Friday, April 12, 2013

"The High Road."

Bill McClellen of the Post Dispatch had a great article Wednesday about Ellisville's Mayor Adam Paul being removed from office; Ellisville shows how government can be, well, fun, and  the Wentzville Board of Aldermen meeting of April 10th was, well, fun! Including myself there were three people who stood up in "Open Forum" to complain about the Mayor and Alderman Hays. Later in the meeting Mayor Nickolas Guccione said; "Three people don't make up the city." I find that statement remarkable simply because he listens to, and acts upon less than that when it suits his purpose, like setting his goals for 2013. He's even ready to change the very way business is done in the City when only one person gets his ear.

Guccione squirmed in his seat as the three citizens pummelled him for his lack of ethics and manipulation of the election. After the second person finished criticizing him Guccione said, "I would comment on that but I won't because I'm going to take the high road."  "High road?" I almost laughed out loud when he said that. I have news for him, he can't get to the high road from where he is. That statement coming from him is like your dog telling you (if he could talk). "I'm not drinking out of that dirty old bowl anymore, next time you leave the lid up, I'm drinking out of the toilet." His "high road" didn't last long, he finally cracked during his "Mayor's Report," when he threatened one the three (one who had already left) by saying, "One of them I beat in the election last year. He likes to say things about me and some things are going to be coming out about him." Here comes the trash he used against him last year, that's just like Guccione, when he can't defend his screw-ups he turns to mud-slinging. Watch out Mr, Lackey, here it comes, the Guccione "high road." I got the feeling that Guccione while looking down at us from his golden throne, at the three of us who spoke against him, were essentially the dregs of the City, we weren't concerned citizens, but rather usless box-dwellers who just don't appreciate his high standards and great brand of leadership..The "high road," Pfffft!

I've stated many times that Guccione will not take responsibility for any of his foul deeds, even when he gets caught with the smoking-gun still in his hand. His M.O. has always been blaming someone else for his unethical tactics. I was sure he was going to dump on Alderman Hays for putting the title "Mayor" on his flyer, but he didn't, after all when your name is Guccione and you're the Mayor of Wentzville, friends on the Board are scarce. Instead, our high-riding Mayor took the "high road" and blamed the printing company. Had Hays lost the election and he'd been no more use to Guccione, rest assured he would have blamed Hays for everything.

I want to talk more about the Mayor and Aldermen Reports but it will take more than I can put here today, so I'll close with this: For those of you who are thinking; "Guccione never gets in any trouble, why aren't our Aldermen doing anything?" The pile of dung the Mayor is shovelling on him self is growing substantially, the Aldermen are aware of it and our concerns. The day is coming when it will cover Guccione's "high road" and a long overdue spanking will be had for him.

1 comment:

  1. After watching the media telecast of the meeting, and it was played several times to be sure, but it almost looked like the Mayor was going to cry when he incessantly and repeatedly keep defending himself and blaming everyone else. Applause to Alderwoman Sonya Shryock for not getting down to the Mayor's level in their conversation. Hat's off to Alderman Forrest Gossett in his words with the Mayor. We all know the Board of Aldermen/Alderwomen keep trying to work with Mayor but he makes it difficult to have intelligent conversations when he does nothing but keep defending himself and does not have all the facts correct on what he is trying to say.
    The Mayor reminds us of Mr. Bojangles in that he just keep on dancing.
