Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder?

This week is a busy one for our city government, three meetings in the first three days. It started Monday with a joint meeting of the parks board and the board of aldermen for a "Parks Projects Presentation." Last evening the board of aldermen addressed issues effecting the city regarding county, state and federal laws. Tonight, they will host the regular board of aldermen meeting and several very important pieces of legislation will be voted on I'll report on this meeting tomorrow.

Monday's meeting addressed the $20 million dollar parks project. The parks board presented the scope, schedules, and progress of the planned parks to the board of aldermen. Mayor Lambi obviously didn't believe it necessary for him to attend so Acting Mayor Leon Tow directed the meeting. With the size of the expenditures regarding the parks project I was surprised to see the mayor not present.

Yesterday's meeting was very interesting and informative. Representatives from the county, state and federal level were invited by the city to attend and field questions from the aldermen. Very important people were there; County Councilman Joe Cronin, State Representative Chuck Gatschenberger; and Senator Scott Rupp's Chief of Staff Bruce Holt helped the board by answering questions of law that effect our city. Claire McCaskill was invited but unable to attend. Once again, Mayor Lambi didn't make an appearance and Acting Mayor Leon Tow directed the meeting.

I found it disturbing that Lambi didn't come to this meeting so I asked Acting Mayor Tow where he was. Tow said he expected him but didn't know his whereabouts. I understand no one in the city knew where he was including the Acting City Administrator Dennis Walsh or City Clerk Vi Skillman. He didn't notify anyone regarding his absence and I'm sure he's going to need a note from his mother when he does come back.


Breaking news yesterday in STLtoday illuminated the fact that Mayor Paul Lambi will not seek re-election (like we didn't know). He cited his job was taking him across the county and another term would be impossible. This was not a press release to any of the news services so I have to conclude that he gave them the exclusive. There is more to the story and it will be coming soon.

Regarding the candidates filing on the first day, I received the list last night from our City Clerk. I am posting the names here but scratched through the names of those candidates that The Wentzvillian believes would create a disturbance in the force. If you take our city seriously, you won't support their bid for office.

Bill "Lurch" Schuette
Nickolas "Nick" Guccione
Leon Tow

Jay Weber

Donna J. Sherwood

Michael Hays
RICK STOKES (incumbent)
Rodney E. "Rod" Stratman

In Ward 1, FORREST GOSSETT is expected to file. In Ward 2, SONYA SHRYOCK is my candidate of choice. In Ward 3,  RICK STOKES has been a bulldog when it comes to cutting the budget and pushing the half-million dollar real estate tax reduction, he is the kind of representative Wentzville needs to re-elect.

"Lurch" Schuette is serious about being Mayor but I'm sure he hasn't got the welfare of the city in mind, his record is filled with controversy. He is loud, confrontational, a bully, and has no idea of how government works. I have been hearing that he has been calling around trying to drum up some support, I wish he'd call me, (metaphorically speaking) I'd loan him a ladder, the use of a tree in my back yard, and a rope with a noose in it.


  1. You need more love! Reach out and hug someone.

  2. The rafters are being shuck and there is more than just dust dropping from the ceiling. Read the blog referencing Mayor - would not be surprised; especially with the latest happenings and rumors. The clincher might be discussed at next board meeting. Just downloaded the meeting agenda - and the consent agenda - seems Fin Dir trying to sneak something thru without discussion. He needs to be worrying and his #2. Meetings will be tougher & not easier. January to be tough month for him - maybe.

    Consent Agenda & 9 items - rumors say 4 items will be pulled.

    New Bus. Sure hope city's purchasing fellow is rested - he will be drilled - what is "implied contract"? What do you know about him? Surprised he is still with the city - taking a lot of chances.

    regarding the "Lurch" saw him last weekend. He has no idea what this city needs and I was not impressed.

    keep doing what you are with "The Wentzvillian" - good Job!

  3. Wentzville's Purchasing Manager, Mr. Jerry Hillin is a dedicated hard-working man with a high standard of ethics. He is fearless when he knows there's wrong-doing and has gone forward to the Board of Aldermen in public meetings with truth on several occassions. If I had to quess I would say Hillin is protected from retribution under the "Whistle-Blower" policy. Jerry is an asset to taxpayers and the city of Wentzville.

  4. I should have added: "Implied Contracts" indicates a contract where money was spent by the city with no supporting documentation. No one knows if the city ever received the services or products in these "Implied Contracts." One of these was in the amount of $60,000. I understand that Hillin has uncovered a number of this type of contract and there's trouble brewing, the rats are scurrying.

  5. You are obviously blinded by pity for Mr. Hillin, exactly how he wants you, the aldermen and anyone else who can expose his games. There are ways to get things done, to implement positive change without dragging down innocent people. Mr. Hillin has never tried that.

    From Elbert Hubbard:

    If you work for a man, in Heaven’s name work for him. If he pays wages that supply you your bread and butter, work for him, speak well of him, think well of him, and stand by him, and stand by the institution he represents. I think if I worked for a man, I would work for him. I would not work for him a part of his time, but all of his time. I would give an undivided service or none. If put to the pinch, an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness. If you must vilify, condemn, and eternally disparage, why, resign your position, and when you are outside, damn to your heart’s content. But, I pray you, so long as you are a part of an institution, do not condemn it. Not that you will injure the institution – not that – but when you disparage the concern of which you are a part, you disparage yourself.
