Monday, April 7, 2014

Vote April 8, 2014 For Ethical Government

Tomorrow, April 8th, 2014, registered Wentzville voters will go to the polls to elect aldermen for Ward 1 and Ward 3. One change from last year; you will not see the mind-numbing barrage of signs placed at the polls by ex-Judge, Michael Carter when he attempted to recover his seat on the bench. Voters were fed up with his crippling of the police budget and kicked him back to the curb in favor of Steve Martin for his second term. Something you will see again is our Mayor passing out his city business cards and endorsing his retreaded candidates; Robert Hussey and Linda Wright. You may even see ex-judge Carter and State Representative RINO, Bryan Spencer handing out their cards.

When you see Guccione and he gives you his city business card introducing his candidates, ask him; Mr. Mayor, What have you accomplished for Wentzville during your last two years in office? And; Why are you endorsing this candidate when you've clearly accomplished nothing in your term? Another great question might be; Why are you spending so much time meddling in campaigns for aldermen hopefuls, shouldn't you be concentrating on your job and trying to work with the board of aldermen, rather than control it? Or, Is it true, you visited pornographic websites on city owned computers? (that ought to get some interesting conversations started) For my money, I'd even ask; What have you accomplished in seven years of derelict public service, and how much did the city spend trying to scrub your email to keep it from infecting our entire city system?
There are some questions you might ask of Hussey such as; "Mr. Hussey, what was the real reason you were fired from your city administrator job with Dardiene Prairie," and "Why did you violate the rules of an international benevolent society by using their membership list for your personal campaign?" And then; Given your shifty history and highly unethical use of a private membership list, how can you possibly compete with the most ethical and procedure-wise alderman in Wentzville; Forrest Gossett? I seriously doubt you'll get the correct answers, but it's worth a try.
Now the Wright quiz; "Ms. Wright, why are you running against Wentzville's most effective alderman, Rick Stokes, what do you bring to the table that he hasn't already?" Or; "Is it true you work administering Obamacare? And; Do you have any knowledge of procedure or city management?" Or; "Weren't you initially recruited by Guccione to be his pawn, voting with him on the board?" And finally; Didn't you run a pathetic third in your embarrassing loss to the appointed, and now useless Michael Hays, why would you think you could beat the powerhouse Rick Stokes?" These are all good questions if you plan to vote for her.
Local government is where voters can make the largest impact. You can choose to have our representatives run our city in an ethical, and fiscally responsible proactive way, or you can choose the path Mayor Nickolas Guccione is trying to impliment—an unethical, irresponsible, shoot-from-the hip kind of government, where he controls the aldermen and doesn't know any thing other than dirty, mud-slinging, good-ole-boy politics. 
Guccione once proudly told me; "I voted for Obama!" I disagree with what Obama is doing to our country, but I believe Guccione wants to be just like him. Our country today has the worst economic, and social problems the world has ever seen and Guccione wants to bring Wentzville to that same breaking point. There is only one way he can accomplish his goal of total control and that's by duping the voters into electing Hussey and Wright.
So what are Guccione's goals if he gets Hussey and Wright elected? Everything listed here can be verified through public record;
  • Chief of police, Lisa Harrison will be fired within the first 90 days.
  • Opposes the CID extension that would allow a movie theater, a workout center, and a new steak house to be built in Wentzville.
  • Wentzville will get stricter Gun laws.
  • Ordinances and ethics policies will be changed to allow the mayor to give money to any 501c3 organization or hard-case story individual he hears about.
  • He will continue to pardon individuals or business owner friends who violate Wentzville law.
  • He will dictate to, and micro-manage builders.
  • He will oppose anything (other than baskets for the Mayor's Ball) brought to Wentzville by Sam's Club, or WalMart.
  • He will continue bringing new unfunded laws to the city.
  • He would oppose anything Ranken Technical College brings (except donations to the Mayor's Ball) before the city.
  • He would infect the Wentzville computer system without having anyone on the board to rat him out.
  • He would shut-down any and all pet shops in Wentzville.
The list goes on, but these are all things he wants, or has already gotten in his first two years in office. If he gets two more yes-men elected to the board, he'd have a super-majority who all agree with his politics, and he'd get everything on this list and more, for the remainder of his political life in Wentzville.
Frankly, I find Guccione dangerous, his supporters, and his politics disgusting, and can't wait to have someone beat him out of his job in 2016. He and his closest confidants have brought sleaze to Wentzville government and it's time to put a stop to it. If you vote for Hussey or Wright, you are telling Guccione that we want you to do any and/or all of the things listed above.
So here we are, another heart-wrenching Guccione campaign, filled with mud-slinging and inferior candidates, I'm really tired of it. We need to stop his unethical endorsements and send them home for the second time, hoping they get the message—Wentzville doesn't want you or anyone connected with our dysfunctional mayor.
Remember to vote tomorrow, and I hope you vote for either Forrest Gossett in Ward 1, or Rick Stokes in Ward 3. We need to let the mayor know where we stand on his brand of politics!


  1. Is it legal for me to copy and paste this on topix? Well said.

  2. How can I contact you?

    1. I love everything you have to say. Can you get in trouble for the above post? I want to post it everywhere on the internet, but I am not sure. I know its freedom of speech. I know that politicians are not as protected as you and I. Just curious if you have every been sued or subpoenaed. Keep up the good work.

    2. Repost anything you like. What I am writing is legal, everyone named here are public figures and I'm careful to see that I stay away from posting about private citizens. Even if they file frivilous lawsuits, that won't stop me. I've had every threat you can think of, a law suit is mild compared to most of them.

      I know who is behind all of this and they don't want the truth to hit the newspapers, they are smart enough to know that everything will come out in a court of law. I can't seem to get the news services engaged in whats going on in Wentzville, so I say, bring it on! Don't you think it would be funny if Guccione was in the papers or TV trying to defend watching porn on city equipment, that would be the end of everything for him.

      Something better to post on Utube would be some of Guccione's assinine statements during city meetings.

  3. The city of wentzville has become a joke. If nick gets his way we will never grow. If porn man gets his way then the chief will be fired. Last time I checked she has done nothing but improve the pd from what is was under Noonan with pyatt as his puppet. Get rid of the whole board and start over.

  4. wentzvillian, i hope your message is heard by enough voters to elect stokes and gossett. i know i'm going to do my part and vote for gossett. thanks for all you do to help inform us who don't have time to go to the city meetings.

  5. Who are you, Wentzvillian. No pertinent info on your profile and no identification anywhere. Costs money to send mail to voters in Wentzville. Who paid the tab on that? Just wondering. Don't know who to believe these days.

    1. Who I am isn't as important as what I post. I am a citizen's advocate and everything I post here is true and verifiable through public record. The mail you received came from a copy-cat blog of the same name that was started to counter The Wentzvillian who has been reporting on Wentzville government since 2003. That blog was started by ex-Judge Micheal Carter and Nickolas Guccione, who are intent on shutting me down. Therefore, I believe it can be safely said that it was either Carter or Guccione who paid for the mailing.

      Believe who you will, all I do is post the facts. You can determine who is telling the truth.

    2. Word is that Carter did it himself and the Mayor did not encourage him on this effort. In fact it was heard that the mayor tried to discourage it as he saw the real damage it could do.

  6. I can try to answer that. He sees the truth. Is he a little intense, yes.But, he is a level headed person who has been to more meetings than even our mayor and alderman have. AS for as who paid for the flyer, we will find out. I know wright did not have paid for by on her fliers (Ethical violation). Our city is such a mess and will be worse if the mayors people get in. Sad.

  7. I do know that he needs to keep private. He uncovers a lot of violations in wentzville government. The mayor and several other people hate him for that. He has been threatened and even had property damaged. He needs to stay on the down low for his own safety. ---- From- Newly moved in resident.

  8. The mayor is at Heritage School Polling place pushing hard for Wright. If Wright and Hussey loose, how interesting is Nicks final days in office gonna look?

  9. I have it on good authority that if the mayor gets his super majority during this election cycle, he will only have it for one year. He can do a lot of damage in one year but there is movement afoot that looks good for the city. There will be a consorted effort to replace the lieing traitor, Cheryl Kross, and the most useless Micheal Hays. I'm sure Guccione will put someone else up against Kross because he's never trusted her, but he/she will not beat a new candidate either.

    If I were Kross, I'd do what Sonya Shyrok did...take a powder...drop out of the 2015 race. She's burned a lot of bridges with her strongest old supporters who helped her get elected both times. There will be no one for her to look to help her next year.

    1. It's really sad that Kross isn't at the polls supporting her old friend Forrest Gosset. He helped her get elected and reelected, what's her problem? Does Guccione have that big of a strangle hold that she would turn her back on a very good friend? She needs to go knit something.

  10. First time I met Hussey, he told me that the young girl that lived with them was his younger sister. She is his daughter! I thought he was running for his family not ashamed of them!

  11. What happened yesterday? What a surprise according to the polls.

  12. Armageddon is here.. Or should I say grouchy-geddon has arrived.. Lord help our city now!!

  13. WE met Hussey at a meeting a couple of months ago and was amazed at how similar he was to the Mayor. Everything from the way he spoke, sat with his legs crossed, answering questions without really giving an answer seemed like there was another Nick G. in the room. Time will tell if that observational conclusion was valid. GOD save the city if he really is a clone of Nick G.

  14. Can we take our city back to 2010? Maybe with a little imagination we can play "Back to the Future"
