Friday, October 21, 2011

Hot News in Wentzville Today!

An Element of Truth

The election of April 2012 will bring a huge surprise that could rattle the campaigns of the candidates; Leon Tow, Nick Guccione, and Mayor Lambi (if he decides to apply.) The rumor of having a fourth mayoral candidate is no longer a rumor it has become a near reality. The Wentzvillian was contacted by a long-time resident of Wentzville who wishes to remain anonymous (for now) and relayed some interesting revelations:

"Wentzville is in a very unique position, not only geographically but politically. The election of 2012 offers a window of opportunity which will have a far reaching impact on the future of our city in St. Charles County. Today, Wentzville truly stands at the crossroads.

I've watched our government and stayed current on the positions of our elected officials. For the most part I like what I see. A majority of our aldermen are unified and show great interest in fiscal responsibility and fettered growth, something that I've never seen here before. Mayor Lambi has obviously lost touch, and the candidates running for mayor nether show the same passion as the other aldermen nor the ability to communicate with this board in attaining its goals. The records of these candidates contain no history of fiscal responsibility and fail miserably in communication with the board or citizens of Wentzville.

We need a mayor who is dedicated to fiscal responsibility and the maximization of our resources; personnel, property, and equipment. For far too long, our fully capable city employees have had little or no compass and in many instances had to guess what direction they should take. The mayor is the Chief Executive Officer and he is in charge of an almost dysfunctional operation—that is his fault. His  eight year record shows a fractured ability to lead and little desire to work with the board of alderman in reaching fiscal responsibility. Unfortunately, I see no indication that the other candidates have any platform or better qualities than our current mayor. With a new City Administrator and Chief of Police being hired soon, it's a perfect time for someone to step in and take charge of the city.

It is for the reasons I mentioned, I will be running for mayor of Wentzville in 2012. I will bring to the table a vast resume of experience in both the political and private sector. With the term of  mayor being increased to four years there is a launch window to elect a mayor who knows how to lead and when to follow. I trust you will maintain my anonymity until I officially announce my platform within the next few months."

The Wentzvillian will respect this candidate's wishes and not publish the name until notified.

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