Friday, April 4, 2014

The Three "D's": Deceit, Deception, and Diversion

Just four days remain until Wentzville voters go to the polls to elect aldermen for Ward 1 and Ward 3, and this is an extremely important election for the well-being of our city. Mayor Nickolas Guccione is using Mike Carter (the rejected municipal Judge) to sling most of the mud at candidates; Rick Stokes and Forrest Gossett. Carter is using his copy-cat blog, and now mailings to Ward 3 voters attempting to overthrow the strongest aldermen on the board, in the typical slash-and-trash King Nickolas campaign style.
The Guccione-Carter-Spencer campaign tactics are used because they have nothing positive to say about their own candidates. About Linda Wright they tell us; "She's a good mom," or that "Robert Hussey is a good man." We've had a; "She's a good mom" disaster in Ward 2 for two years; and we're not sure of a man who steals the membership list of a benevolent society to use for campaigning, or being fired by the good City of Dardiene Prairie "is a good man." The problem is that Wright knows nothing about city government, or any government. I guess they could make points by saying Wright makes her living working in the Obamacare system (which is a fact), if you happen to agree with Obamacare, but I'm not sure that it qualifies as a positive reason to vote for her. It's the silk purse, sow's ear syndrome — They think; if they can pile up enough trash on their opponent, and get enough titles e.g., Mayor, Judge, and State Representative to endorse him/her, they can make a star out of nothing while destroying a true star.

What they are overlooking is; Wentzville voters are not as stupid as Guccione/Carter/Spencer think they are, and, they remember the lies they were told. Guccione used the three "D's"; Deceit,  Deception, and Diversion getting himself elected, and voters have seen what they got; an unqualified, illiterate, dysfunctional mayor. Guccione has endorsed numerous alderman candidates in every election, including his own, and not a one of them were ever elected. The voters know that he's a deceit filled airbag of questionable morals and they know; if he is endorsing Wright and Hussey, something must be wrong with them. Both of his candidates were endorsed by the Guccione machine last year and both failed. This year he's boosted endorsements for the retreaded Hussey and Wright thinking that that would do the trick. If he and Carter couldn't get them elected last year, what's changed, why would he think that by throwing a half-baked RINO State Representative in the mix it would make any difference? Remember Einstein's definition of insanity: doing the same thing expecting different results.

Voters know about the narcissistic King Nickolas, they know about the egotistical self-centered ex-Judge Carter, and they are finding out about the lack of ethics of the meddling Missouri State Representative, Bryan Spencer. These three men are trying to overturn our Wentzville representative government by ousting Rick Stokes and Forrest Gossett, giving Guccione another yes-man and yes-woman that have no intention of representing Wentzville and who have no knowledge of government. It's a bad situation and the voters of Wentzville won't stand for it!

If Guccione's candidates are so good, why won't they tell us what they plan to do, what they have done, and what makes them qualified to be an alderman in Wentzville. "He's a nice man," or, "She's a good mom," are not good reasons to ask us to vote for them. Throwing trumped-up-trash and gathering more phony endorsements against incumbents; Rick Stokes and Forrest Gossett, will not discredit the dedicated representation they have given their constituents and the people of Wentzville. The Wentzvillian asks every voter in Wards1, and Ward 3 to stand up against Hussey and Wright. Send a message to King Nickolas Guccione: "We are tired of your brand of non-leadership. We're appalled at the loss of employees, at the rate of one a week. And we're disgusted by your use of city computers to visit porn-sites." We want honest, ethical leaders who work for the people, not sock-puppets to a lunatic who lied, cheated, and stolen his way into the mayor's office!

Be sure to vote April 8th! Re-elect FORREST GOSSETT in Ward 1, and re-elect RICK STOKES for Ward 3. Wentzville needs open government and honest aldermen who govern ethically!


  1. The mayor has a record of recruiting inferior people to put in the elections against his personal enemies. Look at Mike Hays, he was a dud on planning and zoning and a bigger dud since he was appointed to the board of aldermen.

    Is it possible that he recruits people less intelligent than he is? If so, he has a real talent for sniffing out some real flatheads. Wentzville will have problems until they cut the head off of the snake. Nick wants Linda Wright who is not too smart and Robert Hussey who has some terrible flaws, we need to unload Nick somewhere. I wonder why he didn't recruit his old sweetheart, Donna Sherwood, oh that's right, she hates him now.

    1. The Mayor tried to recruit several people to run against Stokes and Gossett but all turned the Mayor down flat with "why would I want to run against either Stokes or Gossett when they are doing such a good job?" His answer to several of them is that "I hate them. " Gee, That makes real good sense unless you only have chicken guts for brains and do want effective leadership in the City of Wentzville..

    2. Hey Anonymous 4/4/14 @ 8:48pm we think you fingers were typing to fast but you meant to say "" Gee, That makes real good sense unless you only have chicken guts for brains and do NOT want effective leadership in the City of Wentzville""..

    3. Aldermen Gossett and Stokes are two of the most stand-up straight Aldermen this city has seen in a competitive election in a long time. The Mayor and his henchmen have thrown all the poop they can at these 2 gentlemen and they still stand tall in our book.

  2. Gooch doesn't like you Wentzvillian, he really, really doesn't like you. I know that he is very nervous about you exposing his trist with pornography, he thought it was buried deep in the vaults of city hall after Lambi kicked it under the rug. Now that it has seen the light of day, he knows it will hurt his chosen candidates merely by association. He also knows it probably won't go away, and along with his poor record in office it may very well turn the page on his reelection hopes in 2016.

    Be careful Wentzvillian, you have upset some very trecherous people who may do anything while trying to take away your freedom of speech, they do not like it when you expose their plots.

    I want to thank you for your bravery to oppose these people, you have earned the respect of every city employee I've spoken with. I know you won't bend to their threats, I just hope they don't do something really stupid. Keep up the good work.

    1. Well said. The flyer he sent to Ward 3 was low and nasty. I suggest he should be more careful. And to you Mr. remind me of a character in history...Mr. Thomas Nast. Look him up. I think you will enjoy his political views.

    2. Thank you Anonymous April 5, at 10:33. I am Familiar with Mr. Nast, I just never thought I would be compared with him. Thank you again!

    3. To the Mole, I am familiar with the unscrupulous campaigns led by Nickolas Guccione. I have been the victim of many assorted glass breakings; office windows and automobile windshields, I know how treacherous his fans get during campaigns, I am waiting for them to come back, and I'm ready. Over the years, Guccione's people stole campaign signs from their opponents and organized mud-slinging parties against aldermen and mayor candidates alike, and when they couldn't find anything, they would make it up..

      Every election cycle, I receive threats on my well-being and nasty email threats about wanting to sue me. They are trying to frighten granite and they'll have to kill me to keep me from excercising my 1st Ammendment Rights. As long as they continue infecting Wentzville government with unethical actions or candidates, The Wentzvillian is unafraid to post it here.

      The Wentzvillian is receiving record numbers of pageviews. Over the last two years of Mayor Guccione's shenagans my readership has skyrocketed to over 10,000 per month. Those who read the Wentzvillian know they are reading the truth, and Guccione and his group don't like it.

    4. The Mayor is lost, he will never be reelected. He is morally and ethically indefensable.

    5. Message to all who read this and care about the outcome of the April 8, 2014 election. There are a lot of shenanigans and malicious mischief going on as we draw close to election day. these acts should be reported to either the Missouri Attorney General office or if it is an election campaign issue your complaint should go to the Missouri Ethics Commission Director at Missouri Ethics Commission
      Physical Address: 3411A Knipp Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65109
      Mailing Address: PO Box 1370, Jefferson City, MO 65102
      Phone: (573) 751-2020
      Toll Free: (800) 392-8660
      Fax: (573) 526-4506
      Remember, if you see a problem and do not do anything about the problem you are now part of the problem. Do not become part of the Guccione mob of hooligans who lack ETHICS and MORAL conviction!

    6. It has come to the attention of several residents that a state representative has been campaigning against several high quality Aldermen whom are seeking re-election as Alderman in their wards. If you feel this is an abuse of his power in his position, misuse of trust as elected official or misuse of his time that should be spent doing his job as state representative you can address your concerns to Missouri State Speaker of the House Timothy Jones. He can be contacted at:

      MO House of Representatives
      201 West Capitol Avenue
      Room 308
      Jefferson City MO 65101

      Legislative Assistant:
      Lisa Bondurant



      Mr. Jones is there to serve the people of the State of Missouri and welcomes your input.

  3. Can anyone tell me why I got an inflammatory letter in the mail about Rick Stokes from something that is called an online news site, New Wentzvillian? I haven't lived in Wentzville in over a year, and this letter was addresed to my new home(not forwarded from my Wentzville address). There's a red, large print slanderous message on the outside of the envelope. The letter inside is
    obviously written by someone with an axe to grind, has no class, and thinks the people of Wentzville are too stupid to decipher this garbage. Rick Stokes is one of the few politicians in Wentzville that puts it's citizens FIRST. If Wentzville embraces the "New" Wentzvillian, I'll thank God I moved.

    1. The man behind the copy-cat blog which is defaming Alderman Rick Stokes is the bitter Wentzville Municipal ex-Judge Mike Carter. Guccione and Carter started the blog in an effort to combat the Wentzvillian, it has been a miserable failure, but what could you expect from those two?.

      Guccione and Carter want Stokes out of office so bad they've resorted to what Guccione always falls back on in his campaigns—smear the opponent. Guccione will have an awful final two years in office when Rick Stokes wins his seat back. Since their blog isn't having any effect (because nobody cares what Carter has to say and no one goes there), he and Guccione have resorted to the USPS to carry their slash and trash message to registered voters. I've seen this before with Guccione, it's SOP (standard operating procedure) with him.

    2. Judge Carter is the guy who sent out a campaign Easter card during his attempt to win his office back against the much superior Judge Stephen Martin, a good and fair man. What he did was a disgusting act aimed at good Christian voters.
