Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Minions of Goocher

Tuesday's election wasn't as big a surprise to me as you might think. I know the depravity and lack of ethics of Mayor Nickolas Guccione and those who kiss his ring; Cheryl Kross, Michael Hays, Sonya Shryock, ex-Judge Michael Carter, and the surprise conspirator, State Representative Bryan Spencer. In fact, I don't blame them for being underhanded in their actions, their candidates have no accomplishments, therefore they needed to pull every sleazy, unethical trick in their bag or they would have failed against two aldermen who's job approval was off the charts compared to the others they served with (excluding Chris Gard).
Mark Twain said; "History doesn't repeat itself but it rhymes." Ten years ago, Mayor Vickie Boedeker did the same thing by chaining Wentzville progress to a huge anchor when she got Bill Schuette, John Luby, and Nickolas Guccione, the Lurchettes, elected to the board of aldermen. She would have taken full control of the board if she only hadn't made one mistake; not being re-elected herself.

The current board of aldermen made a lot of mistakes in the past four years. Allowing the appointment of Michael Hays was huge, but one of the most damaging was to put four-year terms for the Mayor on the ballot—incredibly stupid! When Wentzville elected a mayor who was totally unqualified or incompetent to lead, they simply voted him/her out of office after two years and tried it again. Wentzville history is filled with one-term mayors, and if we ever had a candidate for a two-year term, King Nickolas is one of them. With the cast of sock-puppets he's assembled, it will take a decades for the USS Wentzville to right itself.
Yesterday, I caught a post by the highly revered Alderman of Ward 2, Chris Gard. I think he sums up what happened Tuesday, April 8th very well:
"On my website is a quote from Teddy Roosevelt that says 'We are the government-you and I." He was absolutely right. We choose the people who represent us in government, and we need to hold them accountable. Yesterday, only 8% of registered voters showed up to vote in municipal elections. That means 92% of voters never bothered to participate. Wow. 92%. Wow. As a result, City government was completely changed. I'm always so confused when people say their vote doesn't matter. If you don't even show up to the ballot box, you're absolutely right. It doesn't. C'mon gang, we can do better. Surely we can care more about our City leadership than 8%?"
I'm confident that most of my readers are registered voters, and that they did their civic duty by voting. If you did not; you, and the apathetic masses, are responsible for the politically-unhealthy environment that will be sworn-in on April 23rd to govern our once proud city. I'm truly ashamed of our Wentzville registered voters who did not vote. Guccione has made the mayor's office the laughing stock of the county—everyone knows it, and now he's added two more reasons to believe that Wentzville is in serious trouble; Linda 'Wrong' Wright and Robert 'Back-Door' Hussey. Because Wentzville has no regular newspaper, or other effective news coverage, King Nickolas is still in office. Had there been regular media-coverage of what he's done in his first two years to disgrace his office and the people of Wentzville, Mayor Guccione would be back to being plain old Schnucks butcher Guccione.
I'll take great pleasure in covering this new board of aldermen and following their every public blunder. I'm confident that my readers will not be disappointed. Something may happen soon to remedy the lack of news coverage in Wentzville, it may cause grief for Guccione and his minions, I'll let you know when it's about to happen.
* * * * *
The Board of Aldermen meeting Wednesday, April 9th was relatively consistent with most Guccione meetings. He mumbled, stumbled, and fumbled through two "Certificates of Recognition" and a "Proclamation." He managed to embarrass everyone in attendance by mumbling, getting tripped up on two and three syllable words, and his total lack of being able to read people's names. You need to watch the video (that doesn't appear to be posted yet, or I'd have given you a link), it's incredible!
During last night's meeting the thing that seemed to be weighing heavily on Alderman Cheryl Kross' mind was trees. She must have talked about trees on at least a half-dozen occasions. The first was a single tree on the property of Chick-fil-A. It seems that the new owner had inherited a tree that was a smaller caliper than specified in the code, and come hell or high water, Kross was going to get it fixed. I wonder if she goes around town checking every tree looking for code violations. What I find puzzling about this whole matter is; it's not even in her ward, but with sword drawn, Kross plunged forward.
Kross is a meticulous micro-managing meddler in the staff's jobs. She could not seem to understand that the situation had been addressed by the Public Works, and she kept bringing it up at every opportunity throughout the meeting. Kross was on a mission. The next trees she was concerned with are owned by Dairy Queen, two large pines of some variety. The owner had bought the property next to Dairy Queen and is wanting to build a pizza place by the name of Tommy D's. Well, the trees would end up right smack in the middle of his parking lot. "Isn't there some way you can save them," she begged? She brought up this same concern at the meeting last month and got the same answer, but the engineer on the project gleefully explained it to her again. The only thing different about these trees, and the Chick-fil-A tree is; at least this time they are in her ward. I wonder if she knows that?

The City of Wentzville has an eighty million dollar budget, and the most important thing on Cheryl Kross' agenda is three trees, which are the problem of Planning and Zoning and the Public Works department. Why does she continually probe issues that are insignificant compared to the developments and major problems in the city? She needs to focus on her job and quit trying to micro-manage the entire city and its employees.

* * * * *
Beginning April 23rd, the new board will be sworn-in and I believe there will be a lot more to talk about. I'm looking forward to thickening up the skin of the new minions; 'Linda Wrong' and 'Back Door' Hussey, the newest members of; The Unholy Alliance (click here). See you soon!


  1. the voters...or non-voters really screwed up this time!

  2. As a city employee this is embarrassing. I do not live in the city but I sure as hell wish I could have voted. If the board plans on stalling the growth and firing the chief then I will find a better city to work for. Just makes me sick

  3. I heard from a voter who said they saw Hussey throw a hissey fit at a polling place. He had put one of his huge signs right out front of a church. It appears that church officials didn't want to be mistakenly perceived as being in favor of one candidate over another, and they removed the sign. When 'Back Door' Hussey saw it he went crazy and went on a tirade; "I going to call the election commissioner, you can't can't do this."

    'Back Door' Hussey is showing himself for what he is; another cry-baby, whining political Guccione hack. It's going to be interesting to watch him under pressure at the Dias—it's Guccione all over.

    1. If this is what baby Hussey does out side of a church when he doesn't get his way just wait until he doesn't get his way in a city Alderman meeting. Let's just be sure the webcast video is always running so the city can see what they voted into office. There are a lot folks now who wish they had got to the polls and cast their ballot now for Mr. Gossett.

  4. why doesn't mayor guccione get nailed for anything, he's as crooked as a barrel of rattlesnakes and it's about time he pays for something.

  5. It's really time to sit back and enjoy the show. I know how this ends. Mayor Nic and his gang screw things up enough that the voters can't ignore the results. Taxpayers and city staff will pay the price.

    1. There is a major problem coming for the city. Just wait until next week.

  6. Guccione was just as useless as alderman as he is as mayor. He hasn't shown me anything since the first BOA meeting I attended many years ago.

    It's embarrassing to watch him in action. He mumbles, he mispronounces, and he talks far too fast. He still doesn't follow protocol and must be guided by a member of the board, usually Rick Stokes.

    When he had numerous problems reading groups of numbers during last week's meeting, it occurred to me he could be dyslexic. Does anyone know if that's the case? Whether he is or isn't wouldn't change my opinion of him, but it might make me more tolerant when I'm watching him present information.
