Monday, January 9, 2012

The Campaign Trail

The City issued an amended agenda for this Wednesdays regular meeting of the board of aldermen. It appears to be longer but it doesn't look any more interesting than the original was last Friday. Anyway, other than being longer, I think the good stuff will still be there.

I heard something this weekend that is disturbing. It's seems that Alderman Gucione paid a visit to our new police chief last week. That in itself isn't a big deal, I'm sure most of the aldermen visited her during her first week. The surprising aspect of his visit was that he took his campaign manager, Donna Sherwood with him. Now I'm sitting here wondering why he would do that, and all sorts of conversations come to mind. First of all and probably the easiest to believe was that he needed to let the new chief know that he was going to be the next mayor and Sherwood the next alderman of Ward 2. After thinking about the many possibilities, it boils down to campaigning. I can't believe that he would just show up for a visit, he actually was looking for support from the police department.

One possible scenario is that; since Sherwood showed up in sweatpants, they could have been jogging down the Wentzville Parkway and stopped by to get a cool drink of water, oh, and by the way, pay their respects to the new chief. I know that after they left there, they went to Pitman's Funeral Home to ask for support for their campaigns. It couldn't have been just another campaign stop on their journey around town looking for votes and donations, could it?

I have to say, he needs to think about the things he's doing. Taking your campaign manager, who happens to be running for office (when she has nothing to do with the city) to visit with Wentzville's new Chief of Police in a city facility, during working hours was a bad idea—a very bad idea. I could understand Sherwood wanting to do it because she likes to feel important but Guccione should know better. I wouldn't be surprised to see him get a spanking from the city. Campaigning to employees in a city facility especially during working hours is an ethical no-no, he needs to read the book. Well, the campaign trail is a long hard road filled with potholes, maybe he stepped in one—a big one, up to his neck.


  1. It was probably Sherwood's idea, I'm sure she knows the book forward and backword, she's been the pariah for many a failed campaign. And poor Guccione seems to be a dutiful follower.

  2. Sherwood was spawned of the cut throat crew, if he gets Guccione in trouble, she'll come out smelling like a rose and looking for the next suckers coat-tails she can ride. If you're not a Guccione fan, the Sherwood/Guccione connection is the best thing you could hope for.
