Friday, April 12, 2013

"Just Because You Say It's So..."

Board of Aldermen meeting of April 10th continued: I touched on Mayor Nickolas Guccione's Mayor's Report this morning but there was more. After his now famous "High Road" comment Guccione went on to say about those who spoke out against him, "I have to bite my tongue but I just ignore it." He just ignores citizens who are unhappy about his unethical behavior and I'm glad to hear that because the sore he created will fester to the point where he will wish he hadn't ignored it.

About the Alderman reports, I'm a little unhappy that four of our six Aldermen had nothing to say about the situation with Guccione. Hays of course wouldn't bite the hand who fed him but he did address the ethics problem on his flyer. He apologized to the Board for the misspelling on it and the ballot, taking blame for it. I give him credit for doing that but that's where it ends. From the way things came down, it looks like Hays had nothing to do with his own campaign literature and Guccione handled everything. That explains a lot, especially the misspellings and lack of proofreading.

Alderman Shryock opened her report with, "Mayor, you opened the topic of the flyer during your report, so we need to have the discussion about you signing the endorsement as "Mayor." Guccione went to Def Con 4 saying, "I didn't do it." I wish I had a dime for everytime I heard him say that over the last six years. Then he kept saying that he gave the printing company his photograph and the letter but; "I never told him to put 'Mayor' on it." I've learned over the years that when Guccione opens his mouth it's probably a lie, but when he's making excuses, he's definitely lying, it never fails. Shyrock went on to say again that they needed to have this discussion and that's when her missiles got through Guccione's comfort level and he shut down, saying, "I'm not going to have this discussion with you."

Alderman Forrest Gosset cut in to say that this is not the proper place to have this discussion. If we are to have it, it needs to be during a work session or a regular meeting discussion item. Guccione looked for help from City Attorney Paul Rost who said, "It isn't on the agenda, it needs to be on it to have a discussion." Guccione was relieved thinking it was over but the Aldermen set it for a discussion item for April 24th. Mark your calendars, this will be a goody.

President of the Board of Alderman, Rick Stoles, during his report said, "If I were to campaign for someone I'd do it as Rick Stokes, not Alderman Rick Stokes. It shouldn't have been 'Mayor'" Then I heard Stokes say something I've only heard about but never actually heard it said in a meeting, the dreaded 'C' word; "I was going to call for a vote of censure but since we are going to have a discussion on the 24th, I will hold it until then."  For those of you who "ignore it," I've provided the definition:

CENSURE (cen'sher) n. 1. An expression of strong disapproval or harsh criticism. 2. An official rebuke, as by a legislature of one of its members.—tr.v. cen·sured, cen·sur·ing, cen·sures

Guccione was finally very uncomfortable, not only with the few criticisms during open forum but those of Shryock and Stokes. In frustration he said, "Just because you say it's so, doesn't make it so." I think I used that a few times in third grade, how about you?

Perhaps we did something good for our City, standing there in front of the Board complaining about our government, at least I hope so. The three of us put our asses on the line, let's see what comes of it, I'll see you on the 24th when Mayor Nickolas Guccione will have to answer for his unethical behavior. Are there any bets as to whether Hays chimes in? I guess we'll find out where he stands on unethical behavior in politics. I believe this will be the most interesting meeting since that last few of Mayor Lambi's term.


  1. Could not hear it very well on the replay but it sounded like Mr. Michael Hays took responsibility for his actions. Maybe he has a backbone greater than the Mayor's and will recognize that he is just a toy in the Mayor's game subject to being destroyed when the Mayor no longer needs him

    1. Hays took responsibility only for the mispelled name. He totaly ignored the reference to the Firefighters of Eastern Missouri supporting him, which they didn't. He also never said a word about the trickery of using the word; re-elected, when he was never elected in the first place.

    2. An ameoba has more backbone than Tricky Nicky.

  2. To Ward 3 citizens: Keep it up! Get rid of the charlatan Guccione.

    To the BOA: Remain diligent. If the Mayor can't lead a meeting, why on earth would you keep him around to lead the entire city? The issues are clear, the answer is clear. Someone needs to make a motion and someone needs to second the motion so the city government can move in a forward motion.

  3. so if the mayor gets censured, what happens then?

  4. I don't think the Mayor realizes that he is in serious trouble. I think he believes everything will be fine, it will be business as usual in a few weeks.

    These Aldermen had some real experience last year when they went all cowboy on Mayor Lambi. They know how to prepare for the removal from office of a Mayor. That's exactly why Lambi didn't run for another term, he knew they would have him ousted. Lambi is a whole lot smarter than Guccione and he avoided the bullet. He knew that going out with a little shame was a whole lot better than the stigma of being thrown-out of office. If Guccione had the slightest bit of intelligence, he would resign to save his family and himself a lot of grief and expense.

    Guccione is clueless. He will be censured, and that nail will be added to the other nails the Aldermen collected over Guccione's first year and they will pull the trigger. Then it's bye-bye Gooch, don't let the doorknob hitcha where the good Lord splitcha.

  5. You are exactly correct on your observation about the aldermen going after the last 2 mayors. They will continue to go after the mayors until they get one of "theirs" in that seat and Leon Tow is not there. If the mayor had given a job to a company without going out to bid like these aldermen did with the parks at this last meeting, he would have been impeached. Did I hear correct? The aldermen broke city code and not a censure there.

    1. You made some incorrect statments in your comment:

      1) Lambi made several huge mistakes leading up to his being reported to the Missouri State Ethics Commission where it is still being investigated. Everything that happeden was legitimate.

      2) Tow had nothing to do with the actions of the Board except to use his one vote.

      3) Guccione used his office for the manipulation of an election and he has proven incompetent as Mayor. Everything will be legitimate and a result of his own actions and inactions.

      4) In preparation of the removal of PDS (Planned Design Studio, the city went out for bids and the oversight of the parks projects was awarded to a company named Gartenberg. Everything was above board and complied with Wentzville's purchasing policy.

    2. "just becaise you say it's so, doesn't make it so."

  6. this is going to be just like lambi last year. gooch is going to go crazy. i can't wait to see him ignore it and take the high road.

  7. Michaeal Hays only won the election by 8 votes with only 39 percent of the vote. I feel that Ward 3 citizens were cheated by Mayor Guccione. I am asking any of my Ward 3 readers to call President of the Board, Rick Stokes and tell him how you feel about the situation.

    The voters of every ward should be upset because if something doesn't change, Guccione will be doing the same thing in your ward next year. Ward 1 got a taste of it this year when our Mayor openly campaigned for Robert Hussey. Fortunately he lost but you need to call your Aldermen Forrest Giossett and Cheryl Kross.

    If the residents don't communicate with the Aldermen they don't know we have a problem. Three of us got up in the meeting on the 10th and Guccione discounted us because "three people don't make a City." If they are ever going to do anything to correct this problem, they need to see and hear from more of us at the meetings. Please come help us with this cause even if it's just to agree with those of us who spoke up.

    1. If you look at the Mayor's report section at the end of the meeting telecast you can tell he was visibly shaken. He left the meeting immediately after he hit the gavel with his "Meeting Adjourned" pronouncement and went out thru the back door, I hear tell, so no one could corner him for any comments. Again, he avoids conflict and runs away to hide once more.
      He won't be able to hide from the Missouri Ethics Commission when he has to explain and take responsibility for his actions and what he did to Mr. Michael Hays campaign
