platform for his wanting to be mayor other than it is a stepping stone to higher office. I have yet to see any ordinance or legislation he has introduced that was of benefit to the community (someone please show me just one). And, I have yet to hear him defend any of his many mistakes, blunders, or questions of ethics that I have pointed out on this blog.

I have sat in meetings knowing he represents me and other citizens of Ward 3 and felt shame for his lack of knowledge regarding topics of discussion and waffling on issues. It embarrasses me to watch him campaign during public meetings by letting everyone know that he supported the half-cent sales tax increase for parks and tell of how some on the board did not (I heard that one on three separate occasions). I was completely disconcerted when he openly lied in a public meeting about not compromising on employee benefits after inviting the employees to the meeting with the sole purpose of trying to make the other aldermen look bad when he flipped on the issue.

In my defense, the last straw was when Alderman Guccione adopted his "stack the board" policy in his campaign for mayor. He personally told me: "None of the other aldermen support my issues so I'm trying to get people on the board who will agree with me. If I'm elected mayor, they'll be there for me and if I lose I'll have someone on the board who will vote with me." I guess what I least understand is; if Alderman Guccione never gets support from the board on his ideas, maybe he should step back and rethink the things he's bringing forward, maybe they aren't as puissant as he concludes. The majority of our Board of Aldermen are reasonable and analytical in deciding matters concerning the city, if he can't get support, maybe it's not that they are insensitive to him, it could be something wrong with the things he wants to make law.

As far as my opinions regarding Alderman Guccione: Unless I see him cease whining and do something for his ward; he stops trying to control the Board of Aldermen by placing hand-picked candidates for the next board election; quits campaigning in public meetings: stops pandering to special interest groups, and quits flipping on issues and lying about it, I will continue to critique him and his position as my alderman. I admit I'm an idealist and that this is not utopia but I'd like to see Wentzville be all I know it can be. I respect his office and the majority of those holding office but I cannot stand by to watch it further disgraced.

"He who does not prevent a crime when he can, encourages it."


  1. Dear Wentzvillian,
    I heard that Guccione is going to start a smear campaign against Leon Tow and opponents of his candidates for alderman. He says that the Wentzvillian is a blog for Tow and his candidcy. How do you answer that?

  2. I heard that Guccione was going to start a negative campaign if I don’t stop hammering him with the facts of his ill-run record and campaign. It was expected, he has no platform, has done nothing in six years, and the only thing he can run on is to smear his opponents, badump-bump-bump. Mark my words; he’s done it every year on another blog and he had this planned all along. He is a slave to his own mind.
    What Guccione fails to realize is that I am not associated with any campaign. If any elected official or candidate does the things he does, their names would be mentioned here firmly and often. It is unfortunate that he is so paranoid to think that when I call him on his shenanigans, he automatically blames the other side. I don’t give a crap who the winner is as long as isn’t some shady character who doesn’t have Wentzville and it’s citizens welfare at heart.
    I have plenty of verifiable negative information about Mr. Guccione and Mr. Schuette but none about Leon Tow. Why is that, he’s been an alderman 14 years and President of the Board half of that time, why don’t I have something? It’s simple; He hasn’t gone out and said or done stupid things during his political career. I know Leon Tow and he’s a good man. Now the question is; do I lie and say that I think Guccione and Shuette are better candidates than Tow and do I not tell the voters of the underhanded things being done in the city? C’mon Nick, you know better than that.
    Guccione was always going to go negative, that’s all he has and now he’s using The Wentzvillian as an excuse. Nick, you’re renting way too much space in your head to The Wentzvillian, it’s only a small-time blog with a small readership, right?

  3. Gooch opponent gets 5k from me..

  4. I know Nick Guccione flips on things. He was in support of Dianna Wright all through the process to remove her and then he was the one who made the motion to have her fired. You are correct, he is a hipocrite and manipulator. He shows one face while the other one bites you.

  5. I think Guccione is getting some really bad advice, Donna Sherwood's style is all over him.
