Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Who's The CEO? — Why It's Billy Bob Nicky G.

I am in receipt of an email, I won't say where it came from, but I will say that it is consistent with a great number of letters and emails in my file penned by our Mayor Nickolas Guccione, CEO of Wentzville. I won't try to explain its content because it speaks for itself (or a facsimile thereof), and literates (or illiterates) volumes about his need for control, his lack of communication skills, and the frustration and struggle of a man who is in way over his head. After you read this email and are finished scratching your head, you might be thinking the same thing I have been thinking for about seven years. This document is transcribed exactly as Guccione sent it and received by everyone listed; "To:" without editing. So, without further eloquence, I want to introduce you to; the one and only Billy Bob Shears—Mayor Nickolas Guccione, CEO of Wentzville.
"From Nickolas Guccione
Date: February 18, 2014 at 137 PM
To: Directors, All City Employees
Cc: Board of Aldermen
Today at 8:45 am issued a directive to staff and to all city employees . That you must use the chain of command .MR Robert Bartolotta is the new City administrator .please welcome Mr Bartolotta stop by and introduce yourself.   the directive that I gave and am giving  is if an elected official contacts you for information or tries to give direction to staff or employee .your to tell them to follow the chain of command and go through Mr. Bartolotta and Doug Lee .With the EXCEPTION OF THE Mayor . Also the city attorney if you need to speak to city attorney go through Mr. Bartolotta Most questions asked he may be able to answer. if not he will contact the attorney and get you the answer your looking for this is in an effort to keep cost down .There may be exceptions for some directors and Mr Bartolotta will make that determination .Any questions an elected official may have when asked of Mr Bartolotta to a director that information will be shared with the rest of the Board of alderman so not just one alderman has that info .Not one alderman makes a decision it takes 4 .Anything and alderman wants to bring forward should be done at a Board meeting to see if it has support to move forward .we will not waste staff time if something does have board support .The elected officials can NOT interfere with Day to Day operations of the city with the EXCEPTION OF THE Mayor AS CEO   Thank you in advance for your cooperation .Mayor Nick Guccione         Wentzville"
On several occasions over the last two years Guccione has gotten riled up in public meetings regarding "Chain of Command," and slobbering about him being "the CEO of Wentzville," I think he learned that one from Lambi. Now that we have a new city administrator, Guccione can sit on his throne, high atop the mountain, reigning supreme over his subjects, making decrees, proclamations, and directives, unimpeded by having to address the problems of the city. He will also have plenty of time to extort baskets from Wentzville citizens and businesses for the Mayors Ball.
I had an opportunity to show this document to a friend of mine who happens to teach at one of Wentzville's middle schools. I asked my friend to read it and watched her squinting and frowning as she read and reread the email. She shook her head and handed it back saying, "If this were one of my students, I would have failed him or her for writing this poorly." I've read literally hundreds of emails and letters written by Guccione over the years, and I can say, without fear of successful contradiction, he has made no progress in his communications skills.
Sad to say, I understand most of what Guccione is trying to say here but I think our mayor may have a few difficulties with what he's implying. I'm not so sure he can keep the Aldermen from speaking with the City Attorney, that might create problems—we'll see.
Guccione forced Alderman Michael Hays on Wentzville, now he's trying to stick us with Linda Wright and Robert Hussey, both failed candidates. Do you really want the recommendations of a man who appears to be functionally illiterate, and what sort of people are so easily led to following him? Wentzville voters need to think hard about who they elected to represent us to the county, and be careful not to propagate his way of embarrassing us further by electing those whom he is pushing?
Think about this: Can you imagine what other mayors, aldermen, and representatives around the county think when they receive a communication from Mayor Nickolas Guccione, CEO/Wentzville? I feel shame just thinking about it. I encourage my readers to share this document with their voting friends.


  1. What kind of man is representing Wentzville? This is a case where you hope that his writing skills do not accurately reflect his intellect.

  2. wentzville is no longer a hick town, there's 30,000 educated people living here, they deserve a person representing them with at least high school communication skills. this mayor is taking wentzville back a hundred years.

    1. Sorry, only 29,999 educated people live here...

  3. I can't believe our mayor sent out a notice like this and addressed it to all of the employees. They probably laughed at their CEO all night.

  4. Where else in the entire World can you find a "CEO" of a multi-million dollar organization that can not write a proper sentence; much less have little to no grammar skills. Absolutely no place other than the City of Wentzville. Let's see if this email can be posted on YouTube and let it go viral. Maybe then the residents of Wentzville will become so embarrassed they will demand impeachment.

    1. I think that the teacher should "grade" Nic's memo. Just make sure her red ink pen if full. Then, post it. There will be no "smiley face" at the top of the page.

  5. Not necessarily for publication... Anyone who received the moronic email needs to forward it to every Wentzville resident in their contact list. And then this process should be repeated, and repeated, and repeated.

    Actually, publish this! Nic couldn't stop it!

  6. This memo and the Alderman meeting website video should be sent to TV producers in Hollywood/LA and they could create a new soap opera/reality show. They could call it "AS YOUR STOMACH TURNS". A hit or miss--who knows???

  7. I've lived in Wentzville all of my life, 68 years up to this point, and I've seen problem politicians here, but this mayor takes the prize! I don't think we have ever had one, in my lifetime, who could not read nor write. He must have some extrordinarily great redeeming social factors I've not seen to have served in Wentzville for almost 8 years.

    I vote every year for whom I feel is the best candidate for the job. I read everything I can find and talk to my friends and neighbors about candidates. I guarantee that my next vote for mayor will not be one for Nick Guccione. In addition, I know that he is supporting two candidates for alderman this year, one of which lives in my neighborhood and is a loon. It appears that during my investigation I uncovered that the other one has a jaded past with the City of Dardeine Prairie. I will not vote for the loon and I ask those in ward one not to vote for Hussey.

    I hope you post this because I think my fellow Wentzvillians need to know these things.

    1. We live in Ward #3 also and would want to know more about 'the loon' who lives here. I want to make a good election decision and need to know more about the "LOON". Can you share some info about "Ms.. LOONSHIP" to help us all understand what she is or isn't???

  8. I'm wondering; If ignorance is excusable (can be fixed), and the mayor has made no effort to improve his communication skills during the past 8 years of being in the public view, then he has fallen from a state of ignorance into full blown stupidity.

    1. We moved here very recently from a neighboring state and found this website thru a neighbor.
      Very sadly, I will say, that had we known all about what is gong on in Wentzville with an inept mayor and city that can't manage itself we would have made a different decision on where to live. The way we feel now after following all that goes on with your Mayor and City Hall we are not sure we want to stay here and invest our and our children's lives here. We can find jobs elsewhere and it's starting to look like a possibility. Good luck on cleaning up the mess and it's going to take a long time from what we see now.
