Thursday, March 22, 2012

Twicky Nicky

"Tricky" Nick Guccione is pulling out all the stops to be Mayor of Wentzville. According to the Wednesday, March 21st Suburban Journal, he is accusing all five Aldermen of "carrying out  a political vendetta against Mayor Paul Lambi,". Guccione must sit up nights with his campaign manager Donna Sherwood dreaming up ridiculous crap to launch on his opponents, and now they're trying to discredit a City employee and the entire Board of Aldermen, and of course he had nothing to do with it.

It's a known fact that Guccione is the weakest Alderman on the Wentzville Board and has no, I repeat, NO accomplishments during five years of service (I use the term "service" lightly) other than taking up space and annoying everybody. Oh, I forgot, he did get a court ruling overthrown for his bar-owner buddy which pissed off a number of his sleepless constituents! But, since he has no record of any consequence, the only thing he can run his campaign on is diversion, deception, and discrediting his more competent opponents. This man really wants to be Mayor and nothing is beyond his or Sherwood's realm of dirty stupid crap to pull. As a matter of fact, the only difference between Sherwood's experience and Guccione's, is that Sherwood never held an office

In the Journal article written by Raymond Castile (which I'm surprised they actually printed), "Alderman Nick Guccione, Ward 3, said the board, led by President Leon Tow, Ward 1, has been carrying out an agenda for more than a year to force Lambi out of office in order to give Tow an advantage in the April 3rd mayoral election." This guy is in la-la land to even think that an unnamed City employee, a seven time President of the board, and four other Aldermen are plotting against him with the Mayor being the sacrificial Lambi. He is accusing his opponent of this ridiculous crap because he cannot possibly win on his own merit.

I have to ask: Where was Mr. Guccione while all this was going on, why is it coming up one week before the election? If this is true, why didn't he blow the whistle over a year ago. Could it be that he and Sherwood just thought it up right before he said it January 11th in a closed meeting and saved it to spring on his opponents one week prior to the election? He is a twicky little wascal.

A City employee filed an official complaint against Mayor Paul Lambi and protocol demanded an investigation, and that is exactly what has been going on. What Guccione is really saying is; if a City employee files a complaint about an elected official, don't investigate it, let the complaint fall on deaf ears, don't do anything, business as usual with Guccione. GuccioneLen Tow, and the rest of the Board were acting according to policy and procedure and Guccione in his paranoid style twisted it to say they were scheming against him, everything is about him. In the January 11, 2012 closed session meeting minutes while discussing the process, it states: "Ald. Guccione expressed concern if the Mayor would resign Ald. Tow, as President of the Board, would become Mayor ProTem and give him an advantage in the Mayor's election." Guccione wasn't thinking about the employee complaint or that Mayor Lambi may have done something wrong or illegal, he was thinking about politics—exactly what I've reported on several times over the months. He is all political! Mayor Lambi didn't resign, the City employee complaint was filed, the investigation was turned over to another authority, and Guccione is left with nothing else to campaign on except slash and burn, so what's the reason for his mysterious allegations?

This is an ill calculated desperation move that will have cataclysmic effects on Guccione regardless if he wins or loses, think about it. He has admitted that he doesn't get any respect from the Board regarding his corn-ball non-issues and now he's insured that if he does become Mayor, their respect may have been somewhat diminished. If he doesn't win, he has to sit on the Board for one more year with even less respect and probably no support. He's pulled this stunt in a last ditch effort to get his recruits elected to the Board and when that doesn't happen, he is in serious trouble. If Guccione was a dictator of a small Mideast country, he would be  the reason the rest of the world wouldn't want that country developing nuclear weapons.

He doesn't think about trying to work with the Board, he thinks he needs to get rid of them. Regardless of the fine job this Board has done in the last two years, they just don't fit into his grand scheme of control. Maybe he thinks they're working too hard and it's making him look bad by comparison but that's not a difficult task. It must be something else, something deeper, something more profound, naaaa, he's just nuts!


  1. I told you last week that there would be more trash thrown by Sherwood and Guccione.

  2. You forgot to mention the fact that Guccione is now sucking-up to Lambi pandering for his supporters. They were on the opposite side of almost everything but now Guccione is aligning himself with him.

    1. It's interesting to think that guccione will never be as good a mayor as lambi, lambi is a fairly good public speaker. he will become the laughing stock of the county. Wait till you hear him try to make a campaign speech at candidates night, you will hear a mumbling fool, and if he becomes Mayor, he'll make a fool of himself at every meeting he presides. The city clerk will never be able to make sense of or understand his mumbling babble.

  3. How did this guy ever get into our city government?

    1. Deception, diversion, and voter apathy. Of course, his third term he was unopposed but that will not happen again, he's history either way. I couldn't sleep nights thinking he's going to represent Ward 3 after next year's election. He's been hanging around the outskirts of good legislation far too long already.

  4. He thinks that an employee, and all of the aldermen are plotting just to give Leon Tow an advantage in the election over him? This guy is a nut!

  5. I don't think Lambi would be such good friends with Nick if he knew how many times Nick tried stirring up things regarding the mysterious $15,000 check. Nick was heard saying to a number of people that he believes the City should put a $15,000 lien on Lambi's home.

  6. given nicks record of shady things happening, i seriously wonder if he is elected mayor how many years it will take before he's recalled? any odds out there on that?

  7. Nick is sincere on this issue. It's totally consistent with his m.o. Don't blame it solely on politics. Instead here is his likely time line:
    Fall '11 - Accusations begin against Mayor Lambi.
    Nov. '11 - Closed session and Nick doesn't publicly defend Mayor Lambi.
    Dec. '11 - Closed session and Nick doesn't publicly defend Mayor Lambi.
    Jan. '12 - Closed session and Nick doesn't publicly defend Mayor Lambi. In fact, according to Raymond Castile's article, Nick voted with all of the aldermen to refer the findings to the Missouri Ethics Commission. Meeting minutes show Nick was concerned that the report could result in Mayor Lambi's resignation. This shows Nick's ability to put one and one together, but he ended up with three!
    March '12 - Nick decides to publicly support Mayor Lambi, and asserts that the board was on a witch hunt, in part to help Leon Tow.

    So, allow me to summarize. Nick agreed with all of the aldermen for five months. He says nothing in or out of the meetings to support Mayor Lambi. Then he flips, and claims the board is helping Leon Tow. And, this man thinks he's qualified to be mayor?

    1. Bravo!!! The record speaks volumes about where Guccione and Sherwood are.

    2. Here's an alternative summary:
      1. Nick was against Mayor Lambi when Mayor Lambi appeared to be running for re-election.
      2. When Mayor Lambi announced that he wasn't running for re-election. Nick continued to "go along" with the other aldermen.
      3. Nick had a (faulty) OMG moment. He decided that Mayor Lambi might resign and hand the city to Leon Tow. This was over thinking (or under thinking) at it's worst.
      4. Mayor Lambi didn't resign, so the brain trust at Nick's campaign headquarters sees an opening. Let's support Mayor Lambi, and reach out to his supporters.

      Nick has no respect for Wentzville's voters. For months Nick did nothing to help Mayor Lambi, and now he see's a witch hunt? It's more than a little late...

  8. This whole issue is out of hand and Nick's smart and strong enough to say it. Mayor Lambi is being hounded out of office.

    1. Nothing is out of hand other than that Guccione took out of hand. As far as him being smart...I haven't seen that side of him, and Mayor Lambi will finish out his term, where's the problem?

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Why is Rick Stokes talking bad about you? He is being supported by you but has talked unkind about you and I dont understand why.

    1. Mr. Stokes is an excellent Alderman. I don't care if he throws rocks at me, he is the best man for the job, and that's all that matters for me to support him.

    2. yeah, stokes is really talking trash about the wentzvillian

    3. To "A Friend," what portion of I don't give a shit don't you understand!

    4. you are lieing, you care alot.

    5. I care about the best man for the job. Rick Stokes is one of the best and finest representatives I have ever seen. He can talk about me all he wants and he's still got my vote. Nick Guccone on the other hand, is the worst I've ever seen and I don't give a rats-ass what he says about me either!

  11. How can Guccione remain an
    Alderman,let alone the Mayor when he has breeched the secrecy of executive sessions?It was my impression those were to be held in strict confidence. He admitted on tape that he spoke with the reporters when he accused the blog!!

  12. Whoever devised this "support Lambi" strategy must think voters are dumb. It took soooooooo long for Nick to voice his support. Even then, the support was too late to help Mayor Lambi in any way. Mayor Lambi needed Nick's support during the executive sessions. Public comments would have helped. Mayor Lambi needed Nick's vote on the Ethics Commision vote. Nick voted with the entire board. Nick's only comments revolve around the possibility of a Lambi resignation. Is Nick really supporting Mayor Lambi, or is he supporting his candidacy? The timing, quality, and topic of his support would place his support as pure politics.
