Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Muddy Elephant in the Snow

In only a month and a half we will be going to the polls to elect two Aldermen and our Municipal Judge here in Wentzville. It reminds me of another election when then-Mayor Vickie Bodecker stuffed the ballot with her hand-picked candidates. At the time she was frustrated that her conservative Board of Aldermen didn't subscribe to her ultra-liberal beliefs so she initiated one of the dirtiest campaigns (until Nick Guccione's of last year) ever to be held in Wentzville. Unfortunately, two of her bozos overthrew the conservative board that would have allowed her to cast tie-breaking votes had she been reelected. Fortunately, Paul Lambi was elected and for a year the balance of power remained just right of crazy, but that would all change the following year with the election of the ultra-left socialist Alderman Nickolas Guccione.

With Guccione on the Board creating a majority, things got real nuts in City hall. The Socialist board of that time took apart any resemblance of fiscal responsibility and they binged on useless and destructive legislation. The effect of their influence is still being felt today, employees being fired or quitting out of fear, audits and policy violations because of a lack of oversight, and Guccione is the only vestige of those chaotic times.

Mark Twain said; "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme." Guccione is trying to do the same thing he did last year and Bodecker did over nine years ago—stuff the board. That tactic set the city back for years to come by endorsing candidates who agreed with them rather than what's best for the city. If he were to be honest he'd have to admit that he has no interest in what's best for the city, it's all about him and his nonsense politics. If he were interested in creating a better city, he'd do what he does best (besides lying); follow—follow this Board of Aldermen who could make him a great Mayor instead of one who will go down in history as our worst.

Today, our Mayor is parading around town with Michael Hays and Robert Hussey in tow, introducing them as the best things since sliced bread. A little advice to them; check with some of the candidates he supported in the past and see what they have to say about him and his loyalty. Even better, ask his campaign manager of last year, see what she has to say about his ethics. In case you don't know, the Board of Aldermen just passed new ethics policies because of Alderman Nickolas Guccione's total lack of ethics, so if you want to follow his advice you'd better prepare yourselves for some fines. Guccione won't leave a paper trail when he stabs you in the back, he'll just slither away leaving you out there twisting in the wind, that's the way he does things.

I'm waiting for him to use his latest "campaign propaganda tool;" his weekly Newstime articles (that we all pay for) to hawk his recruits. He doesn't do anything different, he merely changes a few names and starts the motor running. You can smell his influence and he covers his tracks like a muddy elephant in the snow. He really believes that no one can see him coming or where he's been. Soon we'll see the old worn-out trash that he and Bodeker used for years in their campaigns to help Hays and Hussey smear and defame anyone who runs against them. One more thing; Guccione is campaigning for Michael Carter for for Municipal Judge but everyone knows he's a loser just like Guccione.

To the voters; Don't let Guccione get another foothold on dirty politics in Wentzville's City Hall. Reelect Alderman Cheryl Kross in Ward 1 and elect Darrel Lackey for Ward 3, as for Municipal Judge; incumbent Steve Martin is the man. Remember, a vote for Kross, Lackey, and Martin is a vote to keep Guccione frustrated for another year. Who knows, if we can't get rid of him maybe we could have him committed, he is definately not drooling out of both sides of his mouth.


  1. I watched the video and Alderman Shyrock was hinting all around the Mayor's newstime articles. I thought he was going to come unglued like he did last year when he dropped a dime on what was happening in the executive sessions. It may not be long before he cracks.

  2. is it legal for a mayor to endorse a candidate in a media the taxpayers are paying for?
