Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Strange Evening in City Hall

I hope you watch the video last night, not because it was overly exciting but to see Mayor Lambi and Nick Guccione sitting side by side dressed almost exactly the same, wearing black or very dark suits and maroon or burgundy shirts. They were dashing but looked like the Godfather and the Godfather Jr., surely they didn't plan that. I did notice that they had different ties but except for Lambi wearing glasses and a different tie it was quite humorous. I will report things that happened without too much editorializing but forgive me if I get carried away once in a while. I am going to give Mayor-Elect Guccione every opportunity to learn his new trade without my becoming overly critical—for about two months or so.

Opening the evening, Alderman Guccione did something I've never seen him do; ask for an "Executive Session." He stated that it would involve personnel. I pondered on that for quite some time until late in the meeting during "Bills and Resolutions," item 5; (ID#3819) Bill No. 3376. This item is to transfer funds from one account to another which would set up the new purchasing and HR departments—providing for purchasing to answer directly to the City Administrator and HR to report directly to the Mayor. Along with that, the current HR Manager, Amy Holloway and Purchasing Manager, Jerry Hillin would become Directors of their respective departments.

This ordinance has been thrown around for several months and Guccione has opposed it all of that time. When the vote came down last evening for the final reading, he said: "I've opposed this from the beginning and I oppose it today. That's my stand and that's it." I've talked with several insiders regarding Guccione's opposition to this ordinance and no one has given me a reasonable explanation of his countervail. The vote was 4-1 with Gucciuone casting the only "Nay!" He has continuously claimed to be a candidate for the people (and employees) but he is against the promotion of these two individuals, why?

This is pure educated speculation, but by the people who were invited into the closed session: HR Manager Amy Holloway and Chief of Police Lisa Harrison, I can formulate some suspected conclusions: Chief Harrison has recently brought to the Board the possibility of the police department reporting directly to the Mayor and it's a requirement of the new ordinance that Holloway would also report directly to the Mayor. Those facts alone are not enough to suggest what's going on but if you look at who was not invited, a little light may be shed on the proceedings. Purchasing Manager Jerry Hillin was not invited and in accordance with the new ordinance he was also up for a promotion. I allege that Guccione does not want Hillin to be promoted and he brought Harrison and Holloway into the meeting to support theirs. This scenario explains why and who was called to the meeting but I cannot figure out why he would not want Hillin to head a new Purchasing Department. In my opinion, Hillin has done an exemplary job during the few years in his position. I'll work on that, but right off hand I'd bet it has something to do with the City's tow contract and Guccione's relationship with an owner of a towing company who wants it. If Hillin was promoted to Director of a new department, the only orders from above would be from the new City Administrator, that could pose a problem for Guccione and his agenda as Mayor. Hillin would then be in direct contact with the Aldermen because they cannot direct anyone below that level. This all may sound a little cryptic now but I will follow up a little later with more information..

I was surprised that there was no mention of the "Executive Session" minutes that Lambi and Guccione both wanted released. Now I'm wondering why the whole subject was brought up in the first place. Perhaps Lambi wanted them out before Guccione took office and he feels it's too late to pursue it. In my opinion, it's lucky for Guccione, if he had to take his stand of two weeks ago there could have been repercussions.

Then it came to "New Business, Item 5, (ID # 3815, Request for payment of legal fees." Mayor Lambi wants to be reimbursed for " fees to date." He claimed that the city spent $44,000 on a special attorney to investigate the "influence peddling" allegations and if the Board pays them, he believes they should pay his also. I don't really know what to think about it, on one hand; he's spending his money to formulate a defense to charges that have yet to be made and on the other; the alleged situation was publicised county-wide due to the Guccione's interview and there has been some damage to Lambi's name prior to being charged with anything. It would seem to me that Guccione could be a target for a law suit if it's found that Lambi is innocent of the allegations. I can't see where the city released anything damaging and shouldn't be liable or need to pay his legal fees.

There was more coming out of this meeting but I'm running long so I'll close for now hoping you'll check back later. Thanks for reading my rants!



  1. what ever happened, six aldermen and three attorneys thought it was serious enough to turn it over to a higher authority. if there was nothing there, wouldn't you think it would have been dropped long before now?

  2. I think you are right on target. If Hillin is promoted to Director, he can't be removed from his job without a majority of the Aldermen agreeing. This Board knows how valuable his procurement policies and procedures are to the financial welfare of the city. The ordinance keeps him from going through the normal process.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. The deleted comment was placed in the blog of April 13, 2012 titled "Purchasing policy.

  4. I think your wrong. Guccioone was no after Hillin because of the towing contract but rather the purchasing policy. Guccione panders and he's doing that with emolpyees thinking this would give him power. Hillin is disliked by many employees because they have to follow his purchasing policy. Guccione is looking for support in next years election and he believes the way to do it is to rally the employees.
