Friday, December 16, 2011

"The Illegal Practice of Using One's Influence..."

The Wentzvillian has been gathering information on our mayor's activities regarding the pressure put on Wentzville citizens to participate in the GAP1 project. Little did I realize the magnitude of this problem. The  latest report came from a contact at the state level who informed me of something that frankly surprised the hell out of me. Here is the news that should enrage every citizen of Wentzville:

It is a known fact that our Economic Development Manager, Larry Tucker, in conjunction with several aldermen have been working very hard with Ranken Technical College to locate a satellite school in Wentzville. This would be a great boost to the economic development of our city, bringing jobs and revenues to our local businesses. Reviewing the information received, it appears that Ranken coming to Wentzville is not a first priority with Mayor Lambi.

Tucker, Lambi and a few Aldermen hopped into Wentzville's VAN1 (a city owned vehicle) to meet with Ranken representatives in St. Louis. While on the way, Lambi instructed the driver to swing by his office to pick up his business associate, Mr. Ed Watkins. He told everyone in the van that he and Watkins wanted to have a meeting with Ranken before the City business meeting. This is wrong on so many levels it's difficult to comprehend.

Why the Aldermen didn't balk at Lambi's suggestion is beyond me. A city van being used to transport a non-city person to a meeting dedicated for city business to do private business with the mayor leading the charge could be construed litigious at best. I am led to understand that Lambi and Watkins met first with Ranken to drum up support for GAP1. The Wentzvillian is not a lawyer but I've seen and heard of elected officials being indited for less than the stunt Lambi pulled. It amazes me that he is so stupid as to put his personal gain ahead of (and instead of) city business and invite an outsider to join the city in his venture. If this isn't influence peddling or abuse of authority, I'd like to know what it's called. Something needs to be done.

Wikipedia defines: "Influence peddling; the illegal practice of using one's influence in government or connections with persons in authority to obtain favors or preferential treatment for another, usually in return for payment. Also called traffic of influence or trading in influence."

To add something else that I find extremely interesting, my state level source said that the matter has gone Federal. I'm not sure what that means yet but my mind is racing with negative possibilities for Mayor Paul Lambi.


  1. Is this really something to get exited about?

  2. Is the violation of city, state, and Federal law anything to get excited about? Why have our aldermen done nothing about this?

  3. I believe the aldermen have tried to do something but what that is is locked away in the "Executive Session" minutes of November 16th, 19th and 30th. "Executive Session" minutes are made public record after 72 hours but not these. I made a formal request for information as provided for in the "Sunshine Laws" (freedomn of information act), I was told that after review by our City Clerk and Attorney, they are closed. The only way they can be made public record is by a vote of the Aldermen.
    Usually this type of minutes are made available to the public 72 hours after they are approved at the next regular meeting of the board of aldermen.
    I have to assume that in an effort to keep the mayor from suffering the slings and arrows of having his crime go public, he and his staff are keeping them closed. You can bet your ass that if someone Lambi didn't like in the city had committed a similar crime and Lambi knew about it, it would be in every newspaper in the county, that has happened before.
    There's only one way for the public to know the whole truth of Lambi's innocence or guilt is for citizens to contact their aldermen demanding they make these documents public. If that doesn't work, contact your state represenative and senator. If Lambi has nothing to hide and did nothing wrong, what's the harm in releasing the documents. Then if I'm proved wrong, I'll retract all of my statements and offer a public apology regarding this matter.

  4. Maybe the aldermen are letting this go because Lambi decided not to run and he will be out of office in April anyway. Maybe they think that if they can keep this quiet until after the election he wouldn't have to go through a shameful resignation.

  5. If this is stuff is all true what would happen if he resigned, would he still be in trouble?

  6. I would hope our Alderman would have the courage to get to the bottom of this!

  7. I am certain the Aldermen brought the city attorney up to speed on this issue and it's now in the hands of the legal system. I don't know the process but I think it may be out of the Aldermen's court. I am surprised at the fact that somehow the state knows about it.

  8. I heard some pretty flammable stuff is flowing in city hall. I'd bet Lambi's pop-stand is gonna blow shortly after the new year. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
