Friday, February 22, 2013

More From the 20th

At the meeting Wednesday the 20th (click here), one of the few times our man of few words (Mayor Nickolas Guccione) spoke was to say that he's all about customer service. He's talked about "customer service" so much since being elected he has me convinced that he must know a lot about it. But, it was brought out at the meeting that an email was received from a resident by the City regarding a financial matter. It was asked of Mayor Guccione if he had directed it to whoever may be able to answer it and the question got his usual deer in the headlights look. As it turns out, he hadn't done anything with it, I guess hoping someone else would take care of it, which no one had. Anyway, I thought customer service involved responding to someones needs but I guess I was wrong. I reckon I need to reread the Customer Service for Dummies handbook. I wonder if he gives that same kind of "customer service" attention to someone buying chicken parts.

Every year about this time the city holds a "retreat," now known as a "Strategic Planning Session." This year rather than rent a fancy meeting facility at a resort somewhere in another city or county this year the Aldermen decided to have it locally, here in Wentzville. Last year for the first time they had to hire a facilitator to keep the meeting on topic and moving along. They had to, especially since they had a look at the way our Mayor conducts a meeting, any meeting. Previous Mayors knew how to facillitate a meeting but knowing that Guccione isn't capable of facilitating any sort of meeting and in an effort to save money, they will use the new City Administrator.

Now it's onto another subject; opening day for Wentzville's new Splash Station. With delays in construction, the latest date given for the grand opening of the Splash Station is August 15, 2013. An interesting discussion happened at the meeting between President of the Board, Rick Stokes and Mayor Nickolas Guccione. If it were possible to open on August 15th, that would mean it would be open for a whole 19 days before it would have to close for the season. Hiring employees, lifeguards, and concessions must be fairly expensive which under usual circumstances making a decision should be easy, but when you have Guccione at the wheel sometimes scraping a fender or two should be expected. Stokes asked the Mayor: "Will we be opening Splash Station for only two weeks?" Guccione was caught flat-footed probably not sure how to answer, on one hand if he decides not to open the park he broke a promise to the people and on the other, if he opens it'll cost the City dearly. Stokes continued; "This is your bailiwick it's clearly operational." I'm not sure Guccione understood what the reference to "operational" meant, after all he's only "Kinda like the CEO" At any rate he responded; "If you want me to make a decision, I'll make a decision." I'm telling you, any Mayor who doesn't know when to make a decision is lost.

There's more from the meeting of the 20th and I'll touch on it in another day or two.


  1. Are there no other targets in Wentxville other than Mayor Guccione?

    1. There's lots of 'em but the slow or stupid elk always get eaten by wolves first.

  2. You are a hateful man, you hate everybody. Mayor Guccione is a fine man and a wonderful Mayor, I think you are just jealous. I doubt if you could ever get elected to anything because you are such a loserr.

    So what if our Nick isn't up to your intellectual standards, he cares about the people. He would do anything for us if these penny pinching aldermen would leave him alone and let him prove himself. You and they have been hounding him for a couple of years now, don't you think it's time you let his greatness shine through?

    I will be out there campaigning for Mike Hays who's already proven himself to be a great alderman and he agrees with our mayor on all of his ideas. I will also support Robert Hussey to beat Cheryl Kross and I don't blame Nick for not liking her and wanting to replace her. She will not go along with any of his plans. When Robert and Mike get elected there will be good times back in town.

    You are such a loser, you should stop picking on Nick and shut down this hateful blog.

  3. I love getting comments like yours first thing in the morning. My answer to you is: It's nice to see that Guccione has another intellectual Kool-Aid drinker who follows the Wentzvillian. Welcome!

  4. To Guccione Forever:
    Amazing comments so let's dissect each one. Although I now live out of town I watch board meetings live each session. Do You - doubtful. I do and I keep notes since I write about the economy surrounding Wentzville and the County and other cities of same size.
    1. Mike Hays supports all of Guccione ideas and Hays is a great alderman.
    x So this means that you support All of the Aldermen. You said it not I; you see Hays is a Follower and has not shown leadership qualities as of yet. "He waits until each Aldermen asks the difficult questions and has 100% voted the same as "All" other Aldermen. So since Hays is a Follower and agrees with the Board I guess he is a penny pincher as well. YOU SAID IT!!
    2. I agree Guccione is a Good Man and his heart is in the job. Unfortunately during these times the City needed a Strong Leader his experience and background has not been enough. But he is trying.
    3. Guccione Forever Commented "These Penny Pinching Aldermen" - If I remember correctly the Penny Pinchers reduced Property Taxes by $500,000 dollars; eliminated hundreds of thousands of dollars in wasteful contracts.
    4. Guccione Forever - it is your right as a Citizen to believe in your politicians. But it is sad to discredit those that have accomplished so much, just to push an Agenda (Ideas) of another elected official who has not. Please tell us the Mayor's Ideas that Mr. Hays is supporting. I have watched every Video that has aired and none list the Mayor's Ideas for 2013. And speaking of penny pinching dollars - I went online and reviewed the City's budget (GF you can too by visiting city's website) and did not see Mayor's 2013 expense. But I saw it for O'Fallon, Troy, Warrenton, Columbia and other cities.

    I am not for/against any politicians in your city or other cities. I can say though that I have used money saving leadership skills demonstrated by Wentzville Aldermen in my speaking engagements across the country. A friend in Dallas once told me "For Politicians respect does not come from winning elections; respect must be earned through demonstrated Leadership Qualities and Successes". GF I think your Board would support your Mayor; when they know what those ideas are and the budgeted cost of his strategy in accomplishing the ideas.

    I will be watching the next meeting and if this is published will be anxious to see the Mayor's report and to hear just one of his ideas. Again the Mayor is a Good Man but that is not enough.

  5. It's known that Guccione wants to impliment the "Memolialized Street" ordinance and voiced it in last Wednesdays meeting. Guccione also knows that the people are against it and so are the aldermen. If he wants to get it on an agenda he needed to be sneaky so that it would get on the agenda without him looking worse than he already does. Who better to do the job, none other than his ole buddy Hays.

    Michael Hays and Mayor Guccione have many side-bars i.e. telephone conversations, one-on-one meetings etc. The two of them had a meeting prior to the board meeting where Guccione told Hays to press the issue of the memorializing streets ordinance, low and behold, Hays picks up the ball and gets the other aldermen to put it on a future agenda for discussion. Guccione whant the aldermen to publicly address this issue and somehow get them to take ownership of it.

    Guccione is trying to sneak away and dump the issue on Hays, now he can sit back and listen, rather than actively participate in the discussion. giving him plausable deniability. Soon we'll be hearing: "I didn't do it, Micheal Hays and the aldermen brougt it to the agenda."
