Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Poke In The Eye

A great friend of mine (Mr. TD) and I went to the movies last weekend to see The Three Stooges. If you liked The Three Stooges you'll love this treatment. As a Stooge fan myself I think they did a great job, but enough for the movie review for now. The reason I mentioned the movie was because I saw some of that same slap-stick last night in City Hall but with only two stooges.

As I predicted, the first confrontation came when they were discussing Alderman Nick Guccione's unethical and illegal use of the City Logo. Alderman Cheryl Kross questioned why the item was on the agenda and stated that the city attorney's recommendations should be turned over for administrative action. This spurred a round of discussion where Mayor Lambi did his best by throwing an executive monkey-wrench into their plans. Lambi is well aware of administrative action and how it can effect one's sleep and wallet so he was determined to stop it, if it meant thwarting the Board's actions. Not for the noble reason of helping Guccione but to hinder justice and the Board of Aldermen's efforts of enforcement. He asked the City Attorney, Paul Rost, if he had the power to pardon or commute Guccione's sentence. Once it was confirmed, Lambi gave the Aldermen and eye-poke and said "I'm ordering a pardon," and with a crack of the gavel, "This matter is closed." Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

The introduction and discussion was brought forward about the ordinance creating the new HR and Purchasing / IT departments was interesting. This bill was opposed by Alderman Guccione when first brought forward and last night he elaborated on his disagreement. "I want to be able to shape my administration to fit my vision of the City." What's really going on here is that Guccione does not like Wentzville's Purchasing Manager and does not want him promoted to Director where he could be protected by the Board. He has made promises to employees and one of them was to get rid of the current purchasing policy and procedures, the best way to accomplish this is to cut the head off of the purchasing department. He doesn't like the Aldermen currently serving, or those recently elected, and is determined to change not only the staff, but the Board of Aldermen.

Guccione made a motion to postpone this bill until he is Mayor so he can make changes in it. Unfortunately for him, he met the Board of Crickets that Lambi has been dealing with for quite a while. The motion failed for lack of a second. The Alderman moved, seconded, and voted it's passage with Guccione being the only "No" vote, just as predicted. I think our new Mayor just found out that the job may not be as easy or fun as he'd hoped. He needs to learn compromise or he'll be knocking his knothead against a brick wall for the next four years.

Mayor Lambi jumped in again to ask Rost if he still has the power of veto, and after understanding that he needed to submit his reason in writing, Lambi thought about it. He was determined to give this Board one last konk on the sconce or eye-poke before he left. Wo-wo-wo-wo. I have never once in the last eight years ever said or thought that Lambi was stupid, I have said he's arrogant, vindictive, deceptive, calculating, condescending, and chauvinistic, but never stupid. He knew the Aldermen could block his eye-poke with one hand and simply override his veto, thereby poking him in the eye one last time. He decided against aligning with Guccione with a symbolic veto and left him twisting. During the discussion, Alderman Vann Sample offered his opinions and Lambi in his condescending style offered the following slap to the puss, "This is the hardest I've seen Alderman Sample work in two years."  He couldn't help throwing one last pie in the face of an Aldermen.

It must be noted that Mayor Lambi presided over some of the most dysfunctional Boards in the History of Wentzville. Those Aldermen on occasion brought forth terrible legislation and not once as Mayor of Wentzville did he use his power of veto. Last night he considered it but not in the name of justice or the betterment of Wentzville government. His pardon of Guccione was not an eloquent gesture for some undeserving crime committed, but to get back at a Board who bucked his alleged lack of ethics. He wants desperately to punish them for their accusations of his wrong doings. In my opinion, he showed very little class with his decision to pardon Guccione and thoughts of vetoing the HR, Purchasing / IT legislation, for a man who is claimed to be so selfless. I wish Lambi well in his future but he was truly a disappointment to Wentzville on his final day in office.

With the conclusion of these proceedings they swore-in the new Alderman and crowned Mayor Nick Guccione. He looked nervous wearing his Cheshire Cat grin but it was short-lived. After a short break, they resumed with the meeting with Guccione at the hammer. I'm going to stop here and pick it back up in the morning. There was lots more fun to report on so we'll have a short intermission while I research a few items. Check back tomorrow for the continuation of the Two Stooges, minus one.

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