Friday, March 7, 2014

2014 Campaign Trivial Pursuit

A number of interesting (but not surprising) events have been discovered (or uncovered) in the last couple of weeks and I am going to share them with you today. With the election drawing near, the campaigns of Rick Stokes (incumbent Ward 3) vs. Linda Wright, and Forrest Gossett (incumbent Ward 1) vs. Robert Hussey are under way. Mayor Nickolas Guccione will be using the Internet heavily to campaign for both Hussey and Wright, which could prove entertaining. I've seen preschoolers write better sentences on their nursery room walls with the contents of their diapers. If I were them, I'd proofread his scrawling and recommend wearing gloves in the process.
* * * * *
Alderman of Ward 1, Cheryl Kross, who has stated on numerous occasions, "I'm staying neutral. I will not support anyone in this election," is campaigning for Linda Wright, as witnessed by her Facebook re posts of Wright's Facebook blathering. It is no secret that Kross' hatred of her mortal enemy Rick Stokes has been in high-gear for over a year, and this latest display is proof that her attitude (not looking out for the best interests of the city) persists by continuing to press her own agenda.  Why else would she go out of her ward to promote someone who is inferior to a highly accomplished incumbent alderman? But then again, she was instrumental in saddling that same ward with the worst alderman on the board, Michael Hays. Kross has a marked propensity toward screwing up ward 3. Stokes has been a leader on the Board of Aldermen since being first elected four years ago and being elected President of the Board for two consecutive years. Petty jealousy should not be a reason for dumbing down Wentzville government. The political war she's waging on Stokes is unhealthy for the city of Wentzville and her future in it. Her statement and recent actions are proof that she is a liar and cannot be trusted by voters in her ward, or in Wentzville. Alderman Kross has become an embarrassment to Ward 1.
* * * * *
Robert Hussey, candidate of Ward 1, who was fired from his city manager job with the City of Dardiene Prairie, is running against hyper-ethical incumbent Forrest Gossett for the Ward 1 seat. As everyone knows, ethics in government has become a big concern in the country today and Wentzville's campaigns reek with a lack of it. Kross has abandoned all semblance of ethics and if you look into the history of Hussey in Dardiene Prairie, you'll see that he may very well be in the same mould.

If you are familiar with benevolent organizations, they have a rule regarding the use of their membership lists for political or personal gain (for the benefit of Mr. Hussey, the rule is; NOT TO USE IT!). Rules don't appear to mean much to Mr. Hussey, he decided to use the membership list to send out campaign literature to its membership. I won't mention the organization simply because it does such good work in the community, I don't want to tarnish its good name by illuminating the fact that one of their members is so lacking a respect for rules.
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I don't dislike Mayor Nickolas Guccione, but I strongly disagree with his politics, lack of leadership, and communication skills, I believe it advertises the wrong face for Wentzville and besides, he's just plain embarrassing. Contrary to popular belief, I really find it difficult to expose the ridiculous and foolish things he does with his position, but the residents of Wentzville need to know what kind of person is sitting in his high office.
I had noticed some time ago that Guccione's city email address is:, which is a change from the email address used by every mayor since Wentzville started using email. I asked around wondering why every mayor of Wentzville used:, and Guccione was now "mayor1." I originally thought it was a vanity thing but recent information has exposed the reason and it's far from vanity. It's an involved story so I'll try to explain it as simply as possible.
During the time Guccione was an alderman, (five years) he was in the habit of opening porn websites, why he used his city account is beyond me? I would have thought he would have kept it on his personal computer—but that's our lovable mayor—anyway, he continued visiting these sites even after he was elected to his high office. At some time, he must have realized that someone in the IT department might discover that he was spending way too much time frequenting websites of a somewhat less official nature than a mayor should be visiting, especially while utilizing city resources. To make a long story very short, it took the IT department over two months of scrubbing the address (fearing it might infect the entire system) before they reassigned the new "mayor1" address. For my money, they probably needed to scrub some other things too—but we won't go there, just let your imaginations run with it—if you dare ... oh my! I wonder just how much money in taxpayer dollars he cost the city entertaining himself?

* * * * *
Just think, Guccione has changed history, even if it's just an email address. So here we are; election time, and our hate-filled Ward 1 Alderman, Cheryl Kross and our shining Mayor1 are endorsing Linda Wright and Robert Hussey, need we say more?


  1. Anyone thinking about electing Hussey needs to check into his work history, he is a loser! I've lost respect for my alderman Cheryl Kross and I'll be damned if I'm going to vote for having another loser representing the ward I live in. GOSSETT FOR RE ELECTION IN WARD 1!

    1. I agree. Ward 1 lost a good representative when Alderman Kross decided to clean house and turn on her friends, Stokes and Gossett. If she would close her hole long enough to listen to reason, she would not be joining up with Gooch and that deadbeat Hays.

      I'm not sure she wasn't always nuts, because Lambi had her in hand when he was Mayor and would shut her up. Then Stokes gets elected and sides with her. That's when she began talking, andshe hasn't shut her hole since. Cheryl, SHUT UP, you're embarrassing yourself!

    2. Mr. Hussey, it may be prudent for you to consider withdrawing from this election as you may be on the coat tails of the Mayor when this all hits the fan and you will be burned, no doubt, like you have never felt. Your issue with Dardienne Prairie and your leaving there will seem like cool water to your parched throat after you are sucked into the flames of this fire.
      God bless and take care.

    3. If Ms. Kross is staying neutral and not supporting anyone including her fellow Alderman Forrest Gossett then her reality is that she is behind Mr. Hussey with all his sins. She is then a person that cannot be trusted to take out the garbage either. Tsk, tsk, tsk Ms. Kross you have sealed your fate for the next election and any political hopes you might have had for the future. This city wants honesty and personal ethics in those who represent us.

  2. on top of being a liar and unethical politician, now you're saying the mayor is a perv? how did this rapscallion ever get elected?

  3. No, I'm not saying he's a "perv." What I'm sayings is that I know our mayor isn't much of a reader, so there must be some reason he frequents such Internet sites. Maybe these sites have lots of pictures, art, or instructional videos, your guess is as good as anyone's.


    2. it's time for the local media and newspapers to get wind of this. Can someone anonymously fed this to the St. Louis Post- Dispatch, Chicago Tribune, Wall Street Journal or TV news program "60 Minutes" so we can get this issue resolved??? Since the "Unholy Alliance" is now part of the cover-up it will just die unless there are some real people with ETHICS in the city. Here's your chance Aldermen to REDEEM yourselves in the eyes of the citizenry and maybe get re-elected next time its your turn!!!!

    3. Contact CBS News for their program "60 Minutes" and see if it is worthy of investigation. Contact : 60 Minutes 524 West 57th St. New York, NY 10019. EMAIL: PHONE: (212) 975-3247

  4. Wentzvillian please explore!!
    Recently I was in Wentzville visiting with friends at a local tavern and the hour was late when in walked Mr. Lee, employee of Wentzville and the new Wentzville City Attorney. The two took a table in an unoccupied corner. Wentzvillian is this not a violation of the City's Ethics policy which speaks of conflicts of interest and all employees should avoid the appearance of improprieties with city contractors. If the two were not discussing city business then why sit in a remote area in the tavern. Wentzvillian did Wentzville get billed for this meeting? Did the mayor direct the meeting and why the late hour? Just maybe an alderman will require discloser and purpose of this meeting.

    1. You did see them. I was there when they came in and thought it curious that the two of them had the meeting in the corner. I too would be interested to hear if this is an ethics violation on the part of our assistant city administrator.

    2. it appears that Mr. Lee violated the Mayor's email to all city employees of a couple of weeks ago regarding discussing of city business or was this a more intent conversation regarding issues pending or going to be pending that has his fingerprints on it.

    3. These type of meetings between department people and the city attorneys have been going on for quite a while. It played a part in the change of attorneys for the city. But the aldermen aren't about to try to clean it up because they are doing the same thing. The city attorney is not an employee of the city and charges by the hour. If the meeting was legit I still have an issue as a Wentzville resident of paying someone to be in a tavern. If it was off the clock it still shows a complete lack of discretion and common sense.

    4. The Mayor's edict about direct contact between city employees and the city attorney going through the city administrator said there may be exceptions that allow for that. Mr. Lee may have had permission from the new City Administrator for that meeting since I'm sure he's swamped trying to clean up that mess.

    5. According to the mandate of the mayor, there was a violation of his edict. The Assistant City Administrastor was in strict violation of Mayor Guccione's Mandate. He did meet with a contractor and it is a violation. Now, the question is did the mayor mean what he said, or did he miss speak? If we are to believe what the mayor said, the City Attorney and Mr. lee may be in deep do do. If not, well, that's our lovable mayor—always kidding never meaning what he says.

  5. Meat Grinder: I placed a few phone calls regarding the situation of the City Attorney and Assistant City Administrator meeting at the tavern after the city meeting. I had heard it rumored that they had met and will find out if an ethics violation exists.

  6. 1. Someone needs to file a Freedom of Information Act request to learn the extent of the mess Nic created from his Porn proclivity.
    2. Someone needs to send the results to the TV investigative reporters.

    1. Agree, If someone from the city agreed to have the files scrubbed he is at fault for not taking it higher or the Board of Aldermen. There was a cost or charge for some IT type person to do the scrubbing of the 'mayor' email address and computer. The accounting person who saw or approved this expense is also at fault. where is our ETHICS commissioner now????

    2. The fact that Gooch was accessing pornagraphy using city owned equipment has been known by the IT department and the Aldermen since March of 2013. It's unfortunate that he wasn't skinned for this when he was an Alderman, maybe he wouldn't have been elected to his current position. Regardless of the outcome, this whole situation is a stain on the city and him as a man, a pathetic stigma that he will bear for the rest of his life.

      I've heard tell that once this was published by the Wentzvillian, the city launched an investigation into Gooch's unethical misuse of city resources. And guess what? If Gooch is found guilty, IT"S AN IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE!!!

    3. To the other show? Why don't you tip them off. Any of the investigative reporters out of St. Louis will file the freedom of information and show us what is going on.

    4. At my place of work the management monitors every key stroke. How is that this mayor got away with looking at XXX sites for over 5 years without anyone discovering it?

    5. A Freedom of Information Act request cannot be made anonymously. You can guess why I wouldn't want to make the request...

    6. Ex-Mayor Lambi absolved him of his XXX-Porn sins which is why it's been buried for some time now. Unfortunately Lambi must carry the weight of his decision as part of his sordid and tarnished legacy in that he is part of the Guccione problem. Sorry Paul, but you made the call on freeing the Gooch from punishment and you will pay for it forever.

  7. Mrs. G isn't going to like this thread...

    1. How embarrassing for Mrs. B. The question is.....Will she Stand By Her Man like Tammy & Hillary or will she put tainted chicken parts in his lunch bucket?

  8. If he was smart he was lobbying for employment.. He needs to go with the rest of them!!

  9. He really is stupid if he was viewing porn on the city's computers!

    1. If an employee had done what he did, they would have been terminated, no questions asked!

  10. Since Guccione is incapable of running his office and has only become a nussiance to the city and its citizens, can't the aldermen declare his office vacant and replace him?

    1. I wholeheartedly agree. What is so difficult that our elected aldermen can't take some type of action, even if it's only some sort of public dressing down (pun unintended)?

      No city want's their supreme commander perceived an idiot by neighboring communities. The only reason I can see for the aldermen's inaction is because the mayor has too many weak-minded aldermen who owe him some measure of loyalty. That is just wrong and it promotes weakness in our government. Cease the bufoonery!

  11. In any company or business you are part of the employer generally has the employee sign a document indicating the use of company-in this case city- equipment is only to be used for legitimate business and any other use leaves the employee subject to immediate termination--no questions asked. The next question we have to ask is whether or not the city has all employees sign such a document. If it does --and it should-- why isn't it enforced? Is there no one to enforce this issue? Or is everyone, including the Aldermen, afraid to take this step to ensure adherence to policies??

    1. We thought the city attorney had an obligation to safeguard the city from felonious acts of employees as well as acts against the city. Where did we miss the point of why we hired his 'Law firm'? .Now we understand why lawyers are the brunt of jokes as pond scum and bottom feeders. Read my lips..

    2. The City Attorney is not there to oversee or watch over Wentzville on his own accord. He is contracted by the city to conduct their legal business(contracts, lawsuits, etc.) and advise if asked. He has absolutely no authority other than carrying out the wishes of the city.

  12. How does he still have a job? Who can we call at city hall to get details as citizens ? Thoughts?

  13. If you want answers, call your Alderman.

    1. Yeah, Sure! and you think that any of his cronies -Kross, Hayes, Shryock of the Unholy Alliance will answer us or do anything to inform those elected them??? Fat chance in hell!!!

    2. the aldermen are supposed to represent the people who elected them. if they don't answer your questions or take action, they need to go!

    3. Cheryl Kross is the ringleader, Guccione has become her stooge. She has become such a disappointment, she thinks she's another Sarah Palin and in reality she's the Terminator of the city. She and Michael Hays need to go when we throw out the garbage in 2015, until that time they need to be neutralized by reelecting Gossett and Stokes.

  14. I been reading this blog for some months now because I think it's fun but things aren't lookong to good in our cirty. If I can believe everything you put on here we got some real weasels on the board of aldermen and that turkey vulture mayor goochon should never have been put in his office. I want to ask a question: We got weasel tracks around the hen house but we got no place to hide our hens. How can the average working guy like me change what's going on with our goverment? Even my union is supporting the weasels, what can I do?

    1. Yo kin git out the posse, tar and feather the mayor, and run'im outa town on a rail.

  15. Mr. Jackson; This year you can cross your union line and vote for either Gossett in Ward 1, or Stokes in Ward 3. Make a mental note next year (2015) to vote against Kross in Ward 1, or against Hays in Ward 3. But one thing for sure; even if there's a chimpanzee running against Guccione in 2016, a vote for the chimp is a vote for bringing up the intelligence level in the mayor's office. Most chimps don't know how to use email and in this instance, it's a good thing!

  16. Kross is exactly like Palin, both are blathering idiots.

    1. Did you see the video of the Alderman meeting last night and Ms. Shryock attempting to talk somewhat intelligently. If her brains were made of dynamite she couldn't blow her nose. Glad she is not running for re-election as she just keeps embarrassing herself, the aldermanic board and the city.
