Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Kross Unleashes Second-Generation Lurchettes

In typical Wentzville style, eight votes separated us from having a strong, experienced Ward 3 Alderman and a clone of our do-nothing mayor. Micvhael (as he spells it) Hays, (Nickolas Guccione's appointment) can finally say he outnumbered an opponent in an election. I am reluctant to use the word "won" simply because of extenuating circumstances, besides, he was elected by only 39 percent of the vote, and that's less than the pitiful 42 percent Guccione had last year.

First, the preponderant portion of the blame must be placed on Alderman of Ward 3 Cheryl Kross who flipped on her vote to allow Guccione's appointment of Hays to be approved. If she had stuck with Alderman Rick Stokes, President of the Board who represents Ward 3, we would probably not be saddled with Hays today. Stokes knows the problems in our Ward and when he says an appointment for Aldermen of his ward cannot properly represent the ward, she should have listened. Had she not flipped on her original vote, Guccione would not have been taking Hays to City functions praising him and giving him name recognition

I am sorely disappointed with Kross, she opened the door for Guccione and Hays to be out there next year trying to overthrow Aldermen Stokes, Shryock and Gossett. Mark my words, Guccione and Hays will rustle up two or more drones to run against each of them next year. There is a real possibility that Guccione could be sitting in a tie-brealing situation and Kross could be in the same situation she was in four years ago. This could easily be the second coming of the Lurchettes.

I'm not going to talk about Guccione planting Linda Wright in the election to split the vote simply because that's what he does. He is a sneaky, manipulating, politician. Instead, I will talk about Guccione campaigning for Hays.

Guccione spent half of the day in Flint Hill passing out his City business card, introducing himself while hawking his plan for the future and how "Alderman" Hays can help him if he were "re-elected." Guccione doesn't know the meaning of the word "ethics" and he highlighted that fact AGAIN in this year's election.

There are other problems with Guccione manipulating the election and I posted about them during the last five days. The new problem I see is the Hays violation of using the City logo on his flyer and the distinct possibility of Guccione pardoning him, exactly what happened last year when we had a mayor pardoned for the very same thing. Guccione took office in a fog of shame and I would bet it happens soon for Hays.

Now, when Guccione pardons Hays, what sort of problem will our mayor find with his own violations, there is no more Mayor Lambi to protect him. I hope to see Alderman Kross leading that have Guccione impeached for manipulation of an election and using the City to endorse Michveal Hays. Something had better happen this time!

If Alderman Michveal Hays begins his term being pardoned for breaking the law, he will not be representing me or 61 percent of the voters in Ward 3. I will watch closely to see just what the new Alderman does for (or to) Ward 3 and will report on it. If he does not take his medicine by denying a pardon, I guarantee, as a resident of Ward 3,  he will not enjoy his term.


  1. Something must be done anout our Mayor going wild.

  2. i remember the night alderwoman kross changed her vote, i couldn't believe it. the seat in our ward had been vacant for 9 months. i didn't understand her logic and think she was very wrong.

  3. Mayor Guccione thinks he can get away with anything, probably because he has. It's time he be taight a lesson and what better lesson than fines, laywer fees, and possible jail time. He nesds to be taught what the consequences are for a sitting mayor to flagrantly manipulste elections.

  4. sounds like fun heading here

  5. If Gooch does climb on the right backs all the way to the state level, can you imagine how badly he is going to embarass himself when he speaks. Do ya think he will take his $45 hr press release writign friend with him? Sandy better get a good job to support the 3 of them!

    1. If Guccione ever climbed up to the State level they would probably provide him with a $145 an hour writer.

  6. As anyone looked into impeaching the Mayor (google it) all you need is a group of people leading the charge to get lots of signatures on a petition. Most Mayors are impeached for unethical behavior.

    1. Some of our Aldermen believe that the Mayor of a fourth-class city (such as Wentzville) can not be impeached...I have never believed that.
