Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sonya Shryock, Alderman Candidate

Sonya Shryock
Candidate for Alderman, Ward 2

Considering the registered candidates for Ward 2, Sonya Shryock is The Wentzvillian's candidate of choice. Sonya has lived in Wentzville for two years, a mother of two, and worked in the real estate business for over 20 years. She comes from a family with a combined experience in real estate of over 75 years. Today, she is a full-time wife, mother, and advocate/fundraiser for displaced children and families, among other causes that hit her in the heart. Sonya was interviewed last week and offered the following information about herself and her candidacy:

"I am a  concerned citizen
and confident that I can help."

"I am a people person and stand up for what's right. Some members of my family call me 'Captain Justice.' I am not a politician nor want to be, but I am passionate about Wentzville issues and eager to do what is necessary to create a better future for our citizens and city."

With the economy as it is today, she takes issue with the 3000 unbuilt home lots and the problem of housing for retired and first time buyers. She is against building smaller homes in subdivisions that were approved for larger homes.

"I disagree with allowing builders to place homes with a smaller footprint next to larger homes and I think citizens currently residing in these larger homes would agree with me. There are other ways to build-out these 3000 lots and still provide medium or limited income housing without bringing down the property value of those residents already living in Wentzville. When the Real Estate industry is in trouble, the Economy is in trouble. When building is going it employs everyone from the lawyers, builders, realtors, painters, title companies, carpenters, etc.—so while I don' t agree with building smaller footprints, I think there are better ways to keep these people working and it is one of my most important goals."

When asked how she would accomplish this:

"I would work with Wentzville's Economic Development department to restart our economic-engine. Businesses are what brings residents to our city, and residents who are working, will buy homes here. I support small as well as large businesses and have experience and ideas about how to get them here. The plan is long-term and there's no quick-fix, I don't have all the answers but will listen to my fellow citizens who may have them."

"I am upset about the current trend of our city using outside contractors who take money out of Wentzville. We need to use the businesses that are located here and when the city spends money with them, it multiplies three times. If there are businesses here who can provide goods and services needed by the city, they should be our first choice in bids. We need to stop sending our jobs to someone in another city, county, or state unless absolutely necessary."

"I am pleased that some of our current aldermen are standing tall for cutting spending and trimming the excess out of Wentzville's budget. I believe in fiscal responsibility and will work toward creating a more economically efficient city government. From what I've seen, our aldermen have made great strides in the right direction and will need someone to support them in their efforts to get Wentzville back on track, I want to make a difference and I'm eager to get started."

Sonya Shryock is a candidate with vision and compassion, strong family values, and great civic pride. I believe she will make a difference in Wentzville when she is elected. The Wentzvillian urges readers to remember the name of Sonya Shryock when going into the voting booth on April 3rd, 2012.

An invitation was given to all candidates running for office in the 2012 election to place their bio/platform here. This offer is open for any legitimate, registered candidate to post their political platform. (If you are a candidate and want your platform presented here, email it to: thewentzvillian@aol.com. Submissions will be posted in the order of receipt and unedited.)


  1. Thank you for posting this information about Ms. Shryock. I was hoping that a candidate would come forward in ward 2 who would show some intelligence! Looks like Sherwood will lose for the third straignt time and from what I've read, she going to drag Nick down with her. YESSSSS!

  2. I know Sonya Shryock personally. She has good morals and is not a politician, just a citizen trying to do the right thing. She will have my vote!

  3. I live in ward 2, I don't know Sonya but I like what I've read and would like to know more. Is she ever going to have a townhall type question and answer meeting? If so where and when?

  4. When I interviewed Sonya, she talked about the possibilities of having meetings with the public prior to the election. I will announce it here as soon as things are farther along.

  5. I've watched Ms. Shryock's opponent, Donna Sherwood for the better part of ten years. Sherwood is a radical politico, with ties to Vickie Boedecker and Bill Schuette. She needs to go away and take her hard-push, under-handed brand of politics with her. That group has the habit of trying to get other radicals elected. They meet in groups to formulate the overthrow of sane government. She has taken her subversive strategy to Nick Guccione and now they have coerced two other citizens into running for an office. They meet covertly on a regular basis to further their Socalist agenda.


    1. Folks need to lay off of Vickie Boedeker and quit saying idiotic things for which they have no clue what they are talking about... Vickie was the best thing that could have happened to Wentzville at a critical time when we needed someone to lead and not be bought by special interest groups. I know that this will never make it into this biased blog, and even if it does, there will still be those who have no clue and will continue to bad-mouth her. It's a shame that politics has turned this one-time loving community into a backstabbing and angry place to bring up our children.

  6. Hi to every concerned citizen, THANK YOU for posting your nice comments and THANK YOU Wentzvillian for writing a nice article. I know you tell it like it is. I am currently working on a website to let you all know who I am and what I stand for and why I chose to run for alderman. With the holiday's it has been slow coming, I love Christmas and get caught up in it, but I promise I will get to work soon. I am looking forward to going door to door meeting as many of you as possible and answering any concerns you may have. I am also planning a meet and greet. I will let you know more details as plans get settled. I hope you all will be able to attend. I would also like to give you a heads up on what my campaign will be based on;
    1. Senior Citizens----They have paid their dues. I would NEVER vote to cut the meals on wheels program. While I agree the fat in the city budget should be trimmed, lets not start with our seniors.

    2. Keep Your Tax Dollars in the City you live in-----When you spend your tax dollars in the city you live in, the tax dollars triple. Example--- the parks project was a 20 million dollar project. If we would have kept the money in Wentzville, it would be like spending 60 million dollars in our own city. What would that have done for our small businesses;, carpenters, painters, electricians landscapers, builders, ect... How many new families would those jobs have brought into our city? Then ask yourself, if we would have kept our tax dollars in our city would we still have all these vacant lots in our subdivisions? Property values are based off supply and demand. Would our property values go up or keep going down? Where would we be as a city today if we would have kept our tax dollars in our city during its boom? I am not including the residents of Wentzville who own their own business in another city.

    3. I would NEVER---vote in a tax increase, Our seniors who live on a fixed income are already almost taxed out of their homes. I will make a lot of budget cuts if need be, but no more taxes.

    4. I Support VETERANS------my husband served 15 years in the Navy as a Chief Petty Officer and 2 years in the army. My brother -in-law is a Colonel and is currently serving in Afghanistan.

    I could go on and on but I need to save something for the website. I also hope to meet you in person.

    Thank you again for getting involved and taking your vote serious. We need people with integrity, who stand strong and are passionate on issues.

    Contact me at: sonyashryock@yahoo.com

    Thanks again

    Sonya Shryock
