Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Take A Letter Maria

It really bothers a lot of people about what happened at last Wednesday's Board of Aldermen meeting. Candidate for Mayor, Nick Guccione admitted writing a letter to the St. Charles County courts siding with the owner of Caddy Shack, the bar on the Wentzville Parkway. Residents were furious after going to court and wining a judgement to stop the loud music late at night just to have Guccione have it overturned at the county level. He got an ear full of criticizm at that meeting from a gentleman resident of that subdivision while others stood in support of him.

The Wentzvillian has gotten dozens of emails regarding this situation and they all want to know why Nick Guccione went against the wishes of the citizens in the subdivision behind Caddy Shack. They claimed that "Guccione uses the bar as his campaign headquarters and he had a conflict of interest just writing the letter." Let's face it, in plain and simple terms he screwed up again, which has become a reoccurring theme of his entire campaign. Maybe he figured that it wasn't a big deal doing a favor for his friend and benefactor but two to one says he just reacted rather than think it through, another prominent thesis in his political career. He defended himself during his Alderman report saying that he has had fund-raisers there but denies it's his campaign headquarters, yet he never named a location of his headquarters.

Every chance Guccione gets he points out that he is the "peoples candidate" then he turns right around to blow off citizens who were only trying to get some sleep at night. This was no accident, as with anything else, if you want to find the answer; just follow the money. Guccione admits gaining financially from the bar by holding poker tournaments to fund his campaign and although I haven't checked public record, I'd bet he got a substantial donation from the establishment in addition. Guccione is playing both sides of the fence and in this instance he drove a bulldozer through it. Shame on you Mr. Guccione for letting money get in the way of good judgement and taking a giant dump on the heads of those same citizens who put you in office in the first place. I sincerely hope this issue goes viral and you get exactly what you deserve, a giant dump on your election hopes!

Guccione has done some incredibly stupid things in his political career but this one has to rank right up there on top of the pile. These good citizens should take this to the streets and undo all the lies he's spewed all over town about being the "citizens candidate." He cannot knee-cap an entire subdivision of voters and expect them to support his candidacy for anything. This incident should kick his ass back several months in damage control, I don't know how he can justify or lie his way out of this one. These voters talk with one another, they have families and friends, it will be heard around this fair city that there's a snake trying to slither his way into the top spot.

I urge all of my readers to cut and paste this blog into your emails to your friends, acquaintances, and families, put a nickle in their slot and get them playing this message to every voter in the city. Ask your friends if they are willing to go into that voting booth and blindly vote for a man who would smile to your face and lift your wallet at the same time. He doesn't care about Wentzville or the good citizens here, he cares about getting elected, being accepted, feeling important, and being powerful. In this instance he's proven without a doubt that he is interested in money and winning the election, not you the people of Wentzville. For Guccione, it will be a monumental task trying to patch up the hole in this fence.

A message to Mr. Guccione: People may forget what you say but they will always remember how you made them feel. You made many people feel great frustration and that will spread into the voting booths, as it should. I would have thought that a "peoples candidate" would write a letter supporting the people, not a bar owner. Good luck talking your way out of this one!


  1. this guy is a real bone head

  2. Bear creek Res well you want to talk about cutting people off at the knees what about when MR TOW called the bear creek res A MOB iwas there and heard it first had so no one is perfect and you have to look at both sides of the story

    1. I wasn't going to post this anonymous bit of nonsense since it is unverifiable. But I guess everyone should believe it because it states "iwas there and heard it first hand."
      To my anonymous friend: even if it were true, calling someone "A MOB" is hardly "cutting people off at the knees," and a hell of a lot different than actually screwing a whole subdivision full of residents to support a bar owner. Guccione did it, he admitted it, It's verifiable, and therefore it's true! Give us something, put out some facts, lay the truth on us, we're waiting!

    2. Every time any city or county looks to approve a controversial project, a "mob" shows up. It's democracy.

  3. I had not heard about this and I can't figure out why he would get involved in this entire thing unless it's all about the money. Nick's fart just turned into something other than gas! Better take some Beano Nick and change your Depends.

  4. It's not about the money. Nick was helping a supporter's business.

    1. It's all about money! "...helping a supporter's business." Is all about the money. The resident's didn't give him enough cash so they get NO SUPPORT from Guccione and screwed at the same time! To hell with citizen voters, Guccione was bought and paid for!

  5. Referring to a "mob" isn't equivalent to supporting a business in a way that impacts my quality of life (sleep).

    I don't wish to rehash an old issue, but the Sam's Club was really an easy decision. Is the construction of a Sams's Club consistent with Wentzville's Comprehensive Plan? The Caddy Shack issue is equivalent to Sam's Club asking for a variance. What if, in 2015, Sam's asks for 1:00 AM truck deliveries or occasional outdoor entertainment? I'm certain Nick knows he screwed up, so he won't write a similar letter in the future, but you must (at least) question his judgement.

  6. Special interests is the name of Gooch's campaign.
