Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Oedipus Rex

Lessons in life come in various ways; some people believe in taking heed of the experiences garnered by the terrible mistakes of others, then there are those who tread disastrous paths ignoring the less painful experience in favor of suffering the slings and arrows of repeating them—Einstein described this method to be the definition of insanity. Since there are questions regarding the formal education of Mayor Nickolas Guccione, he probably never read Einstein, or Oedipus Rex and he fails to recognize the results of hubris—to Guccione I would suggest he locate the writing of Sophocles and brush up. The day will come when the mayor may discover the error of his current ways, but then again narcissists very seldom recognize their failings.
Nickolas Guccione never paid attention to the overwhelming criticism laid upon him during his highly unethical election campaigns of the past simply because he knows no other way than to repeat the misguided suggestions of those who failed before him. His villainous advisers include some of the most  politically despised people in Wentzville; Vickie Boedeker, Bill Schuette, Donna Sherwood, and Mike Carter. Everyone of them learned the same lesson, and felt the same rejection when a huge majority of the voters here drove them out of their offices, or campaign hopes. It's not pretty when a town turns against you.
This town is turning on Guccione as his list of ego-driven blunders mount up, so many in fact they couldn't possibly be listed here. Being pardoned for ethics violations by the outgoing Mayor Lambi (who also overlooked Guccione's pornography problem and tried desperately to keep it under covers, so to speak) started a snowball of irrational initiatives and liaisons like the appointment of Micheal Hays, who is the most useless alderman of Ward 3 since Guccione himself.
Today, unknown to him, Guccione the puppeteer, has become Guccione the sock puppet of another in his long list of ill advised puppet masters; Alderman Cheryl Kross. Watching him make a fool of himself spouting her exact words would be funny if it weren't disgusting because of his total ignorance of what she's doing to him. Last Wednesday night at the board meeting he went off on the presenters of the Downtown Economic Development and Historic Preservation Committee (DEDHP) making a host of new political enemies. He parroted exactly what Kross has been saying in private for years. Kross is sly, she recognizes that vocalizing disdain in a public meeting for the committee recommendations would hurt her in her drive to be re-elected in 2015 and her desire to become Mayor in 2016. Guccione who tries so hard not to upset voters, bought into her unpopular concept and tagged himself as one who wants to remove Historic Preservation from the DEDHP, alienating several large groups of civic organizations in the process. He had absolutely nothing to gain and much to lose by his ego-driven public rant against the committee recommendations.
Hey Nick, Cheryl Kross isn't doing you any favors when she makes you look like an idiot when you get huffy in a public meeting by using her words. Who do you think looks bad here? The answer is; "not her!" I cannot believe that you are okay with throwing away votes in your next election just to display your misguided sense of ultimate power. You forget that you can do nothing to stop the will of the board, all you did was to anger quite a few voters—who have influence on so many other voters—you bit the big one—Kross is laughing at how easily you are led.
* * * * *
Back on the campaign trail, a host of villains are working to build the Guccione machine. Guccione himself is using his Facebook page to vigorously campaign for Robert Hussey and Linda Wright. I find it amazing that any mayor who was pardoned for crimes against the city, and cost taxpayers money by using city resources to entertain himself with pornographic websites, is so unashamed to campaign for others (who obviously look up to him for guidance).
Mike Carter, the failed Wentzville ex-Judge, is busy weaving Gucione's web of fault laden candidates on the Internet. And low-and-behold, Brian Spencer, the RHINO (Republican in name only) State Representative, has actively joined the mix, adding to the cauldron full of miscreant reprobates meddling in local politics. Spencer spends more time in Wentzville than he does in Jefferson City and a growing number of Wentzville citizens are asking—why?
Spencer has been walking the streets with his soul-mate, Mayor Nickolas Guccione, for almost a year lending support and trying to regain some respectibility for a mayor who has been digging his own political grave since he was first elected. Now, Spencer is walking the streets with Robert Hussey (whose jaded work record in Dardiene Prairie is a dark shadow hanging over his electibility) who needs help to unseat incumbent Forrest Gossett. Oh, and by the way, he's handing out propaganda on how well he's doing in the Missouri House of Representatives (that were more than likely paid for by tax dollars). After he introduces himself as the all-high State Representative he probably adds; "With me here today is Mr. Hussey, we happened to be walking along and ran into each other so we decided to kill two birds with one stone and walk the streets together. He needs your support to help our wonderful mayor build his political machine to throw out any resemblance of good government in Wentzville."
This crew of jokers are working hard to push a couple of unworthy candidates into office and upset the logical balance of power which would give Guccione authority over two branches of Wentzville Government. Mayor Vickie Boedeker tried it and failed, leaving Wentzville with a dysfunctional board of misfits that we are still paying for today. Should Robert Hussey or Linda Wright get elected, Wentzville will see it's darkest days since Vickie's Lurchettes. I beg our voters to re-elect Forrest Gosset in Ward 1, and Rick Stokes in Ward 3. Keep intelligence and ethics on our board of aldermen.


  1. Why is a State Representative so interested in a Wentzville election, what has he to gain? He is an elected Republican to the State House of Representatives and he's campaining for the Socialist Liberal Nick the Gooch to get two other liberals elected. He is a RINO! What he has to gain is the same as that slug Mike Carter ... NOTHING!

    1. Talk to the other state representatives and get their take on what Spencer is doing when not in Jefferson City. Is this considered serving the people that elected him or good use of his elected salary?

  2. So why can't the wentzvillian post a blog sign next to Hussey's big board on the highway by the rail road track? I think it is time for the people to Wentzville to hear some truth about him..

    1. Wouldn't that be a hoot-and-a-half?

    2. Isn't that sign ilegally posted on a County easement?

    3. Report the findings of Hussey's election abuse to the Missouri Ethics Commission and the election commissioner Rich Chrismer @ 397 turner Blvd., St. Peters, Missouri 63376.
      phone # 636=949-7550, email Rich at If you see a problem and don't get someone's attention to the problem you are then part of the problem. GO DO IT!!!

  3. Guccione should be ashamed of himself! I'm surprised the two people he's supporting in the election even want to be associated with him. I wouldn't want to be the alderman sitting next to him now. He is a sleeze-ball and disgusts me, I'd never vote for someone endorsed by him.....Ew!

    1. Unfortunately for Ms. Wright and Hussey their lack of intelligence is now evidenced by their association with Mr. Guccione and his sleaze ball practices. It appears that these 2 want to get elected at any cost to their personal reputation. WE must say that Ms. Shryock got smart when she bailed out of the election race so as not to be personally destroyed when the Mayor's sins all come to the surface.

  4. i'm sick of gooch and his dirty politics. i'm going to start campaigning against him right now, I have 2 years to eradicate his grip on Wentzville. i'm going to tell everyone I meet about his abuse of our laws and his sick use of porn on city owned computers. he's nastier than bill clinton and a bigger jackleg than Obama, I can't stand it that he sits in the same seat of those who built our town into the city we have today while he's done nothing but bring shame to Wentzville! he is the joke of the county and it's not funny to me.

  5. Wentzvillian; I hope you plan to put up a complete list of Guccione's screw-ups along side of his accomplishments prior to his next campaign for mayor.

  6. Sounds like a worried crowd of comments. By the way, the Stokes sign in front of your business is on right of way if we are going to talk about sign placement. I know, you won't post this or if you do you will have a nasty comment. I am on your side but what is right is right for all.

    1. Thank you for commenting on The Wentzvillian. Never fear, my allowing comments has only one hard-and-fast rule is: If you want to give the names of private individuals, or city employees, It ain't happening here.

      Now to clarify, Mr. Hussey's sign is on County right-of-way, a clear violation of law. Mr. Stokes sign is on private property with the approval of the property owner. If you had an understanding of "old town" set-backs, you would know, it is perfectly legal. Thank you again for reading The Wentzvillian, You come on back now, you hear?

      Obviously you are anti-Stokes and are as misinformed as Hussey, Guccione, Wright, Carter, and Spencer. ... That's a shame

  7. Why was Hussey fired anyway?

  8. Let's try this again.
    If you have a complaint with the Mayor, city officials or city attorney you can contact Chris Koster - Missouri Attorney General at the following address:
    Missouri Attorney General's Office
    Supreme Court Building
    207 W. High St.
    P. O. Box 899
    Jefferson City, MO 65102
    Phone: 573-751-3321
    Fax: 573-751-0774

    or contact the St. Louis office at:
    Missouri General's Office
    Old Post Office Building
    815 Olive Street, Suite 200
    St. Louis , Mo 63101
    Phone; 314-340-6816

    If you see a problem and do not do anything about it or inform the appropriate people you are then part of the problem. YOUR CHOICE AS TO WHO YOU ARE!!!

  9. I am seriously considering running for office in Wentzville. After reading our "Mayor's" email with all of the mistakes. I am shocked even more than I was before! Is it possible to meet with you and discuss some of the problems you see that are happening in the city?

  10. If Mayor Guccione were to be smart he'd start turning the table on Alderman Cheryl Kross. He has only half his term left and he needs to get his head straight before the Wentzvillian burys him and Kross slides into his seat.

    It's too bad that he needs her, it may be his undoing. She is getting him to look terrible in the meetings, he had better control himself before it's too late.

    1. I agree, Alderman Kross has Mayor Guccione by the sack.

    2. It seems that Alderman Kross knows exactly how to get the Mayor upset in the city council chamber meetings. She makes him look like a blithering imbecile when she gets the best of him. She has him looking like an incompetent bumbling baboon trying to fight his way out of a paper bag and can't manage to come out looking like nothing other than a fool to the City.

  11. Apparently our Mayor has been telling tales to the residents in Stonemoor. Please people don't believe a word he says. He only tells you what he knows you want to hear. I was already duped by him:((His top priority is getting your vote for him and his political cronies.Everything is a political game with him NOT what is the best for Wentzville and NOT what is the best for the resident.
