Monday, March 26, 2012

Getting Down to the Wire

A couple months ago, I made the statement that I expected The Wentzvillian to be receiving 7,500 to 10,000 page views per month before the election. With the election only eight days away, my prediction was pretty close. As of today, The Wentzvillian is getting over 9,000 page views per month. Thank you to all of my loyal readers and those who find me by accident.

The highlighted candidates are those with the best qualifications to hold the office for which they are seeking. Those with their names scratched through, with the exception of Bill Schuette, were all recruited by Nick Guccione and his gun-moll, Donna Sherwood to take part in their conspiratorial plot to take control of City Hall and Wentzville's Government. The following is a complete list of candidates in the order of filing.


Bill "Lurch" Schuette
"Tricky" Nick Guccione


Jay Webber


Donna "censored" Sherwood
Jeremy Pritchett


RICK STOKES (incumbent)
Rodney E. "Rod" Stratman
Curtis Davis

If the voting citizens of Wentzville elect those candidates picked by The Wentzvillian, the city would go a long way toward cleaning up the mess created by sixteen years of Vickie Boedecker and Paul Lambi hijinx and lack of leadership. Guccione has hand-picked five candidates who's sole purpose would lead to a chaotic, unorganized government and the eventual disgrace of Wentzville in the State of Missouri.

Give this list to your friends, neighbors, and family, let's bring representation and a sound City Government to Wentzville. Ignore the slashing of our good candidates by Guccione and Sherwood, show them that the people of Wentzville demand elected officials who are responsive and attentive to our needs and our reputation around the county.

Addendum A, March 27, 2012, 3:45pm:

Make sure you're come to Candidates Night, tonight at Holt High School in the auditorium. I think you will get a whole new prospective of Nick Guccione and the damage he will do to the reputation of Wentzville if he is elected Mayor. He is not a public speaker, so listen closely to him stumbling around the questions, it should be a riot. If he comes!


  1. Overall, I believe you've performed a valuable public service. Local media coverage, particularly local political coverage is virtually nonexistent. You have provided more information, and yes editorial content, than anyone or anything else.

    Now, a gentle criticism. By endorsing two mayoral candidates, I fear you're unintentionally helping Nick. There are really two groups of candidates; the unqualified and the qualified. Nick and Bill Schuette lead the unqualified group, but Bill hasn't put much effort into his campaign. He appears to be Nick's "spoiler."

    The qualified group includes Leon Tow and Darrell Lackey. Both men have the experience and temperament to succeed. From my viewpoint, Leon has worked far harder than Darrell. So, I fear that a vote for Darrell is truly a vote for Nick.

    Sometimes, it's necessary to make choices. Your ballot will allow you to vote for only one mayoral candidate. Respectfully realizing that ballots are secret, I still must ask, who will you for?

  2. I couldn't agree with you more on your analysis, but in reality, I am not here to make choices for voters, I serve only to expose those who are not good for Wentzville. Best case scenerio is that tomorrow night at "Candidates Night," one of the two best qualified candidates will resign from the race and throw his support to the other. Although not likely, it seems to be the only solution to this delemna.
    I have to believe that Guccione has burned enough bridges that the voters of Wentzville will elect either Tow or Lackey. The fate of our city lies in their capable hands. Each has strong and weak points and their weakest is still stronger than the best of Guccione or Schuette.
    I'm glad you left me an out; "Respectfully realizing that ballots are secret..." I can only trust that our voters will make a non-Guccione choice, I don't believe my endorsement for either would sway the decisions of my readers since both candidates are highly qualified.

  3. Oh well, I tried...

  4. i didn't think of that, it's done all the time, if tow ot lackey resigned and and asked his supporters to vote for the other, that could dominate the news for the week. every reporter around will be there as well as a radio station, a unified front could lock in a win for one of them, but which one? i hope they are able to talk with one another.

  5. I have it on good information that Nick asked one of the other Mayor candidates "If you don't want to go, I won't go either." He's trying to find an excuse not to go make a fool of himself in front 200 or 300 people and on radio. Look for him to get cold feet.

  6. What radio station, and what time?

    1. It will be one or both: 99.9 FM, 730 AM. Tonight starting at 6:00pm. Be there or be square, a splendid time is guaranteed for all.
