Monday, April 8, 2013

We The People

During the election last week, Mayor Nickolas Guccione violated Wentzville ordinances and used his office and the City of Wentzville in his overwhelming drive to see that Michael Hays sits next to him on the Board of Aldermen. His tactic worked, and Hays was elected by only eight votes, winning only 39 percent of Ward 3 voters. In my uneducated opinion, Guccione's unethical and illegal use of his endorsement of Hays constitutes grounds for his removal from office and a re-vote for the Ward 3 seat. I'm certain that when Hays and Guccione were at the polls in Flint Hill the afternoon of the election, Guccione swayed at least five votes while he passed out his City card, introduced himself as Mayor, and asked for Hays to be elected.

Guccione did not act for the good of Wentzville but rather the furthering of his own personal political agenda. I believe that his manipulation of this election is unprecedented in Wentzville, and the citizens should be outraged. Having said that, I want to get to the root of the problem; the Government and how it's supposed to operate.

According to what I know about how our government was founded in the United States, there are three branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. A separation of powers was set up to ensure the citizens a fair and just system where none has power over the others and have complete autonomy. In this way, citizens can feel confident that if they don't agree with one branch they could perhaps gain support from another. If, however, the Executive branch puts in place representatives in another branch, "We The People" suffer from collusion and the loss of fair and equal Government.

There is only one reason someone in one branch would endorse someone in another branch, and that is to take control of that branch. Mayor Guccione is doing that very thing; he is trying to take away our freedom by using his office and our City Logo in an effort to take control of the Board of Aldermen. His endorsement of Michael Hays will not change the attitudes and focus of the current board, but if he continues his quest (which he will), he could very well take control in next year's election.

Guccione got a slap on the hand from the Board of Aldermen last year but was saved the full force of the law by being pardoned by Mayor Paul Lambi. Having no consequences, Guccione didn't learn from that instance and this year he pushed it even farther. Our Government of Wentzville needs to take charge of someone who chronically violates the law because if they don't, our laws are useless. Guccione and Hays need to feel the full force of breaking laws in Wentzville, or else the citizens have no protection from those who violate our laws. If our Government is working correctly, every citizen would be treated with consistancy and fairness. If you or I break the law, we pay the price. Guccione didn't pay any price last year, so here we are. The Board of Aldermen are his last hope this year and the question must be asked; do they represent us, who rightly deserve fair and equal treatment under the law, or do they want to perpetuate the  idea that law-breakers can go unpunished in Wentzville?

I will be at the Wednesday's Board of Aldermen meeting asking our Aldermen to protect us from anyone who violates our laws and infringes on our rights as citizens. I may be alone, and if I am, be sure that I stand for my rights as someone who believes in a fair and consistent Government. If I am heard, our Aldermen will take back the Legislative branch of Wentzville Government from one who would violate our laws to change it. My opinions of our Government and those of every citizen of Wentzville may differ, but that's what makes America great: one citizen may stand before them alone and speak about injustice.


  1. I will be at the meeting, but because of circumstances I will not be able to speak. Be assured that I agree with you. I hope others stand beside you to bring justice to Wentzcille by pressing the point of Guccione and Hays violating our laws.

  2. There will be others there. I don't know how many, but they will be there. This is the most controversy in Wtz. since Lambi's last days.

  3. Nothing gets politicans moving faster than when citizen act together to show support for or against a certain item. I bet if citizens don't show up not much will be done, but if they come out by the numbers city hall will be rocking. It will be let the good times roll. Since the Gooch became mayor with only 1,288 votes with-in a city of 30,000 people, do you think if citizens banded together and got 1500 signatures on a petition the Alderman could and would vote to impeach him?

    1. I'd bet the Aldermen would shave their heads for 1,500 signatures, including Cheryl Kross and Sonya Shyrock!

      Get a petition started, I'll help with signatures, maybe we could accomplish something.

    2. Where is the petition for me to sign? Tell me where to go and I'll be there to sign it.
      You'll get my signature for sure and anyone I can find who agrees and now there are plenty.
