Thursday, February 9, 2012

Grab Your Popcon, Gather the Family, and Enjoy!

If you missed the meeting last night, you really missed it, Gillette couldn't have put on a better card! This was the most entertaining city get-together I've had the pleasure to see in a long time, and it was totally unexpected, what a treat. So much happened that I really don't know where to start. I guess the best way is to say: If you don't have your head screwed on, everybody will mistake it for a football.

Alderman Nick Guccione, who is campaigning for Mayor must be reading The Wentzvillian because, as I've claimed many times, "Guccione doesn't contribute," well last night he decided to start orating. Everything went fine for him through the "Public Hearings," "Open Forum," and the "Consent Agenda," but when it came to the "Aldermen Reports" and; "XVII DISCUSSIONS;" topic: "Political Canvasing, Solicitatrion, and Temporary Signs," the projected excrement met the oscillating agitator and resulted in Guccione's melon between the goal posts.

Alderman Chris Gard had copies of the St. Louis Post Dispatch article of yesterday which he handed to Paul Rost, City Attorney, and expressed his concern that elected officials are talking to reporters about the secret meetings. With that, Guccione's hand shot up to be recognized by the Mayor almost as fast as his blood pressure. Guilt ridden he went on a tirade about "the blog, the blog" he blamed "the blog" half-a-dozen times in an attempt to cover for his talking to the reporter, Mark Schlinkmann. Guccione complained in months past and reaffirmed last night that "everything is out in the open" because some Alderman has been blabbing to "the blog." I need to thank Mr. Guccione for confirming (blabbing to "the blog" and City) that all my speculations are true, but I sure didn't think he'd do it in a public meeting. He clearly needs to quit reading "the blog." I hate to say that because he and Donna Sherwood are two of my most devoted readers. Rost told the Mayor and Alderman that they should not comment to reporters regarding the "Executive Session" matter that is currently under investigation.

Gard moved onto political signs and the complaints of his constituents. He stated that "prospective elected officials should be held to the same temporary signage code that are expected of citizens and the businesses in Wentzville." Once again Guccione reached for the sky, "Other candidates have the support of the HBA and have signs up everywhere, it's not fair!" Wa wa wa, he's starting to sound like Mayor Lambi and before this heated, fist pounding debate was finished his face was blazing red.

Next came the report of Alderman Rick Stokes: His concern was that the city should not be paying to advertise in the Vision Newsletter a Coffee Talk that is in reality a political rally. A little background is needed here: Guccione has held a monthly meeting for the public to discuss subjects of city business and historically it has been hosted in city hall. Last week his Coffee Talk took place in his home and from witness accounts, it quickly turned into a political bashfest of his and Sherwood's opponents. He tried defending himself again by mentioning a private citizen by name as the covert spy who told everyone. This Coffee Talk was an advertised public meeting, talking about what went on to someone after such a meeting is allowed, duh. In discussing this matter with the individual after the meeting, she is very unhappy that "Guccione slurred my good name in a public meeting." Something tells me that he hasn't heard the last of that incident.

Penultimately, Guccione confronted Attorney Rost after the meeting to explain what he said to the press. Rost told him that he shouldn't talk to the media about this situation. Guccione reiterated his explaination and Rost told him again, not to talk to the media. A third time he tried to explain to an obviously disgusted Rost who was stuffing his papers in his brief case as quickly as he could, "Just don't comment to the media," and politely left. It's possible that Guccione with what he said to Schlinkmann and in tonight's meeting, may have removed himself from the protection of the city's counsel.

There were enough things happen in last nights alderman meeting to fill several blogs and I think I'll save some for another day. I'm sure someone will think I'm making this crap up and just bashing Nick Guccione, but frankly, I think he's doing enough of that all by himself. It was stated by a person in the audience: "Nick is the best campaign manager Leon Tow or Darrel Lackey could ever ask for." I have to agree, he really stepped in it last night. For three hours of entertainment; grab your popcorn, gather your family, and tune in to the February 8, 2012 Wentzville Board of Alderman meeting at:



  1. Nick was better off when he just kept his mouth shut in these meetings.

  2. Do you think they should remove the private citizens name from the video? Maybe a beep. The person in question should not be smeared anymore than they have been already!!

    1. I don't know if Sunshine Laws would allow editing of the Video. I seem to remember President Nixon doing something like that.

    2. I smell a lawsuit

    3. the lady is really distraught I'm sure she could get some attorney to get into the citys deep pockets on a contingency basis. the evidence is strong, she could retire and if the city attorney cant represent him, ahe could put guccione in the poor house at the same time.
      she can nail him for slander and hold the city liable for hosting the public video. i can't wait to see how the wentzvillian is going to handle this situation.

  3. appears the video is not on the website....

  4. Sunshine Law prohibits editing of the tape, but as many Wentzville citizens know this is a good person Nick slandered. Thank you again Nick for helping Leon's campaign!!!

  5. sounds like an alderman with comments above. who knows anything about sunshine law. so my guess would be the comment came from leon tow or rick stokes. this blog continues to be mean with mean people but i am confident that if you need to be mean to win, you will lose.

    1. I'm sorry you still think I'm so "mean," I even tried to clean up my act. I still haven't heard why you think Guccione would make such a good mayor, but my question to you is: Why do you keep coming here to read this crap, are you that paranoid that someone could have an opinion different to yours?

    2. Any business person that does contract work for the city is aware of the sunshine law not just alderman. The person's name that was used by Nick is a concerned citizen, we need more good people like that to get involved so our city can continue to prosper and not fail due to uneducated city officials making self-serving decisions.

  6. It's too tedious to wade through the meeting videos. Can you post where in the meeting (minutes) we can see Nick "in action?"

    1. Go to "Alderman Reports" there's where it begins during Chris Gard and Rick Stokes reports. The real party can be found under the header; "XVII DISCUSSIONS," then scroll down to the topic; "Political Canvasing, Solicitations, and Temporary Signs.

  7. Thank you for pointing-out where to look within the board meeting.

    You may be exaggerating, but not much! The Gard and Stokes reports were just a warm-up. Nick really offered to take a polygraph test if the other aldermen joined in? What a precedent! Every time you question another aldermen's motives, challenge him or her to a lie detector test! Sell advertising for this spectacle.

    At 2:46:45, it was game on. Nick appeared to complain about the unfairness of securing sign locations. Was Nick claiming he needs to flaunt the sign regulations to level the playing field?

    Next time I shop at Schnuck's, I'll park in the fire lane. When I receive a ticket, I'll claim that all of the best parking spaces were taken (by realtors, builders, "special interests", and any other group I can conjure up). Follow the rules, behave with class, and don't embarrass your citizens. And, in a city of Wentzville's size there are plenty of places to put your signs.

    Visit this site for the video:
