Monday, March 25, 2013

"Just To Set The Record Strate."

For the past few years I've constantly said how our mayor, Nickolas Guccione does nothing, needs to go back to school, and tries to take credit for everything. He thinks he's pretty good at covering his tracks but yesterday he really stepped in it.

Alderman of Ward 2, Sonya Shryock posts on Facebook frequently giving news regarding the City of Wentzville. Yesterday, she reposted an article from; Plans Announced for Highway 61 Improvements, (click here). The first comment to her post was our claim-jumping Mayor. Guccione posted; "This was also a huge part of my goals fit 2012 when I became mayor of Wentzville..." You need to go to the link I provided to see for yourself the string of comments that followed her repost, it's very revealing.

Another comment (copied and pasted exactly) by our highly literate Mayor was as follows: Nick Guccione: "Just to set the record strate Scott smith Doug'lee and Doug Forbeck set up the meeting with Modot at my request it took a lot of people working together local county and state just to set the record strate " I noted his mispelling of the word straight and the comment that followed; Michael Hulse: "Um ... Mr Mayor, it's spelled 'straight,'" and Guccione responded; Nick Guccione: "Thanks Michael for spelling lesson all thumbs." All thumbs? Mr. Mayor you used the non-word "strate" in two places in the same post and two times you spelled it the same way, coincidence, all thumbs? I think not. If anyone reads your propaganda in Newstime each week they would notice a marked difference in writing. As a matter of fact I read your last article and I have serious doubts if you could even read it, much less write it.

Now that the fun part is over, let's get back to our claim-jumping Guccione. Later yesterday afternoon a Facebook post by Alderman of Ward 1 Forrest Gossett (click here) really set the record STRAIGHT. Gossett gave a lengthy progression of the Highway 61 story. From his information I can safely say without fear of sucessful contradiction, the only part Mayor Nickolas Guccione took in the entire process was to nod, make it one of "his" goals (after the fact), sign the letter, and take credit for everything. I'm trying very hard to be nice here but I'm about to blow.

Footnote: I cannot find the word "strate" in any dictionary I have on hand. I'm beginning to wonder if he meant "strait?" Surely that must be it.


  1. Guccione hasn't set any goals for 2013, he's waiting for the Aldermen to do something that he can use as a goal and take credit for it.

    1. the first quarter of 2013 is over and the mayor hasn't set any goals what is he waiting for?

  2. Guccione is supposed to give his goals to the Aldermen and staff at the "Strategic Planning Session" (retreat), I can't wait to see this list. It was supposed to happen this past weekend, I'm waiting for the video to get posted. This is gonna be so fun, he's gonna set the record strate.

  3. Gooch and Wagnels Hard Knocks EditionMarch 25, 2013 at 12:06 PM

    You can find the word "strate" in Gooch & Wagnels Dictionary (Hard-Knocks Edition) and it is defined: If'n ya hain't got much skoolin' ner buk lernin' go "STRATE" into politikin'. The matchbuks is tru, ya kin be purdy gud at it wit no sperience nesisary to.

    1. "Gooch & Wagnels"...Bwahahaha! That's the funniest thing I ever read.

  4. Hey he has copy editors, whose job is to make him look good and give him all the credit for anything good that happens in this city. Forget about Mrs. Tow who walked the streets petitioning and pushing.
    He told Doug'lee to set up a meeting. His words. That means, if it wasn't for him this project would not happen? Hey the news editors will say so ( because the city pays them to.) Bah Ha Ha, it's good to be the King. Take credit for all and deny the negative. Forget about citizens who do things to make a difference. It's about "Me Me Me" "My Idea" I have copy editors who will say so in all the papers! As the Duck Dynasty guys would say " That's just C R E E P Y.

  5. While we're at it lets talk about Micheal Hays running for ward 3 alderman. He is the Mayor appointment and agree's with the Mayor on everything and has not said no to anything the Mayor or Board has said.. If you want a follower who is non controversial vote Hays! If you want a leader with integrity vote Lackey. It is really that simple.. As John Wayne said " integrity takes guts to do what's right even though you get wall-uped for it, rather than cowering in security." The great leaders of our country were at the time controversial, they did not cower in security. They fought.

  6. On Shryock Facebook page, she post the link about about Highway 61 improvement. The Mayors post on the link under comments. Please make sure you view all the comments under the link about Highway 61.The Mayor is sitting Alderman Shryock "strate". You have to view all the comment to see his responses to her link. Fun to see their true colors on a public forum, without editors cleaning it up. They start going at it!!

  7. i know that mayor guccione didn't graduate with honors from grade school but he should have learned second grade spelling. he needs to quit typing emails or comments on facebook and let comeone else do it for him. i guess his wife wasn't around when he commented on shryock's post trying to take credit for the hwy 61 improvements, the bozo.

  8. Goock is going to take credit for anything good that happens, that's why he's so non-commital, he wants to wait and see if it's a winner before he commits. Wait to see his goals, they are nothing but hashed over nonsense that everyone wants. Nothing new or revolutionary with the Gooch this year, or any year.
