Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mayor Nickolas Guccione—First Year Review

Mayor Nickolas Guccione just gave the Board of Aldermen his goals and objectives for 2013. They were posted here on Four Days To The Election, and... (Click Here) I thought it might be a good time to look at what he's accomplished for the City during 2012, his first full year in office:

1. Campaigned for Micvheal Hays, Robert Hussey, and Michael Carter. (I'm not sure this qualifies as an accomplishment for the City [even though he did use his office and the City to endorse Micvheal Hayes], but I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt.)

This completes my list of Mayor Nickolas Guccione's  2012 accomplishments. If I've missed anything please let me know, I'd hate to seem unfair by selling him short.

The election is over, it was disappointing to see Micvheal Hayes (AKA Plastic Guccione) win his election with only 39 percent of the vote but at least I believe there will be some interesting meetings when they reconvene on April 10th. The 61 percent of we Ward 3 citizens who do not want Plastic Guccione are going to have to be satisfied with only one real Alderman, Rick Stokes. It should be easy though, we've had a lot of practice, only having one Alderman for the past six years. Honestly, I would be ashamed going out in the public knowing that less than forty percent of the people in Ward 3 wanted me trying to represent them.

It was a jubilant day for Wentzville when Judge Steve Martin overcame Circus Clown Carter's mail blitz and sign barrage. That's twice Carter has been beaten by Martin, with a little luck, he'll move onto some other unsuspecting town to set up shop. Those in the know came out to vote insuring Wentzville that it's judicial branch of Government is in good hands. Congratulations Judge Martin.

Cheryl Kross had a mandate winning by 55 percent over her opponent Robert Hussey, another Blow-Up Guccione who unfortunately leaned to far to the dark side of politics. Kross, who screwed up royally only made one mistake in her previous terms deserved to be reinstated. I wish she would transfer to Ward 3, we need a good Alderman. Congratulations Cheryl Kross.


  1. You missed one of Gooch's accomplishments in 2012. Uh... on second thought, maybe you didn't.

  2. Disgusted With GoochApril 4, 2013 at 3:19 PM

    I read in Newstime that he guaranteed the Splash Station would be open this year and under budget. Does that failure count? I guess not, I'll bring it up at next year's review.

  3. Congratulations to Alderwoman Kross and Judge Martin on their election victory.
    Darrel Lackey deserved to win but it's hard to beat the snake oil peddler when he pulls out his dirty tricks. Gooch plays the game like a New Jersey thug.
    It's a sad day in Wentzville when ethics, honesty, and genuine caring for this city get trumped by the 'Dirty Trick Master'.

    1. Well said, but might I add: Nickolas Guccione's biggest problem is that he truly believes he is above the law. He really thinks he's a King not a Mayor.

  4. The ____ is about to hit the fan! Watch the Board meetings closely for the next few weeks, Gooch really pulled his pud during this election, maybe for the last time. I think you'll get to see him load his pants and this time there is no one else to blame. I love it when a plan comes together.

    1. What is the capacity of the City Hall meeting room?
      Hear tell there is a grass roots swelling that might make the next meeting more than standing room only.
      Maybe the meeting should be held in the parking lot where there is more space for all the concerned citizens and not just the GOOCH buddies to pack the room???

    2. Sounds like a hanging crowd to me. I wish them success.

  5. History may repeat itself.
    Czar Nicholas II of Russia bears a striking familiarity to Wentzville's current mayor. He was thrust into the position without any skills or abilities also.
    Anyone care to comment on what happened to him?

    1. Has anyone watched what is happening in Ellisville, MO.
      Can that action against the Mayor repeat itself hear?
      "Only the Shadow knows"
