Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Re-Elect Judge Steve Martin to Municipal Court

I voted for Judge Larry Nesslage in 2009 and because he didn't campaign as hard as he had in past elections Michael Carter flooded the town with signs, made a nuisance of himself with auto-dial phone recordings, and won the election. Once on the bench, Carter did his best to dismantle the Justice Department budget by lowering fines that were set by ordinance, releasing offenders with reduced fines, and not fining others who violated our laws.

The single most destructive thing Judge Carter did was to alienate our police force who worked fearlessly to apprehend those who would harm us, the citizens. Our Police officers lost faith in our municipal court and that situation put the citizens in harms way. Mayor Paul Lambi, Chief Robert Noonan, the Wentzville City Attorney, and our Aldermen had closed door meetings to see what could be done about either limiting Carter's power or removing him from office all together. Carter claims that his actions were in the name of justice, I claim he is arrogant, suffers from delusions of grandeur, and is once again wanting to reek havoc on Wentzville's Police Department and burden taxpayers by not making law-breakers pay their fair share.

In the 2011 election for Municipal Judge there were 3,685 votes cast for six candidates. Judge Steve Martin garnered 52.73 percent while Michael Carter snared 25.78 percent of the vote. I am proud to say I voted for Martin and seeing Carter's reign of terror end in Wentzville. Today, he has the Guccione machine supporting him and all bets are off, we need to continue our support for Judge Martin and I ask my readers to vote and tell your friends and acquaintances about Carter and Guccione's agenda of chaos in the City. I have spoken with Judge Martin and his words follow:

Dear Voters:

Last election for Municipal Judge, I asked for your confidence in me to serve as Municipal Judge and I was honored by your overwhelming support.

I promised to be fair to all, respectful to everyone, and bring professionalism back to Wentzville. I kept that promise and at the same time increased efficiency and saved the taxpayers money.

I look forward to discussing the improvements we have made to the Municipal Court since the last election, including the promises I made and have kept!

I look forward to meeting with you and I ask for your trust, and your vote on April 2nd.

Stephen Martin.

Promises Made, Promises Kept

As Municipal Judge, I promised to bring professionalism back to the Municipal Court. I am proud to report that as Municipal Judge:

  • Not a single ethics complaint has been filed against the court.
  • The Court meets all statutory deadlines.
  • The court is in compliance with all state laws.
  • Residents are informed of their rights before going to trial.
  • Everyone before the court is treated with respect.
 I also pledged to bring fairness to the court. Since being elected:

  • A fair trial is received by everyone.
  • Fair and polite treatment of all victims and all are given a chance to be heard.
  • Reduced number of continuances. Justice delayed is justice denied.
  • Expanded payment options for residents.
  • Regularly scheduled trial nights for residents wanting a trial.
Municipal Judge
Find us on Facebook at:
Steven Martin For Judge

I find it difficult to believe that Mayor Nickolas Guccione is actively campaigning for Carter. that alone speaks volumes about the character of both individuals.  If you don't believe me about this situation, stop any Wentzville police officer and ask them what they thought about the damage Judge Carter did to the City of Wentzville and then please re-elect Judge Steve Martin to the Wentzville Municipal Court.



  2. Where can I get a steve martin sign?

    1. Call Judge Martin directly at 1 636 949 3730. Ask and ye shall receive.

  3. Judge Martin is one of the few men in Wentzville who has the courage to do what is right in the city Municipal Court in a long, long time. He sticks to his principles and his ethics and maintains a moral code of ethics that has not been seen here lately.
    A vote for Michael Carter will only put Wentzville back to the old days of cronyism, self serving egotism, and manipulating the legal system for apparent personal interests.
    Your VOTE for Judge Steve Martin IS the only vote that will help Wentzville move forward and out of the past.
