Monday, January 23, 2012

Automotive Coalitions

"You've Got To Stand For Something...

While going through the agenda and supporting documents for the upcoming regular board meeting of January 25th, I came across an item on the "Consent Agenda" entitled; "Automotive Coalitions." The consent agenda items are those that are voted on all at one time, I assume it is to save time going over information that was previously passed by the Board of Aldermen.

I seem to remember this item when it was originally brought to the board by Mayor Lambi in late 2008. After looking at the supporting documentation and minutes of those meetings I soon knew that this was one of those strange items brought in by Lambi and had The Lurchettes rubber stamp. The resolution was to join the "Mayors and Municipalities Automotive Coalition" (MMAC). The membership fee was $7,500 per year with the promise that the County would pick up half of the the fee. The thrust of the membership was to support a lobbyist; The Ferguson Group in Washington, DC, for the automotive industry.

I thought it strange that our city was going to pay for a lobbyist and had never heard of a community supporting a particular business with financial support using taxpayer's money. I remember thinking that if our city could participate in this, why couldn't they do the same by lobbying for any other business in town. It didn't seem right to enter into the agreement and pay annual dues of $7,500 to the MMAC year after year. It is a budgeted item for 2012 and I'd like to know what taxpayers are getting for their money? Bill Schuette (moved to accept) commanded John Luby, Peggy Meyer, and Nick Guccione (seconded the motion) to vote for it, the two senior aldermen; Meyer and Leon Tow were the only two who voted against the resolution. They saw the problems with throwing tax dollars into The Ferguson Group to lobby in Washington, DC for the benefit of a private company. The junior alderman; Schuette, Luby, Moody, and Guccione passed this crazy resolution and burdened taxpayers with it forever, or at least until a more rational board found it and threw it out.

It's not too late, I would hope today's aldermen will take this off of the "Consent Agenda," discuss its merits and find it to be something in which the city should not be involved (about $15,000 too late). Of course today I can see Guccione flipping on it to put it down if the other alderman have a mind to do it. He voted in favor of it four years ago, if he's consistent he should vote for it today, but I'm sure he'll have either nothing to say; or try to defend his position then and flip on it now. It needs to be known that Guccione voted on things he was told to vote on and never looked beyond the surface to see whether or not it was good for the city. During the discussion to reject this matter, he and the others would not listen to the years of experience in government and knowledge of Peggy Meyer and Leon Tow. In those days Lurch's motto was: "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead," besides, the Mayor wanted it, Bill Schuette pushed it, and Nick Guccione was (and still is) an excellent follower.

...or You'll Fall for Anything."


  1. what would guccione do if he was elected and his pals dont. sounds like a party to me.

    1. I believe that if Guccione were elected Mayor and his recruits didn't, his life would be more miserable than Mayor Lambi's is now. He would find that his job is to preside at meetings and direct staff and with no board support on any of his screwball ideas. Frankly, I suspect we'd see a serious meltdown.

  2. sounds like we have a loud mouth and a whimp running for mayor. i'm rooting for lackey but will settle for tow..

  3. can anyone tell me why schuette and guccine are even running for mayor?

  4. Is there anyway you (The Wentzvillian) can post what Nick Guccione is running on, what he is going to do if he's elected, and his record while an alderman? Thank you.

    1. I would love to, and have apealed to all of the candidates to place their platforms here. Some have taken advantage of that offer and some havent. Just to be clear, I would never give space to Lurch Schette, Bananas Sherwood, or any of the Stooges. The problem is I'm not sure what he could posibly run on, I'm not sure what he thinks he would do if he were elected, and his record is bleak.
      He has never introduced one single piece of legislation that was passed. He did introduce one regarding dogs but it was shot down and rewritten by another alderman and then passed. The Wentzvillian would offer a $5 reward for anyone who can tell me just one bit of legislation he has introduced and passed since the day he was elected.

    2. You clearly are tight with your money; even $5. If you're going to post trivia questions, at least post a question with a correct answer.

      He cosponsored a few bills with Schuette and Meyer, but independent thought is not his strength.

    3. Whew! I thought you were going to get into my piggy-bank, but since he initiated nothing my short stack is going to remain intact. BTW, in today's economy I cry if I lose a nickel, five bucks could be catastrophic.
      Thank you!

  5. there is no other word for you except you are MEAN. That is not a compliment.

    1. If telling the truth about someone who is supposed to represent the people who elected him is "MEAN," I'm guilty. I'm sure you are supporting Mr. Guccione and that makes you misguided and "MEAN," to good government and the citizens who want it. I could say I'm sorry, but I'm not.
