Thursday, April 5, 2012

You've Got to Stand for Something

Mayor-Elect Nickolas Guccione would normally take the throne of Wentzville on the second week of April but due to Friday being a State holiday (State Arbor Day), and the possibility that there may be a delay in receiving the official certifications, the swearing-in ceremony will probably take place on the fourth week of April, the meeting of the 25th. This is a historical event, in the 157 years of our city's founding it's the first time any mayor of Wentzville was ever sworn-in for more than two years. It's unfortunate that voters elected a man without a program, without accomplishments, and without a clue.

The delay in the changing of the guard will accomplish two things: 1) It will give Mayor Lambi two more meetings to force the Board of Aldermen to release the unedited minutes alleging his conflict of interests. It will be interesting to see where Guccione stands on this situation now that he's taking over. 2) It gives Guccione two more weeks to master parliamentary procedure and read Mayor for Dummies a couple of times. I wonder if there's a section in there on getting elected using the assist of stolen copyrighted and trademarked corporate and City logos. I'm sure there's something in the Wentzville Policies and Procedures Manual regarding the use of the City logo and I'll bet it doesn't include using it on campaign literature and websites. It's ironic, one Mayor going out of office wearing the shroud of legal problems and another coming into office with a similar shroud of possibilities.

This is just the begining of Guccione's problems. After watching him for five years as an Alderman and in discussion with people in the know, his lack of knowledge brings a great propensity for getting the City sued early and often. Mr. Guccione knows just enough about city government to be dangerous. One of my readers posed the challenge: "I'll wager that Guccione will get the city sued within the first 100 days of his administration." That could happen, it depends entirely upon his level of grandiose delusions.

I'm struggling with his vision for the city. The only thing I've ever seen him perk up and get involved with is the pitbull ordinance, is he going to turn Wentzville into Dogville, and will he preside over the Sam's Club ribbon cutting, knowing that his unions will frown upon it? I kind of wonder if he's going to continue picketing at the Lake St. Louis pet store. He's never brought forth any legislation during his time as Alderman, what exactly does he stand for? What is he going to do besides pander to the unions, bash the home builders, and blame the blog? Someone please help me with these questions, he never came to my door campaigning so I didn't have the opportunity to hear any of his promises. His campaign flyers said nothing about his vision or platform and I'm clueless.

I've pondered long and hard for many months about the possibility of Guccione becoming Mayor of Wentzville and I've yet to figure out why he would want to be or why any right-thinking voter would elect him. He has no platform, no accomplishments, and no allies in any government, where is he taking us for the next four years? I'm totally lost, some of my readers have stated that he will be a great Mayor, my question is how and why? I asked that question to each and every comment and never once got an answer, can someone please help me understand?


  1. Nick is a politician and a follower, not a leader

    1. I wonder if Donna Sherwood will still be his advisor and personal confidant?

    2. Of course, they're thicker than fleas on a hound dog.

    3. Sherwood was only interested in protecting her country club house in Bear Creek instead of economic growth for the whole of the city of Wentzville. Sams Club is another economic engine that this city needs. Sherwood can argue all she wants about traffic congestion and noise. We already have it and a little more will not change the sad situation our prior elected officials have create. Hopefully Nick doesn't listen to her while sitting at the country club bar. Politics are usually self centered interests.

  2. It's time to sit back, give Mayor Nick a chance, and watch CAREFULLY. Today he's not Mayor, and until he's sworn in, he will have made no mistakes as Mayor. Give him a chance, and if he screws up, shine a bright light.

    I agree that his chances of success are bleak, but he deserves a chance.

  3. I am willing to give him all the chances he wants, my problem is; what did he use for a platform?
