Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Rainbows and Lollipops

Congratulations are in order for Mayor-Elect Nick Guccione so when Mayor Lambi turns over the keys to the city it's time to look to the future. What is the future of Wentzville with Guccione at the reigns? He-Haw said it best; "Gloom, despair, and agony on" Wentzville, but I digress, in order to answer that question, first we need to set the stage and the cast is a dandy!

Ward 1, Forrest Gossett wins over one of Gooch's goons. Ward 2, Sonya Shryock outlasts Jeremy Pritchett, and best of all, Donna Sherwood loses her third consecutive election bid. Not only did Sherwood lose, she came in last place, now isn't that enough to put a big shit-eatin' grin on your puss? For you hard-core Sherwood fans, do not dismay, I'm sure she'll be back to run again next year with even more signs to plaster and annoy. Ward 3, "Bulldog" Rick Stokes beat two of Gooch's goons.

This leaves only one other seat to be named; Guccione will need to appoint someone to complete the term of his vacated seat. This will be fun, he promised his seat to either Rod Stratman or Curtis Davis but since he threw Davis under the bus after his poor showing at "Candidates Night," Davis is probably out of the picture. Guccione also made one other promise; if elected he would appoint Darrel Lackey, wouldn't that be a party, especially after he trashed Lackey so bad in the past month. So that leaves Stratmen, the problem with this appointment is; in my humble opinion, the Board will not approve the appointment of Guccione's next-door neighbor, and name someone else, wouldn't it be great if the Board appointed Darrel Lackey! Just imagine for a moment, the Ward 3 Aldermen sit on either side of the Mayor, that would put a falsely accused "Bulldog" Stokes on his left hand and a trashed Lackey on his right, I get goose-bumps just thinking about it, what a treat that would be for Mayor Guccione.

Guccione doesn't realize that being Mayor requires dealing with the County, State, and worst of all a Board of Aldermen who probably haven't forgotten his mud-slinging campaign where he insulted every one of them. Things are not looking good for the Gooch. As I've stated before he has no relationships with anyone at the County or the State level and he has a Board that he's admitted he can't get along with. Normally the acclimation of a new Mayor takes awhile but with the roadblocks he's created, he may never assimilate. But that doesn't matter to him, he's the Mayor after all, the great and powerful, all-mighty potentate of Wentzville—good luck with that. I'm going to have a good time watching Tricky Nicky worm his way through the meetings and his duties of office.

Wentzville will suffer due to his lack of influence and communication skills. I don't have a clue what his purpose is but hope he has one somewhere otherwise Wentzville will stumble along struggling to maintain pace with the rest of the County. I have the feeling that he thinks being Mayor is an honorary position that requires nothing on his part, it's one big party. I think he'll change his mind about that very soon, he's on his own and I hope his butcher shop experience has prepared him to run this city.

I fear for the future of Wentzville with Guccione at the helm, I am certain there's an iceberg ahead with Wentzville's name on it, and if I know him, he will be the first rat off of the the sinking ship. He's not good under pressure and I see a ton of it coming down square on his shoulders, he has no answers, only problems. That first evening he runs the Board of Aldermen meeting is just a test, when the problems start he will melt down like a cheap Dollar Store candle. Guccione was heard saying that he despises me, he has just begun to despise, Nick, you're in good company, the last two Mayors of Wentzville share your sentiments, that's 16 years of despise before you came on the scene.

Last night was a good night for Wentzville, we kept a great Board of Aldermen despite Nick and Donna's best efforts to trash each and every one of them. The highlight for me was watching Sherwood crash and burn and be beaten to a pulp by two rookies. Wentzville will survive and continue to grow, the only difference is; it will show two black eyes to the rest of the County.

I always take two sharp pencils to the meetings but from now on I'll be bringing at least six, there will be that much more to share with my readers. I'm looking forward to reporting on Guccione's administration, it's going to be great sport  for The Wentzvillian. Congratulations Mayor-Elect Guccione, welcome to my world of rainbows and lollipops!


  1. It's always better to learn from mistakes, rather than wine and complain. So, what lessons can be learned from Mayor Nick's victory, a victory that saw Schuette and Mayor Nick take more than half of the vote?

    First, you can't blame Darrell Lackey. If Leon took 100% of Darrell's vote, Mayor Nick still would have won.

    Second, fear of "Special Interests" is powerful in Wentzville. Please identify the real "Special Interests" citizens must fear. They should fear the failed neighborhoods, plummeting home prices, and stalled commercial development (other than family-style chain restaurants).

    Thirdly, the nastiness of the campaign worked to Mayor Nick's advantage. He's not mean or evil. That market was cornered by Bill Schuette. He appears to work hard, and cares about Wentzville (and his political career).

    Finally, there is good news beyond the strong board (at least until Stokes and Gard leave for Jefferson City). With three defeats, Donna Sherwood is done; Bill Schuette too. Looking at the big picture, Wentzville MAY be better-off today than yesterday.

    1. For your information, your statement; "Donna Sherwood is gone" was used last year. Don't believe it for a minute, about November you'll see her back in the audience at City Hall taking a crash course on current affairs in the city. If we're lucky, she'll bless us with her hilarious photo-ops too.

    2. To voters, she's done. She lost to two candidates with ZERO name recognition. Voters know her, and they do not like her. She may run again, but it'll be unlikely she's elected to anything.

  2. nick ran the dirtiest campaign since Boedeker hammered Lackey during the campaign of 1996. he should be proud of himself, what a sleeze.

  3. 3 percent of the population of wentzville saddled 29,000 people with an underachieving alderman to be our mayor.

    1. The fact that so feel people voted makes for many questions. Do they not care or is the political climate in our country that damaged?

  4. Now that Guccione is Mayor, one of his first duties should be is rto elease the unedited secret meeting minutes.

  5. Does anyone have video of Davis?

  6. i wonder why guccione won and all 5 of his choices lost?

  7. Time will tell and TRUTH prevails. By the way, Nick is not a Schnucks manager as he advertised. He is a department manager. A meat department manager.Big difference!Oh well he that is only one of the lies he spouted off about!
    Were off to the races!!

  8. I know that Sherwood thought she had this election in the bag. What she didn't figure was that Guccione didn't have big enough coat tails for her to ride on. Those dedicated voters she thought she had dialed in lied to her as much as she lied to everybody.
