Saturday, January 21, 2012


I'd like to address a question that was asked by a reader who commented on my last blog. I believe it is an important issue that could negativly effect Wentzville should Nick Guccione be elected Mayor: Guccione seems to be a slider, he very seldom says anything in the city meetings. I watch them on the Internet and started noticing it several months ago. He hardly contributes anything, why do you suppose that is?. After observing Alderman Nick Guccione at almost every meeting during his four years on the Board of Aldermen, I have noted his actions and will offer my opinion in an effort to answer the reader's question but it will take a short history lesson first.

The sequence of events may be a little out of order but that's not important, the results are what count in this history. Aldermen; Nick Guccione, Bill Schuette, and John Luby were recruited by Vickie Boedeker during her last bid for a fifth term as Mayor of Wentzville. They were told then that all the matchbook covers are true; "You too can become an Alderman, no experience, knowledge of government, or concern for Wentzville is necessary" unfortunately they bought it. Peggy Meyer (good friends with Boedeker) was currently on the Board and in the group conspiracy. All of them were advised to take Boedeker's lead and vote with her choices. En masse, they had many secret meetings before and after the election forging their agenda driven direction for the City, allegedly in violation of "Sunshine Laws." Then the unthinkable happened; Boedeker lost her election vs. Lambi but her group of Flying Monkeys all won and took their seat on the Board. Having no leader telling them how to vote, loudmouth Lurch Schuette took the lead and his fledgling aldermen became the Lurchettes (translation: sock puppets). Guccione and the others took orders and all created a voting block which frustrated Mayor Paul Lambi as well as strangling the economic welfare of Wentzville. Their grip on Wentzville cost our city millions of dollars in unnecessary spending and pointless ordinances which set the stage for our current bloated bureaucracy and budget problems.

Over the next three years, John Luby lost to Rick Stokes; Lurch Schuette lost to Chris Gard: Leon Tow retired and Cheryl Kross came in; Peggy Meyer retired and in walked Vann Sample. Guccione unopposed, was re-elected and has been whining like a puppy in the rain for the past year because "no one on the Board of Aldermen will listen to me." He has had no one to tell him how to vote and it's made him miserable trying to keep up with this new energetic, fast-paced  hard-working board. In his Mayor campaign he is desperately trying to recreate a board using the Boedeker Model but he has a campaign manager (Bananas Sherwood) who doesn't have near the charm, expertise, or insights of her idol; Vickie Boedecker. The only thing she has in common with Boedeker is an over active penchant toward treachery and she will do nothing but bring shame to Guccione along the way.

In my opinion, Nick Guccione like most people, is hard-working (two jobs) with a nice home and swimming pool and two or three vehicles. He has a nice family; wife, children, and grandchildren. Between working two jobs, taking care of his family and home, going to meetings for the city, reading ordinances and city business (sometimes 1,500 pages) every week, answering phone calls from constituency, and drumming up support for his election hopes, it doesn't leave much time for living. Frankly, I don't think he ever read any city business for the last few years except those things that pertained to his special interests. He followed the lead of others who supported each other and relied on their knowledge of subjects, but those days are gone now and he doesn't do homework. I think it's reflected in his Board behavior and lack of participation unless it's something he wants.

It is also my opinion that Alderman Nick Guccione has no business being in office and it disturbs me that he represents my ward 3. Nick should drop out of the Mayor race that he cannot win, serve out his last year with integrity, start surrounding himself with people who care about him, and distance himself from people like Bill Lurch Schuette and Donna Bananas Sherwood who will drag his legacy through the mud just like they did with theirs, and then flip on him. I believe he would be a lot happier with his life if he were to get out of a political arena for which he has no time or passion. I'm sorry that I've lost a friend over politics but I love Wentzville too much to let it go down hill. There comes a time in every man's life when he finally admits to himself that no matter how much he tries, he'll never be Elvis.


  1. yeah, he ain't nothin' but a "hound dog" crying all the time

  2. If you weren't so scared of the outcome in this election, you would not havr to talk about Nick Guccione. The more you talk the worse Leon Tow looks. Thank You So Much.

    1. You're so welcome, someone had better talk about Nick Guccione. Now are you ready to tell us what he has accomplished in his four years of office and how those accomplishments qualify him to be a "great mayor?"

    2. I'm glad you're posting Gucione and Schuettes records, I have decided on another candidate and it will be either Tow or Lackey.

  3. You've highlighted the major difference between Aldermen Schuette and Guccione. Alderman Schuette loved to speak-up at meetings; so sure of his views that he saw no reason to hold-back (or listen). Alderman Guccione listened, and awaited guidance. The guidance might be from the other aldermen, a loud group, or a lone citizen. It never emanated from a core vision of Wentzville's future.

  4. I oppose the same question to you what has Leon Tow done in 14 years on the board? Nick Guccione has done more for the community in the 5 years he has been an alderman compared to leon who has been on the board for 14 yrs. Ive been a resident in this community for 22 years and had never even heard of Leon Tow till he decided to run for Mayor. So what does that say for your candidate.

    1. To clarify: I support no candidate, It is not my place to campaign for them. It is my civic duty to piont out wrong doings in our city. Whether you agree or disagree with it. I see shortcomings of some candidates and believe that they should not be elected, Nick Gucciuone, Bill Schuette and Donna Sherwood are number one, their disciples are number two.
      I do not campaign for any but will campaign against those who are unqualified or agenda laden. Alderman Tow has given his statement here, If you want more information he is in the phonebook. I've stated that there are only two qualified candidates for mayor and they are Leon Tow, and Darrel Lackey.
      You didn't answer my question and now I'm really curious, what has Guccione done more of in those five years you mentioned? I don't seem to be able to get that answer, why not?

    2. You've lived in Wentzville 22 years and have never heard of Leon Tow? I wonder how you know that Nick Guccione has done so much and know so little about city meetings? Obviously, you must be his neighbor and listening only to him. Did you know that Wentzville has a city hall now?

    3. gucconie hasnt accomplshed anything on the board but take up space

  5. This anonymous Comment was edited to remove the names of private individuals:

    "Who are you to judge anyone and think that your opinion should matter. From what i have heard from several residents I have talk to no one cares about your opinion."

    1. You are correct! I don't expect anyone to think that my opinion matters. Here is your choices: 1. Don't come here and read my opinion; 2. Tell your friends not to come here to read my opinion. If my opinion doesn't matter, why does it matter so much to you, why were you compeled to comment here?
      Thank you for your opinion that my opinion doesn't matter, but I might ask you the same question: Who are you to judge?

  6. I've been watching this thread and looked at your blog giving Leon Tow's qualifications and platform. What I want to know is; if as some have commented, Nick Guccione has such a sterling record, where is it? I see a lot of his following others and what could be considered unethical behavior but why is he even running for Mayor if he's done nothing as an Alderman?
