Friday, March 30, 2012

A Great American

It's only four days before we all go to the polls to vote for the candidates of our choice. I want to remind everyone about the importance of this election. We have a four-year term for Mayor for the first time—that's a long time if you realize in the first year, you've made a mistake, so as the Knight Templar said; "Choose wisely."

"Choose wisely," no truer words were spoken regarding this election. We have men running for Mayor who have a wide range of government experience, some great, some not so great. I've had the privilege to know and watch each of them while they were serving our city and want to point out some of the things two of these candidates have done while in public office:

Bill Schuette: Schuette was a recruit of Vickie Boedeker when trying to regain her seat as Mayor for the second time after losing to Paul Lambi. At that time Boedecker had lost Board support and needed to get a new board elected to regain control of Wentzville should she be elected. She lost, but her disciple, Schuette won a place as Alderman of Ward 2. Had the voters known of her plot, Schuette, Luby, and Guccione would never been elected.

Schuette was uneducated about government and I believe had no interest in learning. Some of the ordinances he brought forward and supported were found in violation of state statutes and shot down. Others were destructive and led to changes to the overlay districts regarding sinage and allowing live music in the bars and restaurants on the Wentzville Parkway. Schuette was prone to give advantages and favors to his business friends and did so frequently, The tow contract was changed to give the advantage to a less qualified tow company simply because one of his best friends was the owner. Schuette brought chaos to our Board, he was loud, arrogant, and an embarrassment to the City in other public venues. A year after losing his bid for mayor and his seat on the Board, Schuette tried to regain it but was denied by the voters who were looking for a real represenative.

Nick Guccione: Guccione was also one of those recruited by Boedecker to run and he was elected to Ward 3. He was a butcher at Schnucks grocery stores and had no knowledge of government or procedures. The bad part about his situation is that he never had to learn because Bill Schuette led the recruits with his strong over-confident personality for four years on how and when to vote. Unfortunately for Wentzville, it was the blind leading the blind for four years until Schuette lost his bid for Mayor and consequently lost his seat on the Board. When the other recruits lost their seats, Guccione was all alone with a new group of aggressive well versed people (Aldermen) who believed in Wentzville and proper procedures.

When he ran for a third term and without the Boedecker machine he was lucky that he was unopposed. If someone had run against him he would most assuredly been joining the other recruits fate of losing his re-election. His good-fortune was Wentzville's misfortune, in his first year of his third term he was placed in a position of being behind the 8-ball to perform the duties of an Alderman. Knowing nothing of procedures, forming ordinances, gaining support from other board members, he quietly stumbled along. He followed everyone on the board, not speaking, not bringing forth legislation, and not representing his constituents of Ward 3.

Being a concerned voter in Ward 3, I have watched my Aldermen very closely for over 10 years and I believe that Mr. Guccione doesn't read the Alderman packets, is unprepared at meetings, doesn't have any knowledge of parliamentary procedure, and his record on the Board of Aldermen supports my statement. He watches other Aldermen and listens too much to small groups of citizens who speak in "Open Forum" at City meetings. Mr. Guccione makes decisions based on flimsy and un-researched information by small special interest groups and when he makes the wrong decisions he flips on his vote. His record is riddled with flipping on votes, he even campaigns on it, admitting he was wrong. Mr. Guccione is wrong on almost everything he votes on when he makes his own decisions regarding any subject before the Board.

Guccione is an opportunist and when he sees anything that may give him a political advantage he jumps on it. Siding with Mayor Lambi for the first time in five years is a perfect example. They were on the opposite side of almost everything. Guccione even tried leading a charge to have Lambi pay back the $15,000 (the mysterious check turned over to the attorney) out of his own personal checking account and now he's acting like they were buddies forever. He voted with the other Aldremen to turn the alleged influence peddling complaint against Lambi to the State Board of Ethics Commission, as a matter of fact he made the motion to do so.  Now he's with Lambi calling the entire ordeal "a witch hunt" trumped up by one of his opponents and at the same time discredit not only his opponent but the opponents running against his recruits. He thinks by siding with Lambi, Lambi's supporters will support and vote for him. He is a panderer and seeks any group who might support him, no matter how small or ridiculous, if it means votes, he's there.

He has pulled out all of the stops, he knows that if he is not elected Mayor this year, he will serve out his last year as Alderman trying to live with the things he's said and done. He knows that he will never be re-elected as an Alderman in Ward 3.  Guccione is the only Mayor candidate to resort to mud-slinging and trickery. I completely understand why he does it—it's the only thing he has besides small interests groups to campaign on, his record is completely void of any achievements, it's the only thing he can do. He relies on old newspaper articles and takes things out of context to bash his opponents rather than campaign on his merit. You can't talk about something if you have nothing to talk about.

A great American once said: "Small people talk about other people" "Average people talk about material things, and Great people talk about ideas." In five years of Guccione being an Alderman, I've never heard him come up with a "great idea," but I have heard him "talk about other people," on numerous occasions and spreading slanderous lies and rumors is well within his realm of ethics. I have to appeal to the good voting citizens to think about these words and think about where Nick Guccione stands. After looking at his record and campaign strategies, after looking at those closest to him and his conspiracy to control the Board of Aldermen, and after listening to his words and seeing his lack of accomplishments, any thinking person will come to agree that Mayor candidate Nick Guccione is not a good choice to run our Wentzville!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Day in the Life

Sometimes just watching city meetings isn't enough to tell if your representative is really functioning in a manner that parallels the needs of the constituents he or she represents, sometimes you need to focus in a little closer on the individual, so close that at times it may become somewhat disgusting. That was my mission last evening, to watch my Ward 3 Alderman Nick Guccione to see just how much he participates in discussions and contributes to the welfare of those in his ward. Oh by the way, did I mention that he's running for mayor?

I didn't expect a lot of fireworks last night and I was right about that but since I'm just a crusty old curmudgeon it was plenty enough entertainment for me. The meeting started promptly at 6:30pm and I walked out the door when they went into executive session at about 11:00pm. It started in the usual way, Pledge, Roll Call, bla,bla,bla, and Consent Agenda and some discussion was had by some Aldermen but nothing of consequence. They moved a "Status of the Parks Project..." presentation from the end of the agenda to just after the consent agenda so the presenters wouldn't have to stay until the end of the meeting.

The parks presentation update was a lengthily slide show with a healthy discussion afterward. They talked about the budget in relation to the design and every single Alderman had questions and comments except mine, Nick Guccione. I was hoping to see him jump in there with some financial questions or even to say "Man those renderings are pretty," but I got nothing. My other alderman Rick Stokes was all over the cost overrun estimates and so were everybody else's Aldermen, but Guccione remained tight-lipped. Oh well I thought, he'll get them next time.

It was during the Mayor's report where Lambi asked the Board to consider naming a fourplex of ball fields after the person who was instrumental in the City obtaining the land for well under the appraised value; Wayne Dockler. He wanted to call it Dockler field. It was exactly 8:04pm, one hour and thirty-four minutes into the meeting after every other alderman agreed to the proposal when my Alderman Guccione stuck his hand up and opened his mouth with: "I agree to name the fourplex baseball field Dockler Field." Guccione's response reminds me of an old story: It takes a team of engineers six weeks to design a multi-million dollar water treatment plant but it takes management six months to decide where to put the bathrooms. The reason: everybody knows something about bathrooms.

Then at 8:14pm came the "Aldermen's Reports" and I knew Guccione would shine here but all I heard was; "No report." Rick Stokes (my other Alderman) during his report asked if the City could partner with the Postal Service to have a drive-up mail box placed on the parking lot of the USC building at Linn Ave. and Pearce Blvd. to assist the handicapped and elderly in having an easy mail drop rather than going to the post office where they need to get out of their car to mail something. At 8:21pm, once again Guccione raised his hand to add: "I don't know if we can make them (Postal Service) do that." He made a point of adding to the discussion with something he didn't know, he's made a his political career of things he doesn't know.

Then came a bill on restructuring the Human Resources and Procurement Departments and it was unanimous except for Guccione, at 8:37pm he voted "NO." He was the only Alderman to say "no" to promoting Human Resources Manager, Amy Holloway and Purchasing Manager, Jerry Hillin, so much for his claim of fighting for the employees and being on their side. I wonder, since the unions are heavily invested in his campaign for Mayor, if Amy and Jerry were union employees would they have gotten his vote?

It wasn't until 9:25pm that Guccione raised his hand (other than to second every motion made), it was during a discussion involving Bill 3373 "Fugitive from Justice Ordinance." Chief Lisa Harrison explained the proposed ordinance and said that it would allow the police department to detain a fugitive with warrants for extradition to the city issuing the warrant. It also provided a fine of not more than $100 to be assessed by the judge. Chief Harrison added that they could also make the fugitive do community service if they were homeless or out of work with no means of support. Guccione suggested: "Fugitives could be made to do community service." It took him until 9:25pm to come up with that bit of profound and insightful thought, it makes me proud, to be a citizen of Ward 3.

There was a discussion about providing the police department with meters to gauge decibel (noise) levels in answer to the recent Caddyshack noise issue. There's a history here and it goes back to about three years ago when the then Board of Aldermen changed the overlay district on the Wentzville Parkway to allow live music in restaurants and bars. The formers of the master plan put a great deal of thought into providing for the overlay districts knowing the potential for noise interfering with the quality of life in the residential areas behind the Wentzville Parkway. The change was initiated by Mayor Lambi wanting to do a favor for a bar-owner friend and knowing the group of Aldermen in charge back then it was a lock to get it changed. That group was Bill Schuette, John Luby, and none other than Nick Guccione. Analytical thought beyond the end of their noses was not their strong suit so they created all the problems going on with live music on the Wentzville Parkway today. We should all thank them for wasting so much time for our Aldermen and police department now.

At 10:35pm, at the request of Lambi, the board revisited the release of the Executive Session" minutes involving the alleged conflict of interest. He wants it out in the open and wanted to force the Aldermen to release them without the blacked-out portions. The Aldermen have stated on several occasions that they will not approve any minutes that would create legal problems for the city and would not release them without the approval of the City Attorney, Paul Rost. Guccione stated: "I have no problem releasing the minutes but without sections blocked out. That's why I voted against it before." Mr Guccione is fine with having law suits filed against the city and releasing the minutes without the advice of Rost. This is the thought pattern of Nick Guccione, don't think about the consequences, fix the problem now at all costs.

During the course of the evening, my alderman, Nick Guccione spoke up eight times and offered nothing of consequence while the other Aldermen asked pertinent questions and offered real solutions for over four hours. This meeting is not unusual, this meeting is typical of his mode of operation. He's not my Alderman, his place could easily be filled by a 10th grader who would probably do a better job. Nick Guccione is running for Mayor, think about it, can the City of Wentzville really afford a Mayor who acts and reacts rather than thinks?

Addendum A March 29, 2012, 1:05pm

I just received another mailer from Nick Guccione, the unions have treated him well to be able to afford all of them. Not only did he steal the trade marked City logo again, he is now campaigning for one of his recruits, Rod Stratman, who is running against the best Alderman on our Board; Rick Stokes. He's determined to control the Board of Aldermen whether he becomes Mayor or not. Nick, the good citizens of Ward 3 don't need another lame deciple of yours representing Ward 3, you have been bad enough.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Candidates Night 2012

There were probably between 150 ant 200 people attended the Chamber of Commerce Candidates Night, last night at the Holt High School auditorium. I was disappointed to see that the radio station wasn't there but life is full of little trade offs. Only two of the candidates didn't make an appearance; Ward 1 candidate Forrest Gossett, who had a confirmed medical emergency and; Rodney Stratman candidate for Ward 3, who insiders said; got cold feet, everyone else was there. I was also disappointed in the quality of the questions asked, many were just lame, as a matter of fact I didn't hear one question that was hard-hitting—you know, it was all generic, "oh, by the way" kind of stuff. Questions could not be addressed to individual candidates and I think that was a big mistake. The Chamber of Commerce could have done a much greater service to the City without this touchy-feely event, but that's another story all in itself.

Each Candidate had an opportunity to give an opening statement and some were revealing while others were just downright laughable. I'm going to start with Ward 1 and run through all the Wards before I get to the Mayor Candidates. I have to warn you, Nick Guccione was running true to form, blaming everybody else for his problems, claiming everything that was good was because of him, and flipping on subjects, he needs a new script writer. Here was some of the questions asked and responses of Aldermen candidates.

Ward 1:

Forrest Gossett, absent. I wish Mr. Gossett had been able to attend because I've heard him speak on the subjects regarding Wentzville and believe he could have given his opponent a lesson in government and the problems facing Wentzville's future.

Jay Webber: Mr. Webber was asked two questions, the first was: "What specifically would you do for the downtown area?" Answer: "There are things that can be done." Second question: "How would you cut taxes?" Answer: "Repeal the sales taxes on the Parkway." Since the Wentzville Parkway and infrastructure was built using TIFFs, CID's, TIDDs, and other tax incentive vehicles on the various developments in securing the coming of  businesses like; Wall Mart, Home Depot, Target, and Lowes, anyone with a third grade education in government financing should know that it can't be done. Mr Webber was a well spoken gentleman who was recruited by Nick Guccione so it's easy to see why he didn't know this, he simply had no intention or self initiative to become an Alderman.

Ward 2:

This ward has three candidates running ; Donna Sherwood, two time loser of this seat; Sonya Shryock, and Jeremy Pritchett, Guccione recruit. They asked these candidates questions and I'm just going to give the highlights. It was interesting to note that in their opening statements, Jeremy Pritchett declared his political affiliation; "I'm Republican." Obviously Mr. Pritchett either didn't know, or didn't care that candidates at the City level do not declare political affiliations.

The first question was: "How would you cut spending?" Sherwood said: "Get rid of unnecessary equipment and stop buying it." Ms. Shyrock said: "locate and reduce waste spending throughout the City." The moderator asked: "What's the most important problem facing Wentzville today?" I was disappointed in all of the candidates answers but one stuck out in my notes: Jeremy Pritchett said: "Parks." I'm no real fan of newspapers and don't read them but I do know that it's been all over the news that a half-cent sales tax was approved by the voters to the tune of 20 million dollars and they are breaking ground on three new parks in the City this year. I guess that "important problem" was solved.

Ward 3:

Three candidates are vying for this seat: Rick Stokes (incumbent), Rodney Stratman (absent), and Curtis Davis. It was noted that Nick Guccione was on the phone with Mr. Stratman asking him to come to the event. He was heard to say: "There's still time, they won't get to Ward 3 for awhile." Sounds like his recruit broke ranks and ran, good for you Rodney. The other Guccione recruit was Curtis Davis a seemingly very nice old black gentleman who introduced himself as the local president of the NAACP and husband of his lovely wife of 57 years. He stated: "I see none of my peoples' here and I want to see more blacks involved." Unfortunately for Mr. Davis, he knew little about City issues and gave the impression he's a throw-back to another generation in time. I truly felt empathy for him as he addressed the assembly trying to answer the questions.

The first question set the tone of the rest of the night for Ward 3 candidates: "Name the one goal you'd like to attain if you are elected." Rick Stokes answered: "Enhance transportation and maintain our current roads." Mr Davis: "The school system. And to make the neighbors in my subdivision cut their grass" He does not know that the school system is a separate entity and Wentzville has absolutely no control over its activities. The other questions were answered with the accuracy of a learned Alderman by Mr. Stokes but Mr Davis when asked about tax incentives such as TIFFs, CIDs, and others he admitted that he didn't know what they were.


Bill Schuette didn't show but that was expected, Leon Tow, Darrel Lackey, and Nick Guccione were there and all but Guccione answered all of the questions. Guccione instead, campaigned on the strangest thing: "I made a mistake voting for Ranken Technical School," he  voted for it three times, attended all of the talks over several months and participated in the writing of the resolution to have Ranken come to Wentzville. Obviously he was either asleep or just following the group (his specialty) rather than listen to these non-existent protesters. "I voted for it but I made a mistake, people don't want to give them an incentive to come to Wentzville." Guccione made this speech twice in answer to two unrelated questions. He went on to say that he'd only made two mistakes but didn't elaborate on the second. He said he voted against Sam's Club because citizens didn't want it. If the truth be known, the unions that are financing his campaign told him that if he voted for Sam's Club, they'd pull their support. Talk about a special interest group having an Alderman in their pocket, Nick, your it!

If I had to pick a winner of the evening, it would have to be Darrel Lackey. He seemed to have a better command of the audience than Leon Tow and (the campaigning instead of answering questions); Nick Guccione. Both Lackey and Tow answered all of the questions and did a very good job of it but Guccione got a "D" on the questions. In my opinion, the only thing Guccione did right last night was find his way to the school. All of the candidates running for office missed a biggie: the unified new city hall and the economic engine it would start if it were in the downtown area.

One other point of interest, Nick Guccione reiterated in public that he was solely responsible for bringing the GM expansion to Wentzville, He said: "They called me, not the city, they called me." He truly believes that GM would not have expanded if it weren't for him. He claims to be responsible for bringing about a whole shift of employees to GM. I think that talking with the UAW and asking for a campaign donation is a stretch and a far cry from convincing decision makers in Detroit to expand their Wentzville facility—and using the GM logo on his literature is still illegal.

The Alderman candidate winners of the night were: Forrest Gosset (Who was in the hospital), Sonya Shryock (who answered all of the questions with sound conservative answers) and Rick Stokes by a landslide.

This has been a dirty campaign season and Nick Guccione and Donna Sherwood led the pack slinging mud rather than campaigning on their merits or qualifications. Should they be elected, it will be a gray day in Wentzville but I'll still be here reporting on their lack of leadership and crazy antics. It should be fun, at least for me.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Getting Down to the Wire

A couple months ago, I made the statement that I expected The Wentzvillian to be receiving 7,500 to 10,000 page views per month before the election. With the election only eight days away, my prediction was pretty close. As of today, The Wentzvillian is getting over 9,000 page views per month. Thank you to all of my loyal readers and those who find me by accident.

The highlighted candidates are those with the best qualifications to hold the office for which they are seeking. Those with their names scratched through, with the exception of Bill Schuette, were all recruited by Nick Guccione and his gun-moll, Donna Sherwood to take part in their conspiratorial plot to take control of City Hall and Wentzville's Government. The following is a complete list of candidates in the order of filing.


Bill "Lurch" Schuette
"Tricky" Nick Guccione


Jay Webber


Donna "censored" Sherwood
Jeremy Pritchett


RICK STOKES (incumbent)
Rodney E. "Rod" Stratman
Curtis Davis

If the voting citizens of Wentzville elect those candidates picked by The Wentzvillian, the city would go a long way toward cleaning up the mess created by sixteen years of Vickie Boedecker and Paul Lambi hijinx and lack of leadership. Guccione has hand-picked five candidates who's sole purpose would lead to a chaotic, unorganized government and the eventual disgrace of Wentzville in the State of Missouri.

Give this list to your friends, neighbors, and family, let's bring representation and a sound City Government to Wentzville. Ignore the slashing of our good candidates by Guccione and Sherwood, show them that the people of Wentzville demand elected officials who are responsive and attentive to our needs and our reputation around the county.

Addendum A, March 27, 2012, 3:45pm:

Make sure you're come to Candidates Night, tonight at Holt High School in the auditorium. I think you will get a whole new prospective of Nick Guccione and the damage he will do to the reputation of Wentzville if he is elected Mayor. He is not a public speaker, so listen closely to him stumbling around the questions, it should be a riot. If he comes!

Friday, March 23, 2012

GM and Governor Nixon Supporting Guccione?

In my mail box yesterday morning I received the usual; too many bills, junk mail, and some great campaign post cards.  I got cards from Rick Stokes, Nick Guccione, Leon Tow, Darrel Lackey, Forrest Gossett, and Sonya Shryock, WOW, these things are purdy! These candidates have some great graphic designers that have created some real eye catching and informative bits of political posturing. While shuffling through the pile of cards one caught my eye, and I must say Nick Guccione has one of the most creative designers in the bunch, not only graphically but his verbiage is concise and oh so revealing.

I was astounded to see the big GM logo smack-dab in the middle of Guccione's card. I had no Idea that GM was supporting his campaign, I didn't think they actually got into backing local candidates. Guccione must be well-connected to land that monster wallet in his camp. I checked the General Motors website and found that their logo is trade-marked and it is against the law to reproduce it in any form without written permission from the General Motors Corporation. I tried contacting GM to see if they granted him permission but sadly, they are closed on Friday but be sure I will check it out first thing Monday morning. I hope he has permission because if he's wanting to be Mayor, I'm sure the citizens wouldn't want someone who would violate copyright and trademark laws. It is believed that if he disregards laws now, what kind of trouble could he get the City into later if he were Mayor?

Another thing that I noticed; If you read the card, he is taking sole credit for the GM expansion. "Nick knows what it takes to bring back American Jobs! General Motors $380 Million investment in the Wentzville Assembly plant will bring 1,280 new manufacturing jobs to Wentzville and back to America!" I'm sitting here trying to figure out how he single-handedly brought about the GM expansion. What did he do to achieve this monumental feat? He gives his phone number (636-332-1767) on the card, if any of my readers have questions, maybe you can call him and let me know his answer. Give him a call, If he tells you anything, let me know because he won't talk to me, "The Wentzvillian is not legitimate journalism."

The last thing I have a question about is the implication that Mr. Guccione is supported by Governor Nixon. He has a photo of himself posing with the Governor and it is a dandy, I met Matt Blunt once but I didn't have my Kodak, oh well. I was curious about his liaison with Governor Nixion so I emailed his office in Jefferson City to verify the connection. Unfortunately, their response didn't coincide with my post date so I will reprint his response as soon as it is received, stay tuned.

The questions and comments here today could create serious problems to Nick Guccione's credibility and electability if indeed some of these suspicions of mine are confirmed. In my gut, I believe he did not get permission to use GM's trademark, he didn't bring about GM's expansion, and Governor Nixon will respond by saying; Nick who? I will post all new information regarding these items as I get them and I urge my readers to dig into these points as well to find out for yourselves before you vote.

Addendum A, 3 March 2012, 10:00am

After further research, I've found that using the GM logo was not his first use of trade marked logos, he has been stealing the rights to the City of Wentzville's logo for months. Mr. Guccione believes that it's his Aldermanic right to use the City logo if it will assist him in reaching his objective. He uses the City logo on his campaign website and on several hand-outs, without permission that he knows he will never get. This is the candidate who wants to me Mayor, this is the candidate who believes the end justifies the means, this is the candidate who will use every unethical bit of trickery and steal anything that will advance his cause, this is Nick Guccione!

Real Facts, For the Record

"Special Interests

This cry can be heard from Nick Guccione and his campaign manager, Donna Sherwood about all of their opponents. It's become a sort of chant; "HBA, Real Estate Board; HBA Real Estate Board, bla bla bla." They named those two organizations "The Bad Boys" in this election but he left out a few of his own.

I just had a look at Guccione's Missouri Ethics Commission (Campaign) Committee Disclosure Report of 2/18/2012 and guess what, Mr. Guccione's largest campaign contributors are none other than "Special Interest" groups. Unfortunately I haven't received his latest report but this one will do fine for now just to get my point across. He and Sherwood cry this chant when they have an opportunity at any and every event or gathering, he has even stated it in public meetings: "It's just not fair," Wa Wa Wa.

Guccione and Sherwood have always said that these two organizations tell their opponents how to vote and that they control the Board. They say their opponents are sock-puppets and are in the HBA and Real  Estate Board's pockets. I hope he isn't saying that "Special Interest" groups shouldn't donate to campaigns because if they didn't, Guccione and Sherwood would be walking around town wearing sandwich signs reading "Vote for Me."

The following is a list of those groups supporting Guccione and Sherwood with large amounts of cash:

International Union of Elevator Constructors Local #3, St. Louis
Sheet Metal Workers Local Union #36, St. Louis
USCW Local 88 Meatcutters, St. Louis
M Engineering LLC, Union, Missouri
IUPAT Union, Hanover MD
Nicholas Hamilton, St. Paul,  Secretary of two Auto Warranty Companies

This is just six of the "Special Interest" groups donating to Nick Guccone's campaign for Mayor, there are others. My question is; are they going to tell Guccione how to vote, is he going to be in his benefactors pockets, and are any, or all of these benefactors going to expect favors from him and our City as he claims his opponents will do for the HBA and the Real Estate Board?

Guccione has hammered his opponents with trash talk about them and their supporters. He dug up a 20-year old newspaper article and without an ounce of investigation he accused one of his opponents of being a sexual harasser. He has accused another opponent of being the ring-leader and instigator of an evil plot to "hound Mayor Lambi out of office" that would ultimately give his opponent an unfair advantage in the election. He accused a City employee of filing a false complaint about the Mayor and being in on the plot, and every Alderman in the City of Wentzville supported the conspiracy to give his opponent an unfair advantage in the election. He has divulged confidential information to the newspapers and in public meetings and blamed "the blog" for doing it. Mr. Guccione has tried to discredit his opponents in newspapers and other public media at every opportunity with his unfounded accusations and yet he believes himself to be squeeky-clean.

Whether he wins the election or not, he is a scoundrel of the first order, and truly a house of cards. If he is elected, the real loser will be the City of Wentzville. I feel sorry for the voters who have listened to his rhetoric without finding out about his total lack of accomplishments as a useless Alderman or investigating the real candidates, Leon Tow and Darrel Lackey. He smiles very nice for the camera and behind that smile is a man who knows just enough about our city and its government to be seriously dangerous to the future of Wentzville.

This election, April 3rd is crucial to our City. It's a four year commitment to either have an effective Mayor, or one who is severely handicaped both politically and in knowledge of government. Nick Guccione is not a communicator or spokesman, he will disgrace our City to other cities around the county with his lack of public speaking skills, experience, or government savvy, Wentzville can niether afford nor condone Nick Guccione as our Mayor.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Twicky Nicky

"Tricky" Nick Guccione is pulling out all the stops to be Mayor of Wentzville. According to the Wednesday, March 21st Suburban Journal, he is accusing all five Aldermen of "carrying out  a political vendetta against Mayor Paul Lambi,". Guccione must sit up nights with his campaign manager Donna Sherwood dreaming up ridiculous crap to launch on his opponents, and now they're trying to discredit a City employee and the entire Board of Aldermen, and of course he had nothing to do with it.

It's a known fact that Guccione is the weakest Alderman on the Wentzville Board and has no, I repeat, NO accomplishments during five years of service (I use the term "service" lightly) other than taking up space and annoying everybody. Oh, I forgot, he did get a court ruling overthrown for his bar-owner buddy which pissed off a number of his sleepless constituents! But, since he has no record of any consequence, the only thing he can run his campaign on is diversion, deception, and discrediting his more competent opponents. This man really wants to be Mayor and nothing is beyond his or Sherwood's realm of dirty stupid crap to pull. As a matter of fact, the only difference between Sherwood's experience and Guccione's, is that Sherwood never held an office

In the Journal article written by Raymond Castile (which I'm surprised they actually printed), "Alderman Nick Guccione, Ward 3, said the board, led by President Leon Tow, Ward 1, has been carrying out an agenda for more than a year to force Lambi out of office in order to give Tow an advantage in the April 3rd mayoral election." This guy is in la-la land to even think that an unnamed City employee, a seven time President of the board, and four other Aldermen are plotting against him with the Mayor being the sacrificial Lambi. He is accusing his opponent of this ridiculous crap because he cannot possibly win on his own merit.

I have to ask: Where was Mr. Guccione while all this was going on, why is it coming up one week before the election? If this is true, why didn't he blow the whistle over a year ago. Could it be that he and Sherwood just thought it up right before he said it January 11th in a closed meeting and saved it to spring on his opponents one week prior to the election? He is a twicky little wascal.

A City employee filed an official complaint against Mayor Paul Lambi and protocol demanded an investigation, and that is exactly what has been going on. What Guccione is really saying is; if a City employee files a complaint about an elected official, don't investigate it, let the complaint fall on deaf ears, don't do anything, business as usual with Guccione. GuccioneLen Tow, and the rest of the Board were acting according to policy and procedure and Guccione in his paranoid style twisted it to say they were scheming against him, everything is about him. In the January 11, 2012 closed session meeting minutes while discussing the process, it states: "Ald. Guccione expressed concern if the Mayor would resign Ald. Tow, as President of the Board, would become Mayor ProTem and give him an advantage in the Mayor's election." Guccione wasn't thinking about the employee complaint or that Mayor Lambi may have done something wrong or illegal, he was thinking about politics—exactly what I've reported on several times over the months. He is all political! Mayor Lambi didn't resign, the City employee complaint was filed, the investigation was turned over to another authority, and Guccione is left with nothing else to campaign on except slash and burn, so what's the reason for his mysterious allegations?

This is an ill calculated desperation move that will have cataclysmic effects on Guccione regardless if he wins or loses, think about it. He has admitted that he doesn't get any respect from the Board regarding his corn-ball non-issues and now he's insured that if he does become Mayor, their respect may have been somewhat diminished. If he doesn't win, he has to sit on the Board for one more year with even less respect and probably no support. He's pulled this stunt in a last ditch effort to get his recruits elected to the Board and when that doesn't happen, he is in serious trouble. If Guccione was a dictator of a small Mideast country, he would be  the reason the rest of the world wouldn't want that country developing nuclear weapons.

He doesn't think about trying to work with the Board, he thinks he needs to get rid of them. Regardless of the fine job this Board has done in the last two years, they just don't fit into his grand scheme of control. Maybe he thinks they're working too hard and it's making him look bad by comparison but that's not a difficult task. It must be something else, something deeper, something more profound, naaaa, he's just nuts!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Take A Letter Maria

It really bothers a lot of people about what happened at last Wednesday's Board of Aldermen meeting. Candidate for Mayor, Nick Guccione admitted writing a letter to the St. Charles County courts siding with the owner of Caddy Shack, the bar on the Wentzville Parkway. Residents were furious after going to court and wining a judgement to stop the loud music late at night just to have Guccione have it overturned at the county level. He got an ear full of criticizm at that meeting from a gentleman resident of that subdivision while others stood in support of him.

The Wentzvillian has gotten dozens of emails regarding this situation and they all want to know why Nick Guccione went against the wishes of the citizens in the subdivision behind Caddy Shack. They claimed that "Guccione uses the bar as his campaign headquarters and he had a conflict of interest just writing the letter." Let's face it, in plain and simple terms he screwed up again, which has become a reoccurring theme of his entire campaign. Maybe he figured that it wasn't a big deal doing a favor for his friend and benefactor but two to one says he just reacted rather than think it through, another prominent thesis in his political career. He defended himself during his Alderman report saying that he has had fund-raisers there but denies it's his campaign headquarters, yet he never named a location of his headquarters.

Every chance Guccione gets he points out that he is the "peoples candidate" then he turns right around to blow off citizens who were only trying to get some sleep at night. This was no accident, as with anything else, if you want to find the answer; just follow the money. Guccione admits gaining financially from the bar by holding poker tournaments to fund his campaign and although I haven't checked public record, I'd bet he got a substantial donation from the establishment in addition. Guccione is playing both sides of the fence and in this instance he drove a bulldozer through it. Shame on you Mr. Guccione for letting money get in the way of good judgement and taking a giant dump on the heads of those same citizens who put you in office in the first place. I sincerely hope this issue goes viral and you get exactly what you deserve, a giant dump on your election hopes!

Guccione has done some incredibly stupid things in his political career but this one has to rank right up there on top of the pile. These good citizens should take this to the streets and undo all the lies he's spewed all over town about being the "citizens candidate." He cannot knee-cap an entire subdivision of voters and expect them to support his candidacy for anything. This incident should kick his ass back several months in damage control, I don't know how he can justify or lie his way out of this one. These voters talk with one another, they have families and friends, it will be heard around this fair city that there's a snake trying to slither his way into the top spot.

I urge all of my readers to cut and paste this blog into your emails to your friends, acquaintances, and families, put a nickle in their slot and get them playing this message to every voter in the city. Ask your friends if they are willing to go into that voting booth and blindly vote for a man who would smile to your face and lift your wallet at the same time. He doesn't care about Wentzville or the good citizens here, he cares about getting elected, being accepted, feeling important, and being powerful. In this instance he's proven without a doubt that he is interested in money and winning the election, not you the people of Wentzville. For Guccione, it will be a monumental task trying to patch up the hole in this fence.

A message to Mr. Guccione: People may forget what you say but they will always remember how you made them feel. You made many people feel great frustration and that will spread into the voting booths, as it should. I would have thought that a "peoples candidate" would write a letter supporting the people, not a bar owner. Good luck talking your way out of this one!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Darrel Lackey Meet & Greet

The election is just two weeks away and the following "Meet and Greet" was received by the "Wentzvillian" to be posted here for my readers. Come on down to the "Olde Towne Pub" to meet and learn about Darrel Lackey's plans for the future of our city. Click on the following link to go to Darrel Lackey's website for more information about Mr. Lackey:

An invitation was given to all candidates running for office in the 2012 election to place their bio/platform here. This offer is open for any legitimate, independent-thinking, registered candidate to post their political platform. (If you are a candidate and want your platform presented here, email it to: Submissions will be posted in the order of receipt and unedited.)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Barbershop Campaign Chiautaqua

The election is just over two weeks away and the following notice was received by the "Wentzvillian" to be posted here for my readers. Bring your family to the S&K Barber Shop to meet and speak with candidates: Leon Tow, Mayor; Forrest Gossett, Alderman Ward 1; Sonya Shryock, Alderman Ward 2; and Rick Stokes, Alderman Incumbent Ward 3. about their plan for the future of our city.

Campaign Chautauqua

S&K Barber Shop
604 West Pearce Blvd.
(Next to Subway Sandwich Shop)

March 21, 2012
10:00am to 2:00pm

Come out to this "old-time" meet and greet hosted by Steve and Ken of S&K Barber Shop. Your candidates for Wentzville will be there for your questions and conversation regarding issues facing our city. If you come in for a haircut between 10:00am and 2:00pm, you'll receive $2.00 off any standard cut. Find out what's happining and hear the candidates plan for the future of Wentzville in this unique forum. Here is your opportunity to meet a Mayor candidate and Aldermen candidates from each ward:

Mayor Candidate:

Leon Tow, Alderman Ward 1

 Aldermen Candidates:

Forrest Gossett, Ward 1
Sonya Shryock, Ward 2
Rick Stokes, Incumbent Ward 3

Come on out and visit with your candidates!

An invitation was given to all candidates running for office in the 2012 election to place their bio/platform here. This offer is open for any legitimate, independent-thinking, registered candidate to post their political platform/information. (If you are a candidate and want your information presented here, email it to: Submissions will be posted in the order of receipt and unedited.)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Let There Be Music

I spent the last two days in a remote little town in Southern Missouri taking in some possibly undeserved rest and relaxation, this town is so far back in the woods that I had no cell phone reception. While I was gone, rumors of my demise were running rampant and a half-dozen messages appeared on my phone as soon as I hit the interstate. These friends were concerned about my health and welfare because no one had seen or heard from me since the city meeting of last Wednesday, March 13th. The problem as I see it is; there was so much press over the happenings of that meeting for the last few days that when I didn't immediately post about it, people thought that I might have been dropped in the river. In the words of my favorite author, Mark Twain: "Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated," but it's nice to know that people care, I thank all of you. I looked online when getting back and noticed the local news services had all kinds of stuff about Wednesday's meeting except the following:

The fun started when a gentleman citizen (and voter, I hope) came before the board to complain about the noise generated by the live music coming from Caddy Shack, a lounge on the Wentzville Parkway. This music can be heard throughout his subdivision keeping people awake until after one o'clock in the morning. He went on to say that they had gone before the Board of Aldermen before about the same matter but nothing was done so the residents took the owner of Caddy Shack to court and won. After the case was decided, the owner appealed in a St. Louis County court and he solicited a Wentzville Alderman to write a letter on his behalf, consequently, the ruling was overturned. The man alleged that the unnamed Alderman was using Caddy Shack as a campaign headquarters and claimed he had a conflict of interest—my ears perked up with this news.

I was curious who the Alderman was that wrote this letter in favor of the bar and against the residents of the subdivision behind it, I didn't have to wait long,  During the "Aldermen Reports," Nick Guccione, being the paranoid, double-dealing politico that he is; confessed it all, how he'd been wagging his tongue at both ends. I have to wonder about him, he constantly says he's the "people's candidate," but the first chance he gets, he throws those same "people" under the bus.

To the residents who live behind "Caddy Shack," remember this on election day, April 3rd, when you go to the polls to elect a new mayor— Nick Guccione is responsible for your late nights and the reason you're unable to sleep. Actually you are probably lucky, at least he didn't arrange for you to have to pay a cover charge. Tell your friends, family, and  other voting residents who it is that lies about being the "people's candidate." Mr. Guccione listens and reacts to the last person, or in this case business owner who talks to him, regardless of the consequences to the City or his campaign.

Another interesting fact behind this subject: Originally, there was an overlay district that banned live entertainment on the Wentzville Parkway. It was to keep residents from hearing all the late-night noise coming from those types of establishments. You need to know that Nick Guccione and his buddies; Bill Schuette and John Luby got all that changed to allow it to happen. I couldn't expect them to understand that this problem was thought out long before these geniuses were elected. So now, the people living behind establishments on the Wentzville Parkway with loud music late into the night will just need to get used to it, thanks to Guccione and Schuette, who by the way are both running for mayor. Their slogans should be: "A vote for me is a vote for a band in every back yard, with no cover charge" I have much more to say about this meeting last Wednesday but I'll save it for my next blog.

(On the campaign trail): I do have one thing to report on the candidates of Ward 2. As you know, I have scratched through Donna Sherwood and today I received several emails containing new information regarding her campaign but I'll save that for another time also. I have been on the fence about her opponents for quite awhile and it's time to announce my choice: Sonia Shryock for Alderman of Ward 2. I've made this decision after months of watching and listening to them and their motives, Ms. Shyrock has convinced me that she is a free-thinking independent candidate and deserves your vote. I believe she will represent the citizens of Ward 2 with honesty and integrity.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Rick Stokes, Ward 3 Incumbent

For the past 23 months Rick Stokes has been my Alderman in Ward 3. He has accomplished more than I ever would have expected for his constituents and the City. His initiative to lower real property taxes by $500,000 was unprecedented. He is an independant, free-thinking Alderman answering to Ward 3 citizens, whose mission is the betterment of Wentzville and Ward 3.

Incumbent Alderman, Ward 3
Promises Made

  • I promised to bring more jobs to Wentzville, and help retain businesses.
  • I promised to lower taxes and bring fiscal responsibility to our City Government.
  • I promised to help grow our parkland and increase green space for our community.
  • I promised to be an active Alderman, to listen to concerns and help residents work with City Hall.
  • I promised to be open-minded and make the right decision based on the impact to Ward 3 residents and the City of Wentzville as a whole.
Promises Kept

  • Jobs - GM Plant Expansion, SAM'S and New Home Construction.
  • Taxes - Proposed, Introduced, and Passed $500,000 property tax reduction. A FIRST in Wentzville History.
  • Responsible Government - I have been challenging the status quo in City Hall
  • Parks - Ensuring maximum value for the half-cent park fund tax.
  • Leadership - I have been working together with Citizens, Businesses, and City Staff for Wentzville prosperity.
Promise For Tomorrow

As your Alderman, my focus is to continue working for residents of Ward 3. I believe we still have much to do. This includes the continuation of creating jobs, focusing on smart growth, creating an environment for better housing values, creating a smart, efficient work flow in City Hall, and continuing to be fiscally responsible to the residents of Wentzville.

I ask for your support and your vote on April 3rd. With your help, I will continue to keep the promises that I make to the residents of Ward 3.

Rick Stokes
3703 Bedford Pointe Court
Wentzville, MO 63385

There is only one truly deserving candidate for Ward 3, Incumbent Rick Stokes. His record in his first term (in only the first 23 months of office) is nothing short of incredible. He gathered support from other Alderman and demanded staff to cut Wentzville real estate taxes by $500,000. Stokes supported Alderman Cheryl Kross to bring back the "Storm Water Utility Tax," which would have cost homeowners and businesses over $300,000 a year, to throw it in the trash. He is responsible for having city staff investigate all city contracts to find and stop waste spending. In only 23 months, of his first term with his initiatives, he accomplished more than any alderman I've seen on the board over the last ten years. He is truly a representative of citizens and taxpayers, I am proud to call him my Alderman in Ward 3. Anyone in Wentzville who owns a home, business or pays taxes should realize his potential and vote him in for another two year term. He has served with honor, integrity, and always on the side of Wentzville, I am excited for the future of Wentzville with his energy and leadership in city hall.

Alderman and Mayor candidate Nick Guccione recruited two men to run against Stokes in the upcoming election. They are; Rodney Stratman and Curtis Davis, I urge my readers to cross them off your voting list when you go to the polls. Send Guccione the message that the "good old boy" days of collusion and conspiracy are over in in Ward 3 and Wentzville.

An invitation was given to all candidates running for office in the 2012 election to place their bio/platform here. This offer is open for any legitimate, independent-thinking, registered candidate to post their political platform. (If you are a candidate and want your platform presented here, email it to: Submissions will be posted in the order of receipt and unedited.)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Up Your Politics!

There was a conversation the other day in my favorite place—the local barbershop, about what else, politics. The subject revolved around guess who, Nick Guccione, and his pitiful record as Alderman in Ward 3. Let me tell you, if he'd been a fly on the wall, and if flies had ears, his would have been burning. This time of year politics is the topic of conversation almost everywhere but since this is a mayor election it's really intensified.

There were some things said that opened my eyes about Guccione and his attitude and actions throughout his political career. I use the term "political career" literally because that's exactly what he's had; a political career. To him, his job as alderman isn't to work for the city, it's to act, think, and spew full-time politics—to be elected or re-elected. Everything he says and does is political, be it in chambers or in public. There is no moment in time when he isn't pandering, campaigning, or snivelling about how unfair everyone is with him, "It's all about me again," poor me, poor me! If you look at his record of the last five years (and I have), he has contributed absolutely nothing in the Board of Aldermen meetings, he always follows the lead of someone else. His record is as ugly as a mud fence, not once did he introduce anything original that was codified.

Guccione doesn't speak in meetings, it stands to reason, if you don't know anything you can't say anything, intelligently anyway. When he does jump in, it's either to agree with someone or repeat something someone else had already said. When he does come up with something, it's either useless or political and he ends up eating another foot sandwich. For all he's accomplished they should set a bobble head on the Dias next to the Mayor and every once in a while he could flick it at the appropriate time, at least then he wouldn't be sticking his foot in his mouth any farther than it already is.

If something negative happens with his campaign and everyone is looking at him, he will blame it on anyone who is handy. He never takes responsibility for anything. When his campaign manager, Donna Sherwood, filed the false ethics violation against his opponent Leon Tow on behalf of his campaign committee he said; "I told her not to do it." It's all her fault, he'll find anyone he can to throw under the bus. That happened again last week when his crews were caught removing his opponent's (Darrel Lacky) campaign literature, "I didn't know they were doing that, they did it," everybody else is to blame. When he blabbed to the St. Louis Post Dispatch reporter about the confidential details surrounding the now famous secret meetings he said, "I didn't do it, it was the blog, the blog did it. I'll take a lie detector test" 

As I predicted, now he's done something reprehensible, he has started his smear campaign against Darrel Lackey. He took a 20 year old newspaper article and passed it around in his Coffee Talk without any knowledge of the subject and smeared Lackey's good name in front of the citizens in attendance. This is pure Sherwood who got it from Boedeker, it's the same tired old shit she tried almost 20 years ago, it didn't work then, and it won't work now! I know where Mr. Lackey told Guccione to stick his article and The Wentzvillian would be more than happy to help him in this effort. In case Guccione is curious, this crap he pulled is what inspired this blog today!

Sooner or later your lies get you in a corner and his ass is in the corner so tight it would take a tractor to break the suction. I would almost lay odds that he and Sherwood will not show up at Candidates Night. There is no way he can intelligently debate issues, especially with the likes of Leon Tow and Darrel Lacky and their combined 30+ years of service to Wentzville. That night Wentzville will find out the real truth about his knowledge of the city. Those who attend will have a moment of clarity and everyone will know that he is a loser. It's gonna be a party, those guys will eat his lunch!

Nick Guccione is a coward, he won't take responsibility for any of his actions or neglect and his record is more worthless than a shovel-full of chicken tracks. I can only imagine what he'd do to our city if he were to be elected Mayor. He isn't the greatest at taking good advice and he doesn't realize that history has a special place for politicians like him, especially in a small town like Wentzville. When he loses this election, I don't know how he's going to be able to face the Board of Aldermen, his constituents, and our new Mayor; Leon Tow or Darrel Lackey with the things that he's said and done. What I do know is this; no matter what happens in this election, he will still be there, and The Wentzvillian will be here putting a microscope up his politics!

A few questions for Nick: Mr. Guccione, your opponents are talking about important issues pertaining to this city, all you can do is talk about is your opponents. Is it really true that you know nothing about the issues and challenges facing Wentzville's government so you do what you know—smear? Do you talk about your opponents because you have no concept of what being Mayor is all about? And last but not least: When you hear thunder and see lightning, do you know that it's actually the sight and sound you see and hear when you pull your head out of your ass?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Darrel Lackey, Mayor Candidate

Darrel Lackey, candidate for Mayor has submitted his bio/platform to be published in "The Wentzvillian." Mr. Lackey has been interview many times and "The Wentzvillian" Knows his credential and experience. He is an independent-thinking, registered candidate for Mayor. The following press release was just received, for immediate release:


Improve the Quality of Life for our Citizens through the future reduction in taxation.
  • Become better stewards of taxpayers money
  • Reduce wasteful spending
  • Examine our departmental budgets to reduce inefficiencies
  • Formulate a committee of Citizens to advise the Board of Aldermen and Mayoral Office on Ideas for the reduction of spending
Darrel Lackey and his bride of 38 years have made Wentzville home since 1975. They have three grown daughters and two grandchildren that make their homes in St. Charles County.
Attract more quality jobs to improve sustainable employment.
  • Work with County, State, and Federal Resources to strategize the targeting of specific industries that will complement our Educational, Cultural, and Geographic Advantages
  • Review and update our current requirements for the opening of new businesses
  • Develop and enhance strategic partnerships between Educational, Civic, Business, and Governmental entities in order to create a United Effort in attracting quality employers
Darrel Lackey is currently a Financial Adviser with Waddell and Reed, Inc. located in Downtown Wentzville. He is a Chamber member and has been in the Financial Services Industry for 37 years.
Improve and update our parks and roadways.
  • Begin the implementation of the Parks Master Plan by working closely with the Parks and Recreation Board in the development of new recreational venues
  • Identify "problematic" intersections with our City Staff in order to re-design those areas resulting in a smoother traffic flow
  • Calibrate traffic signals in order to provide a smoother flow of traffic at all times
Darrel Lackey has enjoyed being there to coach his daughters' softball teams, and enjoys playing golf during his off time. He is also a die hard Cardinal's and Ram's fan.
  • Wentzville Alderman, Ward 2 1987-1992 (3 terms)
  • Wentzville Mayor 1992-1995 (2 terms)
  • Wentzville Alderman, Ward 3 2002-2006 (2 terms)
  • Wentzville Township Committeeman 2004-2010 (3 terms)
  • Knights of Columbus 3rd Degree Knight
  • Wentzville Rotary Club (president 2000)
  • Wentzville Downtown Business Association (Director)
  • Wentzville Historical Society
  • Wentzville Chamber of Commerce
  • National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA)
  • Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow (LUTCF)
  • Certified Mutual Funda Counselor
Past experience and strong desire to foster equal partnerships between the Citizens, Business Owners, and the Board of Aldermen, in order to continue Wentzville's great reputation as being a Place to Live - Work - Play.

Darrel Lackey
David Reynolds, Treasurer
An invitation was given to all candidates running for office in the 2012 election to place their bio/platform here. This offer is open for any legitimate, independent-thinking, registered candidate to post their political platform. (If you are a candidate and want your platform presented here, email it to: Submissions will be posted in the order of receipt and unedited.)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Questions, Questions

I was talking with a friend who had a great suggestion. He wanted to post a list of questions to the candidates here on The Wentzvillian that might be fodder for thought at "Candidates Night." After thinking about his suggestion for just a few minutes, I had to agree. Unfortunately, the Chamber of Commerce "Candidates Night," has never put candidates on the spot with hard questions. You know, the ones that get too near the truth. Let's see how this works:

1. Name one piece of original legislation you brought forth to be codified?
2. What do you believe to be your greatest accomplishment in your political career? Being elected doesn't count.
3. Can you read a balance sheet?
4. Do you believe the practice of an elected official recruiting candidates to be ethical?
5. Have you or your campaign ever filed an unfounded ethics violation against an opponent, if so, why?
6. What qualifications do you have to manage 180 employees and a city with a budget of over $80 million dollars?
7. Why do you want to be elected?
8. What would you fix in the City" Assuming something is busted.
9. What would you fix in the City? That isn't busted.
10. Is this a stepping-stone to higher political aspirations?

There's ten questions right off the top of my head, and now in this parody I'm taking the liberty to answer for the Mayor candidates; Bill Schuette and Nick Guccione.

1. (Schuette) I was close once when I tried to get the city to shovel the snow from certain peoples' driveways: (Guccione) Was I supposed to do that?
2. (Schuette) Learning that trying to get the city to shovel snow from certain peoples' driveways was against state statutes: (Guccione) Feeling important.
3. (Schuette) Is that the specification for carburetor float levels?; (Guccione) No, Yes, I mean No! Yes it's definitely No today.
4. (Schuette) It depends.; (Guccione) Of course, how else can I get the other Aldermen to talk to me?
5. (Schuette) part a-Yes. b.-I like screwing with people.; (Guccione) part a.-Yes. part b.-Donna Sherwood did it, If I'd known about it, I would have told her not to do it.
6. (Schuette) Because I want to.; (Guccione) Have you seen my home, it's beautiful!.
7. (Schuette) Because I like to dress up and party a lot.; (Guccione) This is the break I've been waiting for.
8. (Schuette) I've never had an office before but the Mayor's office in city hall isn't as cool as Chief Harrisons, so when I get elected we're switching.; (Guccione) Do I get a secretary?
9. (Schuette) If it ain't busted, I can fix that.; (Guccione) I will strive to get Mike Carter re-elected to our court, I don't think he got a fair shake last time. I have changed my mind and am for him now.
10. (Schuette) Well, if I get elected and I like it, then yeah why not.; (Guccione) This is small-time, I want to brush shoulders with Claire McCaskil, Al Franken, and Joe Biden. I did pick a winner when I voted for Barack Obama, I think that qualifies me to aspire to loftier positions!

I'd like to see some questions from my readers, post them here and make sure you go to the Candidates Night event to ask the candidates.

On the campaign trail: Here's a news flash: As we all know, Guccione is a great whiner and complainer, as noted in the February 8th board meeting when he whined; "People are moving my signs, I have them on tape." Horse pucky, tell us another one. I know the games Guccione and Sherwood play, they use the "poor me" crap in an effort to appeal to those who would feel sorry for them. They've even gone so far as doing minor damage to their own homes and blaming political opponents trying to get the "poor me" vote.

Well this week they got caught red-handed by one of Gucciones opponents. It seems that his crews are following other candidates into various subdivisions and removing their literature from citizens doors. I had forgotten about that bit of sneaky crap they pull. When confronted by Darrel Lackey about it Guccione said; "I didn't know anything about that." He didn't deny they were doing it he merely said he didn't know they were doing it. Meadow muffins! Nick, you ordered it and condoned it. C'mon, do you really think that anyone is really going to believe that you and Sherwood don't use that silly shit stunt regularly? Anytime you hear them complain about something it's because they're already doing it to others candidates. It's like I've always said, Guccione and Sherwood can't win on their merits, or rather their lack of.

A warning to anyone opposing Guccione or Sherwood: When you walk the streets of Ward 2, or anywhere in the city, keep an eye over your shoulder, Nick and Donna are more than likely watching to take your literature.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Clown Town Could Be Coming Back To Wentzville

I've been watching the campaign for Ward 2 very closely and the voters in that ward need to know what's going on. Ward 2 citizens had no idea about the black-eye coming when they elected Bill Schuette and they need to realize that for the last two elections the other black-eye, Donna Sherwood, has been trying her best to be elected to an office and embarrass them again. This is her third try, don't be fooled by all the signs she has all over Ward 2, she is no well-versed candidate for anything, but her trickery abounds.

Sonya Shryock and Jeremy Pritchett are running against Sherwood and on real issues offering real solutions to a growing Wentzville and its challenges, all Sherwood wants is to be Nick Guccione's stooge on the board. Unfortunately for Guccione, he doesn't know or want to believe that if she is elected, he'll be her stooge—the bottom line is; Ward 2 residents get another poke in the eye and Wentzville looses.

Shryock and Pritchett's campaign's are running on their own money and they don't have two years worth of dusty old signs from two unsuccessful campaigns lying around like Sherwood has to stick all over Ward 2. I see now where Sherwood has two shiny new four foot by eight foot signs out on the Wentzville Parkway sporting a glamour shot of her mug on them. Like Schuette before her, she's loud, arrogant, and self-serving. She knows nothing of city government as evidenced by her weekly photo-ops she used to appear in during city meetings at the expense of the taxpayers. It's funny how she stopped doing those right after The Wentzvillian called her on it, too bad, I rather enjoyed watching her make a fool of herself staggering around issues she knew nothing about. It will be very interesting watching her try to fool the public into thinking she knows what she's talking about at the Chamber of Commerce "Candidate's Night," March 27th at the Holt high school auditorium. God I hope the local radio station airs this event!

As I've stated many times before, Sherwood is Guccione's campaign manager but I'm not sure who's advising who as they are both equally inept regarding city issues. Even more interesting, I've heard that they have recruited one-term ex-judge Mike Carter to assist them with their campaign—there's a party! You remember Judge Carter, some legislators have stated that he almost single-handedly sunk the Wentzville judicial system budget in only two years. It's funny because Nick Guccione and Bill Schuette were the most vocal on the Board of Aldermen to remove Carter from his job as Judge, now it appears that Guccione and Carter are best buds. That group should get along well, very well indeed, all three of them are a little narrow between the eyes.

Sherwood has been around since the days of Vickie Boedeker, she was one of Vickie's goons, heading up the terrorist division of Boedeker's campaigns. It's evident that Sherwood learned her craft of underhanded politics very well in those days long before Guccione. She knows all sorts of tricks such as; filing ethics violations against opponents whether they are true or false, putting up campaign signs 30 days prior to the allowed time knowing that the city would give her 30 days notice to remove them, and disguising her campaigning before the voters on camera in city meetings as a concerned citizen. This is a short list, but there are many more devious tactics she brings to the table.

Perhaps Sherwood's most unethical campaign strategy learned from Vickie is one she's using in Guccione's campaign. As his campaign manager, she has recommended recruiting candidates to run against highly effective intelligent sitting Aldermen in an effort to split the vote and stack the board with their zombies who will vote what ever way Guccione and Sherwood want. The thought process here is: If your ideas are so bad that no other Alderman will go along with them, simply replace them. This is the Guccione/Sherwood strategy which puts in place people who have never even considered running for public public office in their lives. They go along with the promise that they will not have to know what to do or how to do it, just follow their lead. The chaotic Board of Schuette, Guccione and Luby are a testament to that strategy gone awry, with no intelligent leader, they really screwed up the city.

If Sherwood/Guccione should get elected, it will be a sad day for Ward 2 and Wentzville as a whole, but The Wentzvillian will be shittin' in tall cotton with great stories of clown-town. I'm relatively sure that the good citizens of Ward 2 know what to do when they go to the polls to cast their vote April 3rd, I'm equally sure what the citizens will do with Guccione. Vote: Sonya Shryock or Jeremy Pritchett for Ward 2 and Leon Tow or Darrel Lackey for Mayor. To insure an honest and ethical government you need to elect honest and ethical people to represent your city's best interests.