Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Final Hour

The election is well under way and I did my civic duty first thing this morning, after which I visited several other polling places throughout the afternoon. The turnout seemed sparse and as a matter of fact I was the only one voting when I was there just after 8:00am. Spending time talking with quite a few of the campaign volunteers at various polling places they echoed my observation, it could be a slim day in the voting booths.

I'm not ashamed to say I voted for my Alderman Rick Stokes, he has accomplished miracles in his first two years on the Board and I hope he can continue working for us in Ward 3. I could not in good conscience vote for his opponent who is Nick Guccione's next door neighbor recruit and I hope the voters in Ward 3 have a similar view. For Mayor, the only thing I will tell you is; I made a non-Guccione and non-Schuette vote and trust my readers did the same, we really don't need one of those clowns running our city.

I drove down to the Wentzville Community Club Flea Market grounds to see who was there campaigning. Low and behold, right outside the front door sat at least a half-dozen Guccione supporters all holding signs. I did spot the Gooch right in the middle of them, sitting on his ass acting regal but not holding a sign, I guess sign-holding is beneath his pay-grade. I also met with Leon Tow and his lovely wife Mary who were busy helping people get to the polls, and I had a visit with the wife of Forrest Gossett.

At progress Park, I was greeted by Rick Stokes and his supporters, he told me that he feels good about his re-election. While talking with Alderman Stokes I couldn't help but notice Donna Sherwood sitting right in the middle of several handicapped parking spaces with a group of her flying monkeys. If anyone needed to park there, they'd have to run over her and her goon squad. Someone mentioned that she was handicapped, I had to agree, she is indeed.

A lot of folks say; "It doesn't matter who you vote for, just vote." Horse puckey it does matter who you vote for. That kind of thinking is why our country's government has lost touch with us. Think about who you're voting for, find out who they are and what they stand for, then and only then, vote.

It's two hours until the polls officially close at 7:00pm and then the candidates will be heading to their rally points to watch the results as they come in, I'll be there in support of Leon Tow and Darrel Lackey. If you've never been to one of these, they are real neat events where you meet new friends with similar views and all of them are concerned citizens of the community. If your candidate loses you'll be  down for awhile but if they win, it's a party. I hope the parties will be with the TOW or LACKEY, GOSSETT, SHRYOCK, and STOKES campaigns. Regardless of whether your candidate wins or loses, the party starts tomorrow for The Wentzvillian!



    1. Great implies doing something of greatness, I don't see great or greatness in his future but good luck, we'll see.

  2. Well,the results are in. While I know either Tow or Lackey would have been a great mayor, I believe that if Lackey hadn't entered the race his votes would have gone to Tow and we would have a bright future. Ya think Bodeker will coach Guccione on how to be a mayor? I think Guccione will either impeach himself or resign because everyone is picking on him.
