Thursday, October 27, 2011

Jump to Conclusions

There are a lot of us that bitch about things in general and in today's time it's easy to bitch about everything but somehow I get the feeling that I'm taking it to a new level—raising the bar as it is. Anyway, I have a complaint, not only about the city but some of their contractors as well.


Last night at the regular board meeting in the city I was disturbed about something that I have a little inside information about. Dennis Walsh in his city administrator's report stated that the Vision  (city newsletter) was really messed up. He went on to say; "The printer decided to move photographs into the wrong places so we are no longer going to use him." No hearing, no trial, no consideration that it may not be his fault, merely—the printer is fired.

I have been working in and around the printing industry for more years than I really care to speak of and I've learned a few things about it in that time. Without getting technical, photographs do not change places in documents unless there are anomalies or entities in the source document, or as Walsh stated, the printer intentionally went into the document and moved them. I know this newsletter costs between $2,000 and $3,000 dollars and I cannot believe any reputable printer would eat that cost by intentionally sabotaging the job as Walsh suggested. That leaves me to believe that the source document generated by the contractor's designer is to blame. Of course, the contractor is going to blame it on thier printer simply because that's where the problem surfaced, how else could it be explained. Enough about that for now I have to think about my blood pressure.

SubComplaint (same newsletter, different subject)
Santa Claus Has Just Committed Suicide

I couldn't help noticing the politically corrected front page articles; "Holiday Tree Lighting," "Holiday Parade...," and Holiday Night Lights." What a crock of crap! These things used to be prefaced by the word; "Christmas." I see pictured a Christmas tree, not a Hanukkah bush, or  Kwanzaa pole but a CHRISTMAS TREE! I also thought I saw Santa Claus, not Hanuclaus, or Kwansaaclaus—SANTA CLAUS! Whoever is responsible for this needs to be boiled in oil and burried with a stake of holly through his/her heart. I just wonder how much our Vision newsletter contractor had to play in this, or did the printer do it? Oh, my blood pressure!

SubComplaint #2 (same newsletter, different page)

Let's move on to page 7: The article entitled "Filing Opens for Municipal Offices." The problem here is; there is a picture of an old "holiday tree" next to a "holiday" dumpster. My complaint is that when the printer "moved the photographs," he didn't put Mayor Lambi's photograph (on page 3) in the Dumpster on page 7. I guess we'll have to wait until a few weeks before Easter, I mean "Holiday Sunday" to do that. Hmmm, all of a sudden I feel better.


  1. THANK YOU! for being the voice of so many people in wentzville

  2. Ya know, I've been thinking. I think I heard somewhere that George Wentz was on the side of the South in the Civil War. That could possibly mean that he favored slavery. Therefore, I don't feel it's politically correct to use that despicable name in referring to our beloved city. I got it! How bout we call it "Holidayville?"
