Thursday, February 27, 2014

I Don't Give a Damn What the Law Says —Guccione

I hate to say this but Mayor Nickolas Guccione and Alderman Cheryl Kross outdid themselves last night at  the Wentzville Board of Aldermen Meeting (click here). They got all tangled up in their own web as they tried in vain to change the makeup of the Downtown Economic Development and Historic Preservation Committee (DEDHP) for absolutely no reason other than hate and revenge. The Bill was defeated by a 3-2 vote.
The craziness started during "New Business Section IX, Para. 9, (ID # 5043) Bill No. 3540, an ordinance Amending Section 130.150 of the Municipal Code Regarding the Make-up of the Downtown Economic Development and Historic Preservation Committee, First Reading," at 1:31:20 into the meeting. As you remember from from the last post; Kross and Guccione Need a Wake Up Call (click here), they wanted to remove the aldermen now serving on the DEDHP, and cripple any recommendations the committee brings to the city, by not funding it.

Kross began the discussion with an outright lie. During her explanation regarding why she removed herself from the committee she said: "I support this committee, I think what they are doing is good for the city, but I didn't know that they were going to come to the board with recommendations and ask for funding." I have to ask Alderman Kross: You knew from the beginning, when you begged your way onto the committee that there would be funding requests. You also actively participated in discussions of projects  requiring funding during your first eight months on the committee. Remember your suggestion of acquiring a site on Pearve Blvd. for a new pavillion and building a children's park, did you think all that would be free? If you support the DEDHP and improvements in downtown, how are they supposed make improvements, if there's no financial support from the city? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that improvements cost money and that you never had any intentions of supporting the DEDHP, you were only a member to plan a way to derail it. So your idea of the DEDHP is to remove all funding and let them keep talking for another 50 years and accomplish the same thing the city did for the last 50 years—NOTHING! Admit it Mrs. Kross, you just don't like Aldermen Chris Gard (Committee Chair) or President of the Board, Alderman Rick Stokes, and will do anything to defy them, thwarting their efforts to do something about what the city has neglected for the last 50 years—HISTORIC DOWNTOWN! That goes for you too, Mayor Nickolas Guccione.

Now we come to our illustrious CEO, Mayor Nickolas Guccione. At 1:44:50 he took over; "I don't see any representatives of business owners on the committee or members of the Downtown Business Association (DBA) on the committee." I find this statement strange, because he appointed every single member who currently sits on the committee. Where did this new-found lack of deserving members come from? He even had the ordinance changed recently to add an eighth member, and guess what, he isn't a member of the DBA either? Well Mr. CEO, if you were to ask the members of the committee you'd find there are members of the DBA represented on the DEDHP. He went on to say that he also thinks that the DEDHP is good for the city and supports their efforts. Horse pucky, how do you support them, by taking away the guidance of aldermen and give it no  teeth by not funding it? Of course my alderman, Michael Hays, who's lack of participation in city government is disturbing, voted to change the ordinance, he has to vote the way Guccione tells him to vote.

Guccione also went on his occasional rant about the blog, the blog, and being bullied by it, which he continued in his "Mayor's Report," at 2:24:30 into the meeting (I guess once wasn't enough). He even made reference to the young girl in Dardiene Pairie who hung herself because of being bullied. Please don't hang yourself King Nickolas, what would the city do without you. Then he got biblical, mentioning David and Goliath and said that he's going to get the State, County, and even Wentzville to make laws to infringe on the The Wentzvillian's First Amendment rights because it's a bully blogger.

His most disgusting comment of the night was; "I don't care what the ordinance says, I'm not going to appoint another alderman to serve on the DEDHP. It's my appointment." Where have we heard theses comments before, maybe the appointment of the most useless member of the board of aldermen, Michael Hays, and the threat of not adhering to the ethics policy (law) regarding the Mayor's Ball?

I have to ask the citizens of Wentzville; Mayor Nickolas Guccione took an oath of office stating that he would uphold the laws of Wentzville. Does he actually think that in upholding those laws, they don't apply to him? He's made several threats in his two years in office to break the laws he is bound by oath to uphold, the Aldermen need to have him impeached. If he thinks The Wentzvillian is bullying him because he's reported here to be a rotten Mayor, he needs to find another hobby because he's a complete failure in politics. As long as he continues to bully the aldermen by threatening to break our laws, the staff by threatening them with insubordination if they talk to the aldermen, to threaten the citizens by being incompetent, and threaten the The Wentzvillian by trying to stifle it's First Amendment rights, I will be here to report on him. If King Nickolas thinks that The Wentzvillian is bullying him and it leads him to buy a rope, oh well, so be it.

BTW, Where's our great new City Attorney while our mayor is bullying everyone in the city, does he approve of his actions? The last time I heard, he represents the city, not a rogue mayor.


  1. If the CEO of a business/ corporation/ city etc. Is incompetent in executing his duties the Board of Directors/City Council/ Aldermen have an inherent obligation - by their oath of allegiance to the business /corporation/ city - to give a vote of NO CONFIDENCE to the CEO and have the CEO removed from his position by unequivocal mandate. If our Aldermen do not move forward to do this then maybe it is time for the Alderman to rethink what their obligation to the city is all about and exit stage left. And who is the BULLY, Mr. Mayor???

  2. Unfortunately, I believe impeachment involves a unanomous vote and that would be impossible because of Hays and Kross. We will need to wait until he gets himself in trouble with the Prosecuting Attorney, which could happen easily given his way of dictating. Or we get rid of Hays and Kross in 2015 and elect a board that represents the people not King Nickolas.

  3. Whoa there Mayor G... you say some people have nothing to do other than talk about other people? what do you do? what is it when you talk dirt about alderman that are working for our city? I am so disgusted and disappointed that so much of our tax dollars are wasted on your political shenigans. Anyone can view the DEDHP meetings and see for themselves that Cheryl Kross threw in some very costly project ideas. She thought the committee was going to raise enough money for a fountain for the children to play in? who was paying for the water? yes that was her idea.Any politician runs the risk of being talked about. Noone is going to agree totally with you Mr. Mayor. So go ahead and think it is bullying Mr. Mayor when in fact it is being REALISTIC>Turn me over I am DONE!!

  4. Gooch reprimanded Chief Harrison for using the internet to check the backgrounds of prospective employees, just like other Directors did, but she was the only one to get an official letter in her personnel file. That sounds like bullying.

    He has harrassed her since last August when Sonya Shryock tried to tag Harrison with ethics violations. He has made Harrisons life miserable since that time. He wants her gone and maybe he's badgering her so she'll quit. I'd call that bullying, and hope Ms. Harrison can stick it out until the Attorney General's office can get a piece of his ass, the damn bully.

    1. I didn't know any of this! From what I've heard of Chief Harrison from friends and aquaintances, as well as Wentzville police officers, they believe she's doing a top-notch job. Where the hell is the prosecuting attorney on this hateful Mayor and his awful treatment of employees?

    2. The Mayor has disliked Chief Harrison since she was hired. He wanted to promote one of his buddies from within. He's behind the Shryock scandal and pulling every dirty string and trick he can to have her removed.

      The aldermen need to know how much we don't like what's going on with the mayor. Citizens should make their phones start ringing and filling their inboxes with emails. This is enough crap from that sneaky little weasel Guccione.

    3. Police Chief Harrison has more friends in this city than the Mayor will ever know . There is no one else on the police force than can do the job as well as she has or will. that is why she was selected to be Police chief. It will take some time to clean up all the dissenters on the force but it shall be done. The Attorney General will not put up with the issues going on against Chief very long as file against her detractors is swelling and that includes problems with the Mayor. It will come to pass soon that the hand of true justice will on those who cast the stones falsely. Just watch what is coming.

    4. If you have a complaint with the Mayor, city officials or city attorney you can contact Chris Koster - Missouri Attorney General at the following address:
      Missouri Attorney General's Office
      Supreme Court Building
      207 W. High St.
      P. O. Box 899
      Jefferson City, MO 65102
      Phone: 573-751-3321
      Fax: 573-751-0774

      or contact the St. Louis office at:
      Missouri General's Office
      Old Post Office Building
      815 Olive Street, Suite 200
      St. Louis , Mo 63101
      Phone; 314-340-6816

  5. Chief Harrison has changed the police department for the better. Prior to her arrival it was way behind the times and corrupt. The department now has great equipment and some of the bad cops are gone. Chief Harrison should fight back.

  6. Oh and the city needs to get rid of the board and mayor. The reputation has taken such a bad hit the pd is having a hard time filling spots because the word is the city of wentzville is no longer the place to work

    1. We can thank Mayor Guccione for that. Since he was elected, he's fired and driven off every single director in the city except for one. He has also done the same with several middle management employees. Now he has his sights on Chief Lisa Harrison.

  7. It is dumbfounding that Kross is so stupidly negative about downtown efforts, since much of the downtown is in the ward she is supposed to support. Her lack of integrity, and alarmingly growing evidence of a glaring lack of intelligence and business acumen = concerned citizens need to vote her out and into obscurity. Please do so.

  8. why did alderman kross lie at the meeting the other evening? i watched some of the videos of the DEDHP and she knew that they were going to request funds. it appears you are correct in saying she was on the committee just to find out what they were up to. i never thought she would be caught in such a vulgar lie, it makes me wonder what else she has lied about.

  9. Alderman Cheryl Kross has abandoned those who helped elect her this last time. She still has them as friends but now they look over their shoulders every time she walks way from them. It is a feeling of getting a pat-on-the-back
    and getting your back pocket picked by her when you are in the same room with her. THE TRUST IS GONE!

  10. The city attorney is of questionable value to the citizens of the city if you observe the webcasts of the City Hall meetings of late.. The Mayor said in so many word that "he can do what he wants" in obtaining baskets for the Mayor's ball and "there are ways to get around that"
    when he feels that circumventing the rules/ ordinances/laws are what he wants to do. The attorney doesn't flinch or blink when he hears the Mayor drop his bombs of "I'm the Mayor and its my appointment" either when challenged. We think its time for the Aldermen to challenge their decision on why they hired this firm to represent the city because if they don't the residents will challenge their decision on why they got elected.
