Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Clown Town Could Be Coming Back To Wentzville

I've been watching the campaign for Ward 2 very closely and the voters in that ward need to know what's going on. Ward 2 citizens had no idea about the black-eye coming when they elected Bill Schuette and they need to realize that for the last two elections the other black-eye, Donna Sherwood, has been trying her best to be elected to an office and embarrass them again. This is her third try, don't be fooled by all the signs she has all over Ward 2, she is no well-versed candidate for anything, but her trickery abounds.

Sonya Shryock and Jeremy Pritchett are running against Sherwood and on real issues offering real solutions to a growing Wentzville and its challenges, all Sherwood wants is to be Nick Guccione's stooge on the board. Unfortunately for Guccione, he doesn't know or want to believe that if she is elected, he'll be her stooge—the bottom line is; Ward 2 residents get another poke in the eye and Wentzville looses.

Shryock and Pritchett's campaign's are running on their own money and they don't have two years worth of dusty old signs from two unsuccessful campaigns lying around like Sherwood has to stick all over Ward 2. I see now where Sherwood has two shiny new four foot by eight foot signs out on the Wentzville Parkway sporting a glamour shot of her mug on them. Like Schuette before her, she's loud, arrogant, and self-serving. She knows nothing of city government as evidenced by her weekly photo-ops she used to appear in during city meetings at the expense of the taxpayers. It's funny how she stopped doing those right after The Wentzvillian called her on it, too bad, I rather enjoyed watching her make a fool of herself staggering around issues she knew nothing about. It will be very interesting watching her try to fool the public into thinking she knows what she's talking about at the Chamber of Commerce "Candidate's Night," March 27th at the Holt high school auditorium. God I hope the local radio station airs this event!

As I've stated many times before, Sherwood is Guccione's campaign manager but I'm not sure who's advising who as they are both equally inept regarding city issues. Even more interesting, I've heard that they have recruited one-term ex-judge Mike Carter to assist them with their campaign—there's a party! You remember Judge Carter, some legislators have stated that he almost single-handedly sunk the Wentzville judicial system budget in only two years. It's funny because Nick Guccione and Bill Schuette were the most vocal on the Board of Aldermen to remove Carter from his job as Judge, now it appears that Guccione and Carter are best buds. That group should get along well, very well indeed, all three of them are a little narrow between the eyes.

Sherwood has been around since the days of Vickie Boedeker, she was one of Vickie's goons, heading up the terrorist division of Boedeker's campaigns. It's evident that Sherwood learned her craft of underhanded politics very well in those days long before Guccione. She knows all sorts of tricks such as; filing ethics violations against opponents whether they are true or false, putting up campaign signs 30 days prior to the allowed time knowing that the city would give her 30 days notice to remove them, and disguising her campaigning before the voters on camera in city meetings as a concerned citizen. This is a short list, but there are many more devious tactics she brings to the table.

Perhaps Sherwood's most unethical campaign strategy learned from Vickie is one she's using in Guccione's campaign. As his campaign manager, she has recommended recruiting candidates to run against highly effective intelligent sitting Aldermen in an effort to split the vote and stack the board with their zombies who will vote what ever way Guccione and Sherwood want. The thought process here is: If your ideas are so bad that no other Alderman will go along with them, simply replace them. This is the Guccione/Sherwood strategy which puts in place people who have never even considered running for public public office in their lives. They go along with the promise that they will not have to know what to do or how to do it, just follow their lead. The chaotic Board of Schuette, Guccione and Luby are a testament to that strategy gone awry, with no intelligent leader, they really screwed up the city.

If Sherwood/Guccione should get elected, it will be a sad day for Ward 2 and Wentzville as a whole, but The Wentzvillian will be shittin' in tall cotton with great stories of clown-town. I'm relatively sure that the good citizens of Ward 2 know what to do when they go to the polls to cast their vote April 3rd, I'm equally sure what the citizens will do with Guccione. Vote: Sonya Shryock or Jeremy Pritchett for Ward 2 and Leon Tow or Darrel Lackey for Mayor. To insure an honest and ethical government you need to elect honest and ethical people to represent your city's best interests.


  1. Sherwood, Schuette, Guccione, and Boedeker were as thick as thieves in their day. Beware of frivolous law-suits, campaigns disguised as news stories, ethics violations, sign ordinance violations, and outright lies coming from all of them.

  2. I like the reference to 'shittin in tall cotton'. Am I showing my age?

  3. i saw where leon tow and darrel lackey have about the same experience, about 14 years each. tow served as board president 7 times and lackey was mayor for 2 terms. guccione and schuette have about 4 years each and never did anything but make a mess out of the city. the only hard choice here is tow or lackey.

  4. Did anyone notice Nick's survey/campaign flyer? It states: "What Wentzville needs today is open, honest & responsive city government. That's why I want to start my campaign for Mayor by asking your opinion..."
    He's been on the board for 5 years—he doesn't know what the people want and need? I have to take exception to using the words; "honest government" but he didn't reference himself, so maybe it's ok. Be careful with Tricky Nicky!

  5. I have taken dumps with a higher IQ than either Gooch or Sherwood.

    Vicki was a cancer on our community.
    I have lots and lots of first hand stories of horror about that witch.
