Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Spankings Are Coming — Tra-La, Tra-La!

What an interesting Board of Aldermen meeting of November 13, 2013 (click here), the proceedings were revealing to any serious follower of Wentzville government. The chamber was filled to capacity with residents to rail against the Lombardo Homes of St. Louis, LLC. plan development for the Villas at Stonemoor, but unfortunately most of the residents left before the public hearing for the City budget. Although the fireworks were flying during the Stonemore discussion, those who did leave missed some of the most exciting parts of the meeting.
The Stonemoore subject is complicated, but the hour-long public hearing and ensuing discussions exposed some acutely provocative arguments. Stonemoore is a subdivision within Ward 2 yet the engineer leading the drive to derail Lombardo's plan was none other than Ward 1 Alderman, Cheryl Kross. According to what I heard, Lombardo lived up to the requirements set by the City, but a blood-thirsty group of homeowners led by Kross were there to do anything they could to change it, up to and including changing the ordinance, which could have been a time consuming venture. You must remember, Kross will be running for re-election in 2015 and is trying to suck up to as many residents of other wards as she can for her mayoral run in 2016. I found it interesting that Ward 2 Alderman Sonya Shryock said nothing through the extensively exhausting discussion of the ordinance, but of course, she'll be running for re-election this coming April, so she left the controversy to her closest compatriot, Kross.
Kross was relentless in her stand to disallow Lombardo to build the Villas as planned, which was accepted by Planning and Zoning by a 7 to 1 vote, while Shryock stayed silent. This whole political protest was trumped up by Shryock, Kross and none other than our CEO, Mayor Nickolas Guccione. I used the word 'political' because one of the residents, Mr. Joe Howard, went off the track to accuse President of the Board, Rick Stokes, of "Chicago Style Politics," and having a conflict of interest. At 1:05 into the meeting, Mr. Howard went off on Stokes with a politically motivated tirade, culminating in demanding Stokes to recuse himself from the vote. I've heard Mr. Howard's accusations before, but not from him, they came to me through the grapevine from Guccione, Aldermen Kross, and Shryock, I know who inspired Mr. Howard to come forward with such detailed and defamatory statements. Guccione's dirty campaign tactics to oust Stokes has begun, I fully expect to see these kinds of attacks to come more frequently the closer we get to the April election.
The discussion became so intolerable, what I assume was the owner of Lombardo Homes threw up his hands in disgust, and after telling his spokesman, Attorney Brad Goss, "Give it up, give them what they want," he walked out of chambers. I wonder ... if Lombardo hadn't purchased the vacated lots in Stonemoore, would they have just gone back to St. Louis, never to build in Wentzville again? After the dust cleared, and the vote was taken, Shyrock gave a speech about how great the firm of Lombardo Homes was, and how proud she was to have them building homes in her Ward 2. The whole thing stunk to high heaven, I've seen a lot of builders get raked over the coals by the city, but I've never seen one the caliber of Lombardo take such a beating, it was embarrassing.

* * * * *
It was truly a disappointment to see that only one citizen asked a question during "(ID # 4898) Public Hearing - 2014 Proposed Budget." The meeting was well into it's third-hour and as stated earlier, most everyone there had a different agenda and left long before. Still, it's unsettling to see how few taxpayers seem to care about how their money is spent.

I've talked about sock-puppets on our Board of Aldermen for several years and how many of Wentzville's aldermen have little or no insight, or understanding of government budgets. Thanks to this public hearing, the video captured a sock-puppet in action. At 3:33:28, Alderman Shryock's hand popped up to begin her input on the city reserve funds. Then at exactly 3:37, Alderman Kross begins coaching Shryock using both hand signals and mouthing words to her. Watch Kross carefully during this discussion and you will see the interaction between the sock-puppet (Shryock), and puppeteer (Kross). Watching this first-hand-live was a real hoot.

* * * * *

Another interesting subject was covered under "New Business (ID # 4893) City Special Events." Last year, the aldermen warned us that they may very well be cutting out some of the many special events hosted by the City, i.e. Thrill of Hills, various parades, and Wabash Days. Visiting this again this year, if you paid attention to discussions throughout the year, Aldermen Kross, and Shryock were the most vocally aggressive in seeking to unfund several, or many of the events, that all changed during this meeting.

There was a long silence after Guccione asked for discussion. The problem here is that no one wants to be known as the alderman who killed special events in Wentzville. They talked about it last year during the 2013 budget meeting but there was an election right around the corner. They warned the staff that events may be cut in the 2014 budget but no one wanted to say anything, Kross, the most vocal regarding event cuts was quiet as a mouse. Finally Shryock spoke up; "I didn't want this on the agenda ... but (looking at Stokes) you can do what ever you want." Stokes restated his stand from last year; "I don't mind funding special events, what I want to know is which department is going to claim responsibility for which event?" This is all Kross and Shryock needed, they want the staff go back and cut out which ones they don't want and bring their recommendation back to the board, they want staff to be the bad guys. This discussion went on for quite a while without direction, finally Stokes spoke up to defer to Guccione to make the decision. This is a win-win for everyone; the alderman don't look bad, and Guccione looks good for not only funding the current events for 2014, but he actually increased the budget from $85,000 to $90,000.

* * * * *

Mayor Nickolas Guccione gets huffy at the dais on occasion but it's always when he feels attacked or provoked. As anyone who knows him will testify, he is all-political and quick to challenge anyone with a preemptive strike by accusing them of using politics to better a position, whether they are guilty or not. He claims not to read The Wentzvillian, but I think he's fibbing — he pays close attention to what's posted here.

During his "Mayor's Report" of November 13th, he threw down the gauntlet at exactly 4:48:30 to one or all of the board members. He cited code: 105.100, section C which talks about undermining his office and interfearence with the day-to-day activities of the city. He stated; "I'm not accusing anyone of anything but I have a laundry list that I will make public. I haven't called anyone out but I will." I've heard that he's been questioning the directors about which aldermen are contacting them and he's checking emails. "Anyone wanting to challenge me for mayor in 2016, I have no problem with that."

Many of you who watched the video, may be puzzled about what's going on, but given the following information it may become clear: Monday, November 4, 2013, The Wentzvillian posted "The 'Unholy Alliance' Exposed," in which I issued the following warning: "Now for a note to Mayor Nickolas: Beware, Alderman Kross is only sucking up to you until after she secures her seat in the 2015 election. She wants to be in your good graces just until she can run against you for Mayor in 2016. Get the picture?" Then a comment posted November 10, 2013 on "Was Lambi Really Wrong," from one of my favorite readers; The Mole: "The Mole: The Wentzvillian hit it on the head. Not a day goes by when Kross is not either on the phone or emailing ridiculous requests of the "skeleton crew" directors. They are over-burdened and Kross just keeps piling it on. Where's the Mayor when all of this crap is going on right under his nose?" These two paragraphs hit Guccione right between the eyes and spurred his threatening outburst. Watch closely who Guccione is looking at during his entire statement, but he's "... not accusing anyone." Let's see if he has the fortitude to proceed with his forewarning — the spankings are coming tra-la, tra-la.



  1. The Mayor, Mr. Guccione, is essentially a very astute public servant as he has been observed over his terms as Alderman and now as Mayor. He will most likey win the race for Mayor again if he chooses to run for that office instead of the higher one which would suit him also. He is a caring, although some would not want to believe it , and a very emotional, soft hearted individual who will give of himself first. Alderman Kross is just the distraction thrown into the next Mayor's race when another powerhouse will run against him and Alderman Stokes. Kross is a nice lady bug but lacks business sense needed for this city's politics and professional administration.Just watch her perform with her hand-jive and childish questions which she tries to use to prove her business sense. Her trying to look professional will not cut it over actually being a professional public servant.

  2. Looking at the polls, both Kross and Shryock are at the bottom in job performance. I don't see how either of them can win their next alderman election without some major support.

    1. Kross is in place til 2015 when she will run against some heavy competition.The players are being quietly put into place and will slowly creep into position with a platform of ethics and long term business sense. Shryock has her days numbered and will have an extremely arduous uphill battle just to come close to to be re-elected. She , unfortunately, just does not see the forest for the trees and truly lacks the necessary skill sets to be the candidate the people want in office. Her floundering articulation says it all for her when she desparately tries to ask the questions in all too often self-embarassment of excessive verbalization. She should watch her own performance on Alderman meeting webcasts to see how she comes across. She will be very frustrated as she becomes challenged to levels she never thought imagineable.

  3. The Wentzvillian has a very bad slant to what it writes and until you report just the facts nobody will take you serious. You have a history of this.. but I do agree with you that it will be interesting to see how much crap gets tossed around as the election gets closer.

    1. Really? The truth is a hard pill to swallow for some people, perhaps you're one of them. I guess my question to you is: If you have such a low opinion of what I post here, why on earth would you keep coming back?

  4. The Mr. Joe Howard you speak of in this post will be running for Sonya Shryock's Ward 2 seat next April.

    Word from the "inside' is that Jay Webber will return to have another bout with Forrest Gossett for Ward 1.

    Several names have come up to oppose Board President, Rick Stokes, but given Stokes' record over his first two terms, it should be a difficult task displacing him in Ward 3.

  5. Mr. Stokes possess all the attributes that should be on the resume of a worthwhile political candidate. Read his political and professional/ business backgroundin this state and the others he has domiciled. His credentials are impeccable as well as his personal successes.There probably isn't a resident in Ward 3 that comes close to him . We are sure that some challenges will be placed on him but he will persevere and most likely win by the largest margin in Wentzville history. ""The eyes of Texas are upon him!""

  6. If Mr. Joe Howard runs against Ms. Shryock he will lose with his so-called Chicago politics. This may be something of his vivid imagination of a long, long, long, time ago. His memory must be of Elliot Ness, Big Al , and Bugsy. Politics of the new Chicago are all legit businessmen who support each other for the city's benefit and growth and not from smokey saloons with backrooms full of bathroom gin and such. Get current and grow up young man.

    1. He obviously struck a nerve with someone. Anyone who can rattle the establishment that bad has my vote if he runs.

  7. I seen alderman stokes at the HBA banquet at the casino.. He was glad handing every HBA representive there. And it appeared they were paying for all his drinks. I know the wentzvillian has a crush on alderman stokes but it's about time stokes should be exposed for what he is..,a self dealing real estate agent.. I know you wont publish this but I wish you'd actually report facts on stokes.. He's as much to blame the city troubles as the mayor!!!

    1. You have got to be kidding! Stokes is a real estate agent, why wouldn't he attend HBA functions?

      For your information, when Guccione said from the daiz that he wouldn't vote for Lombardo in Stonemore, he got calls from every builders union in St. Charles County threatening to pull their support if he didn't support labor. He will be a good boy now and stop hindering the progress of builders who put his unemployeed union people back to work. Kross and Shryock will no longer have Gooch's or Alderman Hays' support when limiting the HBA, their builders, or their unemployeed union men.

      So tell me who is more honest, one who does his job and sticks to his values, or a politician who bends over to special interest supporters and has no values to stick with his constituents? It's all about politics vs. values.

    2. Mr. Mole,

      I believe you've completely lost sight of what being in public office is. It should be a representative of the people, not a representative of a special interest group such as the HBA. THe HBA does not have the residents interest in mind at all.. Their job is to influence the politicians so the builders can build the absolute minimum house to maximize builders profits. What's good for the HBA = bad for the residents. So I guess that's why all the residents showed up at the stonemore meeting.. To support Lombardo being able to build smaller homes.. No.. They want to protect their neighborhood. The mayor and the board need to listen to the residents not the HBA or the unions.. I believe your misguided!!! Thank you wentzvillian. I didn't belive you'd publish my comment & It appears it struck a mole nerve!

    3. I agree with The Mole, your comment tells me you know nothing about what went on at stonemore, it had nothing to do with the size of the homes...at all. The protest by the citizens was purely Ward 2 polititics, Guccione, Kross, and Shryock trumped it up, It should never have been an issue.

  8. Sorry fella (s). It looks like 3 more gals will likely be in contention in Ward #3 besides the reigning lady. Look out fellas, we are going to shake the tree and may the best NEW gal rule the roost.

    1. Thanks for the heads-up, Linda, even if it's not news.

    2. Oh my goodness. This was a typing mistake. We are from WARD #2 not #3. Ms. Shryock had best beware as we are growing in numbers against her.

    3. When you announce your candidacy, sent me your platform information. I think Ms. Shryock may need to retire from public office.
