Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Credit Where Credit Is Due

I don't read newspapers often, but every once in a while someone will stick one in my face, point to an article and say: "Look at this." DOH! Invariably I see our mayor's smiling mug with an article written by someone other than himself, using words that our mayor could probably not understand, and in most instances, even pronounce. Many times I've pointed out that Mayor Nickolas Guccione couldn't possibly write the articles in Newstime, he merely gives the city publicist an idea and she runs with it. The entire scheme looks like Wentzville tax-payers are footing the bill and deceiving the public, by making Guccione look competent.
Like any investigative reporter, I decided to edify myself, I exercised my rights granted via the Sunshine Laws and request information from the city. As I suspected, the city publicist, Ms. Laura Pendino, of Five Star Publishing admits in emails, to-and-from Guccione,  that she writes every word. Of course the city pays somewhere between $200 and $300 for each article written.
Although I knew Guccione didn't write any of the articles printed in Newstime with him getting the byline, I couldn't help but be disturbed. If he would write them by himself he could save the city somewhere between $20,000 and $30,000 a year, especially since there's nothing newsworthy being published in his (her) article. Besides, it would be a real hoot to read.
As I read on in these emails between Ms. Pendino and Guccione, I found something even more disturbing, and it goes as follows: "Hi Mayor Guccione, Since kids just started back to school, do you want to do something about safety for kids going back to school? ... Please let me know if this is a topic you want to cover. ... I'll wait to start writing until I hear back from you. —Laura Pendino"  I didn't know that she picks what to write about, why bother having the mayor's name and mug-shot on the article? Guccione's response, exactly as written: Yes Laura .That sounds good .go with that"
If Ms. Pendino is going to pick the topics, write the articles, and then submit them to Newstime, why isn't she the Public Information Specialist and working for the city? Why is the mayor involved at all? It seems to me like a huge waste of tax-payer money on non-news items. Why isn't Alderman Kross all over this, she's so tight she'd jump over a gate to keep from wearing out the hinges.
It seems to me that if the city would do away with a contract firm handling our publicist duties and create a much needed Public Information Services Department, the city would get better services and save money in the long run. I know a few very talented people in the city who are qualified to undertake this position, why not just do it.

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In my investigations of City Hall, I found some really disturbing things going on with one of our junior aldermen. As I've just touched the surface of this situation I'm going to wait a few days until I receive more information.
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On the subject of the vote September 25th to deny the selection of our City Attorneys, Cunningham, Vogel, and Rost, I stumbled upon some information that will shed a very interesting light on the situation. I have written a post that I was going to put up yesterday, but I promised my sources that I would give it until tomorrow before I pull the trigger on it. Stay tuned.



  1. To The Wentzvillian: You frequently point out your suspicion that Gooch is for the most part, semi illiterate. I am sending you several emails from Gooch to various staff members. I think upon review of his writing style you are correct in saying; "it would be a real hoot to read."

  2. Now let's understand this correctly. Everything, or most everything, that is in NEWSTIME under the Mayor's name is not his but maybe just his basic idea? It can be understandable that everyone gets some help in writing occasionally but putting one's name on an article that was written and fundamentally composed by another person, without giving them literary credit at least as co-author, is a fraudulent act . Even Tom Clancy-may he rest in peace-gives credit where credit is due. This is nothing but a despicable act perpetrated on the people of the city and should be punishable in some way.Who writes the articles in the VISION that appear to be written by the Mayor then??? Does anyone know the answer to that???

    1. Laura Pending, the publicist, also writes the articles in the Vision.

    2. Alderman Forrest writes the "From the Board" article but Laura Pendino writes the "Mayors Comments." I would have to do some more searching of public documents but I'd bet she picks the subjects on those also.

  3. Can you post a few of the e-mails, sans names, of course, if the topic is not top-secret? Or maybe just a few sentences? I'm ready to be entertained. Maybe Laura should call in sick for a few weeks.

  4. I've been watching the reports on Mayor Guccione and I'm trying to figure out what he actually does? Anyone out there know?

    1. Well here can.t fish with the big boys so he just cuts bait.
