Monday, March 11, 2013

The Price of Freedom

To sin by silence when they should protest
makes cowards of men.
—Abraham Lincoln

I started with this quote for a reason, not because I'm particularly fond of Abraham Lincoln, but because I believe with all my heart that his words are true. Last Monday's Statesmen vs. Politicians II had more pageviews in one day than any other post in the history of The Wentzvillian—I have to ask myself why? But I know the answer. The Wentzvillian had a cyber-visit from an extremely bitter candidate who attempted to manipulate the Wentzvillian Poll exactly like he did in last year's poll. This year he wasn't as bright as he was last year; he left a signature with his actual name on it, ya gotta love 'em.

The Wentzvillian is despised by our last three mayors, a number of elected officials, and wannabes past and present, for telling the people of Wentzville the things it sees in Government that is believed to be wrong, unethical, or just down-right crooked. I've had things happen from having windows broken out of my cars and office to threats of legal action. Candidates have started blogs and websites to counter the information posted here, they've written me ornery letters and emails, and confronted me nose-to-nose in City Hall among other places, all in an effort to intimidate or otherwise discourage me from publishing The Wentzvillian.

Every single person confronting me says exactly the same thing: "You're not telling the truth." Yet the City knows I'm telling the truth; they even called in a special unit from the St. Louis police department to sweep Wentzville City Hall for bugs, so The Wentzvillian must be close to spot-on. I have never had one problem from anyone in the City other than those who have either crossed the line, were on the fringes of unethical/illegal activity, or didn't want their bleak records published here.

The Wentzvillian was started for a number of reasons, but when a person trusts in their Government and is flat-out lied to and it costs them both  financially and emotionally, where do you turn? I've learned that you can't beat City Hall in a fair fight simply because Government is patient where a citizen's wallet is not. Government also has the power to defame and discredit anyone who doesn't subscribe to its beliefs. The only thing anyone can do is to go off-grid, and in doing so those people are constantly looking over their shoulders, but this is hardly an option if you consider yourself a patriot. So what's the answer, what can anyone do to expose what they truly believe to be injustice? Abraham Lincoln said it best: you can either sin by silence or stand and face the many slings and arrows of corruption.

This time of year (just before an election) things get particularly nasty for me: threats, verbal attacks, and fear of more rocks coming through my windows—it's always from the same group of thug politicians. Not statesmen but the ones "who seek personal or partisan gain often by cunning or dishonest means," these men and women are often the target of The Wentzvillian. For those of them, they left not only a fingerprint in the form of ISPs but names attached to them; should you care to escalate your hatred of me, this information has been sent to the appropriate authorities and if I become fish food they will have a great place to start. Until then—The Wentzvillian will be here pounding on the keyboard illuminating unethical behavior in any elected official or wannabe—Happy Reading!


  1. After reading, this it is pretty clear that the city is managed from the top by nothing more than small town thugs and bullies. It is a sad state ot affairs when citizens have to buy video cameras from outside the city so the thugs' buddies don't know who is out there buying items for their own safety and their property. This has become a small southern town that refuses to grow up

    1. In the City's defense, it is not full of gangstas. There are just a few candidates (or their supporters) in any election who use nasty and sometimes evil tactica to win.

      I won't put a list here simply because I've hammered them on prior postings, our biggest problem is with our Mayor. His last campaign was the most dirty and unethical of any in recent years and I know he's supporting candidates in April. I'll be watching for the dirt.

    2. Any candidate running for any office should distance themselves from our Guccione.

  2. Disgusted in WentzvilleMarch 11, 2013 at 6:33 PM

    I'm not sure why people fight so much in elections. Is there that much money involved for someone in Wentzville to lie or worse to get to be a councilman or mayor here. What is their motivation to trade their reputation for a job on the board or mayor? I would think giving up your privacy is terrible especially if you dishonor yourself in the process.

    1. You have one thing they don't: a conscience.

  3. Ever see our Mayor at a city board meeting?
    Once he was wearing a tan sportcoat,blackshirt, white tie and his hair was slicked back with vaseline. Looked like a New Jersey 'Goodfella'.
    Is this the professional image we want from our city officials for all the world to see??

    1. He looks more like an Arab terrorist sitting up there.
