Wednesday, April 16, 2014

It's Time to Unscrew Wentzville

The Wentzvillian has received a record number of emails with a recurring theme; where's the Ward 3 representation? Being a voter in Ward 3 myself, I am appalled by what's happened—going from having only one alderman for four years (Rick Stokes), because Michael Hays and Nickolas Guccione before him, were/and are deadbeats—Ward 3 now has no representation at all. For the sake of the City, my fellow voting citizens need to start being proactive and put an end to apathy.

Ward 1 has a very similar problem; a snake-traitor, back-biting, turncoat, Cheryl Kross who is more interested in the diameter of the tree at Chick-fil-A than an $80 million dollar city (who has now been served papers for employee discrimination). And her ward-mate Robert 'Back Door' Hussey who's biggest accomplishment in city government was to be fired from Dardien Praire. I'm sorry for Ward 1 residents, but Ward 3 has you beat, with the time-proven do-nothing know-nothing deadbeat Michaeal Hays, and Guccione's Obamacare phone lady Linda 'Wrong.' I will be watching 'Wrong' closely. I'll be fascinated to see her superior display of governing and hyper-intelligent leadership from the dais that was great enough to unseat her predecessor; Rick Stokes. I hope that Ward three citizens will be more than satisfied with her government agility and forward thinking legislation. I trust I haven't left anything out.

Ward 2 is an entirely different situation. Chris Gard is the most intelligent member on the board of alderman, and being such, he will be Guccione's next target for extinction. Mr. Gard doesn't belong in Wentzville, he is good enough to be in a much higher sitation, like Governor of Missouri, we are fortunate to have him sitting in our current nut-house wasting his abilities. Regarding Michael Rhoades, I have high hopes that he will never become a Goochonian and follow more the lead of his ward-mate; Gard. Indeed, Ward 2 has the only real aldermen on the board, everyone else are Guccione's playthings.

If anything is to change the disposition of the super-majority that our mayor has assembled, it's going to take a consorted effort on the part of the voters. The days of thinking we can rely upon our elected officials to govern intelligently is over. Voters have not realized the severity of Guccione's lack of leadership and he's managed to get four more just like him on the board. The voting members of our city need to unite, sending a message to the city that we are tired of what our city is becoming under Guccione's manipulative lack of ethics.

For over seven years since alderman Guccione was first elected, I tried desperately to warn voters about who and what they were electing to the mayor's office, yet no one seemed to get the message. I stood up  with two other citizens in a public board meeting, after the 2012 election, to call out Guccione on his unethical campaign tactics and demanded that he resign his office. But only three concerned voters were considered "malcontents" and dismissed as such, we need to pack the chambers in protest regarding our mayor and his sneaky underhanded  lack of leadership. The voters need to unite to form a citizen's advocacy group who recruit members, educate voters, create strategies, and actively support good and rational government in Wentzville. The first step of which would be (unless Guccione resigns) is to stop the re-election of Michael Hays and Cheryl Kross in 2015. If we could accomplish that, we would suffer only one more year of Guccione's majority and begin 2016 by taking back our city from the likes of Mayor Nickolas Guccione, Michael Carter, and Representative Brian Spencer. These people have only one agenda, and that is power. Today, they are all laughing at the "dumb-ass hillbillies" who do what ever they want them to do. It's time to take back Wentzville from those who are set on destroying it; Nickolas Guccione, Cheryl Kross, Michael Hays, Linda Wright, and Robert Hussey, The New Revised Unholy Alliance.

Penultimately, Ward 1, and Ward 3 residents need to watch the city meetings videos, they will tell you everything you need to know about Linda 'Wrong' Wright, and Robert 'Back Door' Hussey. Watch who they side with, who they're looking at for guidance, and be prepared for a plethora of 4-2, or 3-3 votes with King Nickolas breaking the tie. And ... we need to be prepared by building that citizens advocate group to counter Guccione's unethical campaign activity—if sanity is ever to be returned to Wentzville.

The lawsuit filed last week may be the springboard to cutting off the head of the snake; Nickolas Guccione and his lead minion; Cheryl Kross. He has always skirted the law and felt; "It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission." Like Mayor Boedeker (his mentor), he is extremely slick and sneaky, unlike Boedeker he's not too bright. It has worked for him for seven years without repercussions, I don't believe this lawsuit will be that simple for him, there's a good chance that he and Kross could be going down for the count. It's too bad the city is going to suffer financially with the possibility of huge legal and punitive damages. Other than Guccione, if there was one person that I would say is responsible for our current political situation, it would be Cheryl Kross who screwed it all up with bitter revenge and petty vanity.


  1. If anyone is interrested in starting a political action group email me at I would be happy to help organize it.

  2. We're paying a hefty price for voting (in 2012) in favor of increasing the mayoral term from 2 to 4 years. Had it not passed, a new mayor could be in place just days from now. Unless he resigns, we're stuck with Mr Power High and his drug suppliers for 2 more long, agonizing years.

  3. I would help where I can with starting a group. I've emailed you, let me know where and when.

  4. I am in daily contact with information that could sink the boats of Cheryl Kross and Michael Hays. Count on me when you get your group together, I will assist you with any documentation you may need.

    1. Does anyone know what is going on with the firefighter union and the Marlo family? It seems a little shady over there as well!

  5. Hussey want to put high density housing in downtown, and Kross has jumped on his bandwagon saying she wants Section 8 high-density housing in the downtown area. The crap starts. Count me in to help!

    1. Why else do you think the city just bought the 5 acre ballfield from the goons over at the fire department. The city just payed 200k for a 600k piece of property. The mayor, hussey, and the marlo boyz are all in on this latest scam!

  6. It's only the beginning. Just wait until Guccione is forced to resign in a few months, placing board president Kross in the mayor's seat. Depending upon what information is revealed in the media, she could be resignation number 2. Oh, but fear not, good people. There will still be a Gucci-Crony or three ready and willing to assume the position.

    We need to start thinking about recuperation in 2015 and 2016 NOW. I've voiced my interest in joining the Political Action Group and I sincerely hope other outraged Wentzville residents will do the same.

  7. Read the St. Louis Post-Dispatch '. There is an article on the front page of the Community' section entitled :TURMOIL GROWS IN WENTZVILLE" sub titled "Chief's suit against mayor is latest example of political strife".. There is a comment from the mayor that "he now has 'a good board' of aldermen to work with, after the April 8 election in which two candidates he supported unseated two incumbents he disagreed with." What it really says is that he could not get along with 2 aldermen and could not GET HIS WAY so he did what he had to do get them unseated. Sounds like the little boy couldn't get his way and play on the team, in reality, so he kicked the kids out of HIS sand box..
