Sunday, November 10, 2013

Was Lambi Really Wrong?

I implore all of my readers to watch the video of the Board of Aldermen meeting of November 6, 2013, particularly the work session portion entitled "(ID # 4872) Budget Review" (click here). Pay attention to the comments and questions posted by Aldermen Cheryl Kross and Sonya Shyrock, beginning at 2:05:50 when Shryocks hand pops up and states: "Most of the Directors did a great job on their budgets." I'm scratching my head trying to figure out which directors (who are good enough to still be here) did a bad job in Shryocks's estimation. It's a wonder to me why after watching this section of the meeting, that any of our directors are still here at all.
I was disappointed to hear our Parks Director, Ms. Mary Jo Dessieux has turned in her retirement papers. I asked her if she had won the lottery, or had a rich uncle die, because she's way too young to retire. Watching this portion of the video and seeing the wolf pack of Kross and Shryock try to gut the parks department budget gave me the answer.
The parks department has always, and I want to emphasize the word ALWAYS, been subsidized by the general fund. City parks are not self-funding, never have been and never will be, therefore, the general fund is tapped for the shortfall. This year the number is in the $200,000 range, when in years past it was as much as a million dollars. Kross and Shryock can't seem to understand that parks will never show a balanced budget but that didn't stop Shryock from demanding; "I want this budget balanced now!" Obviously, Ms. Kross and Shryock want some services cut from our current parks to make up for the shortfall, even to the extent of under-funding the new unfinished parks.
Kross at one time said; "Every year we have this white elephant in the room that we can't seem to take down with the tranquilizer gun." I watched the department heads while these discussions went on and noted the frustration in each of them while they tried to baby-sit Kross and Shryock through their prospected budgets. It wasn't pretty. In the end, Kross and Shryock were the only ones to want the Parks budget balanced.

One discussion I found interesting was brought up by Kross and supported by Shryock was regarding the addition of a Park Ranger in the 2014 budget. Kross doesn't want a new park ranger so as a solution she wants to take police officers off of their regular rounds to patrol the City parks. Recently, we had Mayor Nickolas Guccione getting "double fine zones" put in various subdivisions around the city without increasing police resources and now Kross wants more area patrolled. Kross uses the term; "life, health, and safety" a whole lot, which she started using a couple of years ago after hearing another alderman use it, yet she is willing to take our police off of the streets to patrol the new and existing parks. What am I missing? Shryock has little, or no chance of seeing a second term as alderman but she is following Kross right up to the edge of a cliff where Kross will pat her on the back over the edge.

Kross dominated the budget discussions with micro-managing, line-item minutia, while supporting unsustainable tax cut analysis burdens on Finance Director, Jeff Lenk. Lenk was directed to have his calculations ready by Friday, he said he would do his best to get it done before the budget public hearing to be held November 13th. After laying more work on an already over-worked finance department for something that will come back as an exercise in futility, Kross wasn't happy with Lenk's answer. "Oh my! How will we have time to read all of this before next Wednesday." Really, this is all you have to worry about, "when will you have time to read it?" From what I heard, Mr. Lenk gave good reasons why a tax-cut at this time would be unsustainable in coming years, but his assessment fell on deaf ears. If after making Lenk do this new analysis and it shows that a tax-cut is unsustainable, Kross needs to turn in her keys to the city.

This meeting of November 6th exhibited exactly why our high-level staff members are quitting or retiring at an alarming rate. Kross acts like the city has a full compliment of employees by making unreasonable demands of the few over-worked directors that we still do have. I wonder if our newly hired Public Works Director, Susan Mueller, and Finance Director, Jeff Lenk had any idea of the madhouse they were getting into. I'm now asking myself; Was Mayor Lambi really wrong when he had a muzzle on Alderman Cheryl Kross?



  1. We watched the webcast several time and have concluded that Alderman Kross is purposely trying to frustrate the director staff so they walk away and leave the Mayor hanging out there in the cold with no one left to manage. When the staff all leaves then it will be evident to the city that the Mayor is truly at fault for all the problems in the city and the residents will then do something about his lack of ability to effectively manage. Kross and Shryock are craftier then the Mayor to get done what everyone has been trying to do for the last 2 years. The best part is the Mayor doesn't see it happening to him because he thinks they are in his corner. AIN'T THIS A KICK!!!

    1. i agree, but i hope the new attorney and purchasing director come in with the attitude that these bozos on our city council will be gone in the next two years. how can any director function with the aldermen throwing more crap and insults on them. shyrock should be ashamed for what she said and I wish kross would SHUT UP and let hays and guccione sleep.

    2. Anonymous Nov. 10, 11:13AM: this is a very interesting theory, and even though it could work, I don't believe Kross or Shryock are smart enough to formulate such an idea. It may just be a happy side effect if it happens.

    3. The incoming purchasing director will be in for a real eye opening experience upon starting . There is an expectation that there will be 2 clerks needed to support the department. We will see what happens when the budget numbers get crunched. The budget appears to be very, very tight and there is limited desire to add staff to anywhere but in safety related departments such as law enforcement. Let's see how soon the director becomes disillusioned and scrwams UNCLE. Once Aldermwn Kross and Shryock start their nit-picking there may be another vacancy.

  2. The city staff/directors should be commended for continually responding to the innane and whimsical requests from Ms. Kross and Ms. Shryock. The alderwomen should find the time to read all the data they request and not say they don't have time to read what is given them at their request. It seems that they do lack reasonableness in expectations in the demands from the directors. If the directors make time to respond then the alderwomen, darn well, better make time to read what they get. They do have 24 hours in a day to do their city job as do the directors. If they can't find the time it is then incumbant upon them to relieve themselves of those time burdens that prevent them from fulfilling their 'sworn to' city obligations and start working for the residents that mistakenly elected them.

  3. The Wentzvillian hit it on the head. Not a day goes by when Kross is not either on the phone or emailing ridiculous requests of the "skeleton crew" directors. They are over-burdened and Kross just keeps piling it on. Where's the Mayor when all of this crap is going on right under his nose?

  4. I believe it is ridiculous that the Wentzvillian compliments former Mayor Lambi for muzzling Kross when in previous posts that were written by the Wentzvillian when Kross was in your positive grace, you were furious that he controlled the meetings by limiting the time she could talk. Personally, you need to quit changing courses just because you don't like someone. Kross is an asset to this community. PERIOD!

    1. You obviously don't understand sarcasm. And, I like Alderman Cheryl Kross, and even more so when she isn't legislating with her emotions.

    2. Kross lacks the intelligence to effectively manage as evidenced by her inane and folly driven questions and commentary to the Director's staff. Kross is no longer an asset to the City of Wentzville as evidenced by her behavior as she lacks the skill sets to lead with incisive intelligence and not emotion when she does not get her way. She is regressing to be a crying, vengeful, spoiled little child.

  5. What a great read here on the Wentzvillian if the Wentzvillian could conduct exit interviews with the outgoing Purchasing Director and Parks Director. If not the Wentzvillian, what about the Mole since you are an insider.

    1. The Parks Director, Marry Jo Desseiux has offered a "no comment." I expected that simply because I'm sure that before long, she'll more than likely be working for some other, very lucky municipality.

      As for Purchasing Director, Jerry Hillin, he's a wealth of information, and since he is really retiring, he may share some of it on his way out.

  6. Sources within the City have indicated that the Purchasing Director may release some information in the closing purchasing presentation at the next board meeting.
