Monday, February 20, 2012


I had a conversation with a resident yesterday who had a great point about Alderman Nick Guccione and his lack of interaction with the other board members. He relayed that Guccione was complaining about how the other alderman will not listen to him. I had heard this before but the question remains: If he is elected Mayor, how will he ever get support for any of his initiatives? I don't know any of his initiatives and it seems that no one else I know does either, but I am concerned what they might be. He thinks he'll be in charge of the city and every aspect of it. He should probably set up a meeting with Mayor Lambi to ascertain how that's working out for him.

I don't think Guccione understands that his total authority would be over the staff and presiding at board meetings to keep decorum which could prove interesting at best. The rest of his representation of Wentzville would be with other cities and governmental agencies outside of Wentzville. Quite frankly, the thought of that given his observed lack of communication skills is frightening. Guccione will find out just like Lambi did, the ultimate authority is with the Board of Aldermen. He should know about ultimate authority having been a member of arguably one of the most contrary and counter-productive boards in the history of Wentzville; Bill Schuette, Nick Guccione, John Luby, and Peggy Meyer; the Lurchettes, they were as stubborn as a set-down jackass. They reigned terror on the sanity of our city and only gained power because three effective long-term aldermen retired; Dave Hoekel, Dave Billings, and Darrel Lackey.

I've heard that he believes himself to be the best man for the job, my question is; based on what? Following Bill Schuette's lead for four years and sitting on the board for another two is not being a qualified candidate for Mayor. I've begged him to illustrate in any manner what he's accomplished for his Ward 3 and got nothing. His campaign slogan is: "It's time someone stood up for the people." Wow, that's fresh, I don't think I've ever heard that from a candidate before. The people don't believe rhetoric like that after the way politicians and government has lied to them. The people believe in actions, not slogans and Guccione has not accomplished a single thing for the people of Wentzville during his entire time in office. My readers don't have to believe me, ask him, or any other Alderman exactly how he has positively impacted our city, he'll not have an answer. He did vote on several issues that relieved taxpayers from having the burden of excess money in their pockets and several others that were shot down by his peers but he has really accomplished nothing of substance. Guccione has introduced nothing to favor the citizens and less of the city.

I know Nick Guccione and have known him since he was first elected, he represents my ward 3 and I'm very in tune with what my representatives do. I am truly disappointed in his representation of my ward. I have numerous complaints but the thing that turned me against him the most was his unethical recruitment of candidates to run in every other ward (including his own)  in an effort to gain support that none of the five other aldermen give him. I have to ask: Why? Why don't they support him? Why is Nick Guccione correct and all of the other aldermen wrong? Why does he need to make an attempt to influence our board of aldermen with his hand-picked candidates if his ideas are so great? Why does he need to change the direction of our city to his way of thinking when it has been proven ineffective and unacceptable? You have to question any candidate for Mayor who made such a fool of himself in a board meeting, in point February 8, 2012.

The Chamber of Commerce "Candidates Night," is scheduled for 6:00pm, March 27th at the Holt High School Auditorium. I urge every voter to attend and judge for yourself not only his qualifications but communication skills. He has no track record and I will be curious to hear what he has to say. Lambi has made a mess of our city and I'm afraid Guccione will make it worse, we need a strong Mayor, one who can lead and know when to follow, but more importantly, he needs to be able to work with the Board of Aldermen.


  1. i still don't think nick will show at candidates night.

  2. i see the wentzvillian was quoted in both the journal and about the meeting of feb. 8th. that has to chap nick's ass, i'm sure he doesn't want anymore attention paid to that night. lol

  3. The night of February 8th will live in infamy for Guccione. It will be a constant reminder to apathetic voters through this election and the next. But hark! I think Mr. Guccione has many more entertaining nights in store for us.

  4. Will people who attend candidates night be able to ask questions of the candidates? I have a few for Guccione and want to ask them in a public forum where he will have to take a side in front of other citizens.

    1. Call Tony Mathews at the Chamber of Commerce (636-327-6914) for questions about "Candidates Night."
