Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Opinion, or Fact?

I've had discussions with friends and acquaintances regularly over the years about Wentzville government and its elected officials. Some of those conversations were calm and others  led to outbursts of language of a somewhat inappropriate manner, even to the extent of questioning my lineage. The Wentzvillian has been criticized by mayors, aldermen, and a host of ... let's say ... fans, who strongly disagree with my reviews.
The Wentzvillian has been called polarizing, I disagree. Those who make those claims are separating themselves by drawing lines, all I do is enlighten citizens by shining light on where the lines have been drawn. There's a fine line (like an electric fence) between ethical and unethical and I stand on that fence watching closely which side our elected officials choose to work from. It may sound strange, but some people who dabble on the "wrong side," don't like being called out for their actions. Mayor Nickolas Guccione tests that fence frequently, and that's probably why I don't get Christmas cards from him anymore. Many aldermen over the years have also scratched my name from their dance cards simply because I'm unafraid to give "my opinion" and tell it like it is ... publicly.
A couple of months ago, a personal friend of mine became frustrated after he asked me what was going on in city hall. The discussion was regarding a particular alderman and after I told him "...she's a lousy alderman...," he was mildly miffed regarding what I said. He disagreed and told me about it by saying; "That's just your opinion, she's one of the best on the board," I laughed and said; "No, that's just your opinion." So what's the difference between his opinion and mine?
I'm as informed about our city government as any regular citizen and more than the vast majority. When I asked my friend the basis of his opinion, he didn't really have a good reason other than that mine stinks, so I knew it was a personal thing and not based on fact. I know my friend, I see him at public meetings maybe twice a year, which is hardly enough contact with the government to base his opinion upon. On the other hand, for years I've attended every scheduled Board of Aldermen meeting, except for an infrequent absence, because watching elected officials deportment during the meetings reveals so much more than watching a video. In addition, I investigate public record to help connect the dots and fill in the blanks ... sooner or later it all comes together. My friend had spoken socially with the alderman in question and based his opinion on her opinion of me, and right now her opinion of me is less than ideal ... it's just that simple.
Opinions vary, and the validity of any opinion is education of the subject matter. My friend's opinion is "just his opinion," based on his business needs and social contact with elected officials. My opinion is "just my opinion" to him, but is based of years in city hall watching meetings and digging through public record. Am I always right when I speculate? Absolutely not, but it's closer to the truth than most other opinions of people who are not concerned and do not investigate their government. When I speculate with little or no information, that's "my opinion," but when qualified with facts gained through observation and research, it's a much different animal than "just my opinion." I wish more voters were active and attended the alderman's meetings. If they did, we would have a much better and more effective government — elected officials would know they are being observed and stand the chance of being criticized if they jump the electric fence.

I've come to see some politicians more in the family; Homo Rodentia than Homo Sapiens. When you're armed with the facts, and you corner one, look out, they tend to bite. A few years back I had one of these rodents attack me at a public meeting of a local organization here in Wentzville. He didn't like an article I published which pointed out some of his shenanigans. After raising his voice and disrupting the meeting, I asked him what it was that I printed that wasn't true? He fumbled with his papers, "Well uh ... uh," he had nothing. He hadn't expected me to ask that question, and that's when he realized he'd made a fool of himself, which was basically the point of the article!

Elected officials react differently when confronted with truths that they would rather not have publicly known. A couple of alderman were using their "charms" (for lack of a better word), to appeal to my personal friends in an effort to persuade me to back off of my investigations into their political games. To them I say; give it up, my friends know that I'm an idealist who deplores hypocrisy — as long as there's a hint of unethical behavior, and I find out about it, it will be exposed. No amount of influence you may have on my friends will change the course of my reports. I suggest to those elected officials who don't like what I have to say, maybe you need to change the way you are doing things, try acting like you are "By the people, For the people, and Of the people," not "In the people, On the people, and Through the people!" So many elected officials today don't know the correct use of a preposition.

This past weekend, my friend came up to me and said, "You need to stop telling lies on your blog." I asked him if he might share with me the lies I'm posting; "Well uh ... uh," Again, he had nothing. I know the alderman he's enamoured with, and I had to laugh at him because he's so wrapped around this elected officials little finger it isn't funny. I simply told him, "If you don't like what I post, I suggest you don't read it." His response; "I don't." Then what the hell are you talking about!

I'm amazed how most people believe the half-truths or downright lies told to them by politicians. I was told by another friend; "The Wentzvillian fueled the fire of the lawsuit against the city, and others, by Chief Harrison." If I hadn't published the findings of the County Prosecutor of September 11, 2013 (click here), the whole matter would have been swept under the rug and covered up in executive session — the citizens of Wentzville would have never know of the alleged criminal actions going on with their elected officials.

The same thing happened a couple of years ago with the Lambi scandal, had I not investigated and revealed the things that were going on then, the entire situation would have been whitewashed and plowed under. I took a lot of heat and ridicule regarding the Lambi scandal, and today, it seems to be my fault that this lawsuit was filed. The only thing I can say about these matters is; Lambi plead guilty to the Missouri Ethics Commissions charges, the plaintiffs in the lawsuit of today will have their day in court, and the citizens of Wentzville continue to be warned about underhanded things going on in our city.

Mayor Nickolas Guccione (one of the most unethical politicians to ever be elected) has stated publicly that what I do is not journalism. This is one of the very few instances when he was correct and right on target. I am not a journalist, nor ever claimed to be, what I do is more in the line of investigative critical review. People all over the country do not trust the government, they are tired of being manipulated and lied to. What I do is to enlightened the citizens of Wentzville of what our local government is really doing and how it is really being done. If some elected politicians want to continue their legacy of lies, diversion, and deceit, The Wentzvillian will be here to expose them — that is not an opinion, that is a fact.

Stay tuned, I'm onto something that may raise more than a few eyebrows in the city.

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Brain Trust Speaks!

The Wentzville Board of Aldermen meeting last Wednesday, May 14, 2014 was about what I had expected—uneventful. With three new aldermen sitting in on their first full meeting, and the absence of the incessantly-questioning Alderman Cheryl Kross, it went pretty quick, (even though it was a fairly large agenda) ending just after 8:00pm. Had Kross been there, given her elevated status; Board President and her usual nit-picking nonsensical-minutia of questions, the meeting could have easily gone on for another hour or two.
I can forgive the mistakes of the new aldermen when trying to adapt to meeting procedure for their first couple of months, but when they interject self-serving questions and statements during their inaugural meeting, they've crossed their representative line. The brain trust who was elected to replace one of Wentzville's finest aldermen Rick Stokes, Ms. Linda Wright has shown herself to be interested in herself and the subdivision in which she lives. Judge for yourself:
Under section; "Community Development, (ID # 5171) Public Hearing - Pete Murtaugh of Ranken Technical College, applicant on behalf of the property owner, Terry Nelson Carpenter's District Council of Greater St Louis, is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a Technical or Trade School for Ranken Technical College. The site is located on the west side of Par Road, approximately 1,400 feet north of Highway A. 14-35-PZ"
When the reality that Ranken might actually come into Wentzville several years ago, Mayor Nickolas Guccione had designs on becoming mayor, Union hack that he is, he opposed every vote that was ever taken on this matter. After he was elected, it was rah-rah-rah for Ranken. The only time he spoke during the public hearing was to give a shout-out for his Union bros.
Wright was another story. When the Ranken representative displayed the site plan of the proposed new school, he also noted "future expansion," which is of an indefinite time frame — could be one year, could be ten years, maybe never, depending upon growth of the program. Mr. Murtaugh made this clear to everyone, except our brain-trust Alderman Wright. He explained the site plan; "if this future development" takes place, they would require a curb-cut on Mexico Road. That's when Ms. Wright thought it necessary to take exception. "Where is this on Mexico Road," she asked? So, with the help of staff, Mr. Murtaugh answered her question. Wright looked away towards the mayor and said, "We are very happy with Mexico Road right now?" 
As many of you may know, Ms. Wright lives just off of Mexico road. Could it be that she doesn't want growth that may impede her trips to WalMart, bringing more traffic onto her beloved Mexico road? It reminds me of the Lurchettes some years back when they ran for alderman seats to stop the building of subdivisions adjacent to theirs because it ruined their views of the beautiful woods they could see from their decks. It didn't work for them, and it won't work for you. For some reason this city has become growth-crazy and that snowball was pushed down the hill some twenty years ago—get used to it! At any rate, I see a lot of self-serving in her future on the Board of Aldermen. Her lack of knowledge about this city and it's government is astounding, but after all, some of you have decided that she is the best-of-the-best, and elected her to represent us in Ward 3—Thanks!

Ms. Wright, knowing that you work at the Obamacare facility here in Wentzville, you aren't one of those employees who sat around collecting a Federal paycheck and did nothing, and currently being investigated by Claire McCaskell, are you? Please divulge this information to your constituents at a public meeting. In the name of open government it should be on the record who we elected, don't you think?
* * * * *
Alderman Chris Gard took the lead on making 90 percent of the motions last Wednesday, and we should be so proud of Michael Hays who set a great example of how to raise one's hand to second 95 percent of Gard's motions. Way to go Mr. Hays, you have become the pride of Ward 3. With two of Guccione's brain-trusts sitting on the board it's going to be like watching a sideshow. God, Ward 3 is in deep #?*@!
* * * * *
About the big lawsuit; there have been lengthy executive session meetings held after the last two regular alderman meetings. I figured it was regarding the lawsuit brought by Chief Lisa Harrison, and it was confirmed last night when it was probably requested by King Nickolas that Alderman Michael Hays should lock the door to the chamber, Hey, there's something else he can do. I guess it was so Chief Lisa Harrison wouldn't be sneaking around back there to see if she could hear anything—incredible!
According to CaseNet; an attorney, Mr. Mathew Justin Gist of Kansas City, was contracted by the City to defend the City of Wentzville, Mayor Nickolas Guccione, Alderman Cheryl Kross, ex-Alderman Sonya Shryock, and Lieutenant Dale Dothage of the Wentzville police department.
Taken from the web: "Mr. Gist specializes in the representation of employers in employment and labor disputes. He has obtained successful jury verdicts and summary judgments in employment discrimination cases including claims for wrongful termination in both state and federal court. Mr. Gist has argued several cases in the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit and Missouri Court of Appeals for the Western District. He routinely represents private companies as well as cities and counties in employment and personnel matters. In July of 2010, Mr. Gist successfully obtained one of the few defense verdicts in an employment discrimination case filed in the Jackson County Circuit Court."
This is going to be an extremely high-dollar trial for Wentzville taxpayers to shuck out, if any part of these allegations are found to be true, heads need to roll. I have a suggestion where to start but I'm wondering which of these people named in the lawsuit are going to roll over on the King? Is it possible that maybe one of them could cut a deal? Stay tuned, the fun has just begun.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Guccione Has Wet Wentzville's Bed

Mayor Nickolas Guccione worked hard in making a fool of himself to get people elected to the Board of Aldermen who will give him total control of Wentzville city government. To him that means catering to special interests, favors for his buddies and prospective voters. Prior to last month, there were Aldermen who understood fiduciary responsibility, ethics, and representative government—that has all changed.
Today, we have one alderman; Chris Gard, who has the experience, know-how, and is far-sighted enough to recognize the many subtle pitfalls of legislating from the hip. The bad news is we have two aldermen, Michael Hays and Cheryl Kross, who have proven themselves to be close followers of the Nickolas Guccione butcher shop method of politics, and three new aldermen who will need guidance as they learn the ropes. At least two of our new aldermen, Linda Wright and Robert Hussey, owe a campaign debt to Nickolas Guccione and they are most likely to repay that debt back to him in the form of votes on the board. Then there's Alderman Michael Rhoades, he has the best chance of being an independent  thinker and true representative of the people in his ward, we can only pray that he seeks guidance from his ward mate; Ward 2 Alderman, Chris Gard, and not our small-thinking, short-sighted President of the Board, Cheryl Kross, and Mayor Nickolas 'Butcher of Wentzville' Guccione.
I've given a lot of thought to Cheryl Kross and her presidency of the board, and I'm having great difficulty resolving her ability to lead. A number of things in her recent past have illustrated her poor judgement and lack of  leadership. Most recently is the lawsuit in which it's alleged that she took an active role in the conspiracy to fire Chief Lisa Harrison (click here). She was instrumental in the movement against our City Attorney Paul Rost (click here) and the loss of our audit firm—not renewing the contracts of these two firms is costing taxpayers a fortune. Then there was her flip-vote (click here) to allow the seating of the most useles alderman and sock-puppet of King Nickolas; Michael Hays—that decision was not in the best interests of Wentzville or Ward 3, but rather her own political fear of not being re-elected in 2012. President of the Board Kross has proven herself incapable of leading a gaggle of geese across a road, how she is going to intelligently lead three cub-aldermen is beyond me. I'm afraid, as she leads with hate and revenge, the city will gather more lawsuits until an ernest movement can be mounted to vote her out of our city government. Kross is all over the city putting in face-time, she's also taking huge advantage of social media, posting everything she can find to keep her name in as an important person in the city. If there's a chance to get her out of office in 2015, concerned voters will need to start now.
So what does the near future hold for Wentzville? King Nickolas will immediately take apart the ethics policy and the sign ordinance allowing him to collect more baskets for the Mayor's Ball (click here), and give his buddy exJudge Michael Carter the ability to plaster Wentzville with political signs for his third run at Judge Stephen Martin in 2015. 'The Butcher' is not satisfied with having control of the executive and legislative branches of Wentzville government, he wants to control the judicial branch as well.
Things do not bode well for Wentzville with Mayor Nickolas Guccione and his flying monkeys leading our city down the tube. Guccione doesn't have any guidence running our city and must rely heavily on our directors and his "friends in high places." What this means is that once again, our city staff will be making Guccione's decisions for him. Problems loom large in the mystic of Wentzville's future, Guccione made his bed, has everything he wants, and now we'll see just how much better it gets around here. For my money it will be a nightmarish ride for our employees and the city coffers will be burned to the ground while the 'Butcher of Wentzville' plays his fiddle and seeks more avenues of power. These are dark days for Wentzville and we can thank voter apathy for it. Registered voters need to organize and put a stop to Guccione's party (Hays and Kross) in April of 2015.