Thursday, October 17, 2013

Enough Is Enough, It's Time

It's been brewing for a long time—a year and a half to be exact—and even though I've tried my best to warn the good people of Wentzville—it seems my message has fallen on deaf ears. No mayor of Wentzville has ever had so many high level employees quit or be fired from their jobs at a faster pace than that of Mayor Nickolas Guccione. Wentzville's City Administrator, Public Works Director, Finance Director, Assistant Finance Director, IT Director, Director of Purchasing, Accounts Payable Manager, Economic Development Manager, Civil Engineer, and Assistant Civil Engineer, have all either quit, retired, or been fired over the past 18 months. Is it a coincidence that so many employees have taken a powder since Nickolas Guccione has been called "Mayor" for the same length of time? I think not!

It is now my unpleasant duty to announce another high level employee to take leave of King Nickolas' reign, Ms. Lisa Etling, Executive Assistant to Mayor Niockolas Guccione, has handed in her resignation—another coincidence?—I also think not. Ms. Etling had served Wentzville as Assistant to Mayor Lambi, and the City Administrator, and had been with the city for over twenty years. I know Ms. Etling, she was a dedicated, and valuable asset to Wentzville, I have to ask myself—why would she resign? The answer lies deep within the structure that our mayor has neglected—he has relied too much on employees doing the job he should be doing. It also has a lot to do with trust, and the City of Wentzville's employees do not trust Mayor Nickolas Guccione.

Now that I've brought up the issue of trust, I need to address the employees relationship with the Board of Aldermen. They trusted the board of aldermen when they were unified, but now, with Alderman Kross off the reservation, taking Shryock with her, and Alderman Micheal Hays being a pawn, they have lost faith in being protected—they feel more at the mercy of a lunatic who knows nothing about management—Mayor Nickolas Guccione.

Kross and Shryock have pushed their noses too far into the operation of the city. They are micromanaging every department, and Guccione is such a poor manager, he has allowed it. The Employees are confused, they don't know who to listen to; a dysfunctional mayor, or a once unified, strong board, that has been disrupted by Alderman Cheryl Kross, who has broken the solidarity of the Board of Aldermen. I now believe, Kross is a cancer to the City of Wentzville, and in combination with our mayor, who thinks he's the King, our city is going down a path that leads nowhere. Ms. Etling was Guccione's assistant—with all the other city employees leaving, and now her resignation from a long-time position—it speaks volumes about her boss.

I've neglected to talk more about the Board of Alderman meeting of October 9, 2013, which was a total disaster, but I guarantee I will next time. If you go to the city website, and click on the video for the October 9th meeting (click here), you will find that the audio is available, but the video is not. I heard that the city clerk had inadvertently forgot to throw the correct switch, I believe it was an accident. If you want to find out what happened at the meeting, you can listen to seven-and-a-half hours of audio—believe it or not, you may find it interesting. My next post will give you the times to listen to, so you can hear for yourself, the incompetence of Mayor Nickolas Guccione.

As for now, I have two more days of sand, surf, and suds to endure. So next time I'll be back to the 50 degree weather in Wentzville and ready to dig into the crazy situation known as King Nickolas' sinking ship. It's too bad that Wentzville is losing so many good employees and that some citizen hasn't asked their alderman about the process for having King Nickolas recalled——it is time.


  1. how do you go about recalling a deadbeat mayor?

    1. If, and we say if, the city clerk was responsible for throwing the correct switch should she be applauded or faulted for not allowing the city to have total and complete access to the webcast of the last Alderman city meeting? Is it by rule, ordinance or documented procedure to have that act included in her job description and assignment and part of the criteria for her salary administration? If the clerk can not be counted on to do her job of maintaining complete record of the meeting would the Mayor dismiss her for not doing her job as has been done to so many other employees of late or will she get rewarded for not showing the folly of the Alderman/women in the meeting. Say what? Now, who will point the finger at the city clerk????
      Can the city afford to lose her also and who would want the job if she says 'Enough is Enough."

    2. The Mayor can be called at 636/639-0354.
      He can be recalled at 636/639-0354.
      He can be recalled at 636/639-0354.
      That's all the recalling you'll get because there aren't enough people to stand up in Wentzville for a true RECALL.

  2. OMG, you better get your facts straight. Lisa had been with the City since 2007, not 20 years. Also, Cheryl Kress is not the only alderman that are ruining the administration of Wentzville. The city is in ruins. It's going to loose a lot more good employees.

    1. Thank you for correcting the information I provided about the longevity of Ms. Etling. And you are also correct about Kross not being the only Alderman raining down on Wentzville's parade, to that list must be added Sonya Shryock and Michael Hays.

  3. One BIG dysfunctional family.

    1. This is not even a 'Family' in any twisted sense op the word
      It WAS 5 alderman working for the common good and betterment of Wentzville. With Kross and Shryock in some other LA LA land serving their own agenda it is up to CG, RS, and FG to do what is right for the city. We wish "The 3 Amigos" the best of luck in their dedication to the city..
