Wednesday, August 14, 2013


As the City of Wentzville mourns the passing of its new City Administrator, Mr. T. Michael McDowell, our government is once again trying to fill vacancies in its staff. Mr. Mcdowell had filled the job of City Administrator since May after a series of interems held that position for almost two years. My first hand experience with Mr. McDowell was that he was highly skilled at the job and an excellent addition to Wentzville's staff. Things seemed to be on track for our city for the first time since the middle of Mayor Lambi's final term.

Wentzville has been bailing the boat trying desperately to fill holes in the staff for the past three years. In that time, every single director position with the exception of two has been replaced for one reason or another. In just the past month, the City of Wentzville had finally accomplished procuring a full compliment of Directors. Things were looking up until the passing of Mr. McDowell.

Now, during the search for a new City Administrator, yesterday they received the resignation of it's Economic Development Manager, Mr. Larry Tucker. I could speculate for months on why Wentzville cannot keep high level staff employees but it all comes back to poor leadership, and that lays smack in the lap of our last two mayors. Lambi with his ethics problems and now Mayor Nickolas Guccione with his total lack of leadership qualities.

Guccione will suffer with the loss of McDowell because now he has no one to tell him what to do, or how to do it. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall. This little nursery rhyme speaks volumes about Wentzville's personnel problems and the fact that King Guccione will never be able to put Wentzville back together again.

I'll be back later with more from Wentzville.


  1. The loss of Mr. McDowell is going to pain the city for some time and even with more agony as the budget season approaches. He sounded like he was on track to keep the ship from sinking from all the number crunching coming down the stream. I hope the Aldermen are sharpening their accounting pencils and are not afraid to ask the TOUGH questions of the the Directors and hold them accountable. If they haven't yet, several alderman need to take their refresher classes in accounting 101, 102, 201, 202 etc. because this year they will be challenged more than ever to think like real businessmen or they will get replaced with lightening speed by the populace at election time.

    1. Fortunately, Wentzville has acquired the full time services of a new Finance Director, Mr. Jeff Lenk. Mr. Link has been with the city for going on two months and has already proven to be a go-getter and an asset to the Aldermen and City. He is, and will be engaged deeply in the budget process.

  2. I am not a resident of Wentzville. I do have an interest in Wentzville because I work and shop(almost exclusively) in Wentzville. I grew up there and have always lived just out of the city limits so my vote doesn't count.

    When I heard on the news today that Mr. Tucker is moving on, my first thought was "when are they going to wake up?". For all that Wentzville has grown and for all the ego polishing that has gone on, beginning with Mayor Vickie, city hall is sure a mess. The quality people cannot shine because they have become tarnished by association. I cannot ever remember city hall being so inept and I go back to 1959. If I were a college student interning at Wentzville City Hall, I would be re-thinking my major.

  3. Prior to Larry Tucker, Bob Swank was the Economic Development Director. In its infinate wisdom the city decided to put Tucker on as a Manager, perhaps to put him in at a lower pay-grade doing more than Swank ever did.

    Lincoln County saw the importance of Tucker and offered him a full Directors position and for more than Wentzville paid. Gooch should be strung up for allowing this to happen. Lincoln County will now have one of only 39 Economic Development Directors in the state of Missouri.

    Good luck to Gooch trying to find one as qualified as Tucker to do the job. Hey, I have an idea, maybe Gooch can get one of his butcher-shop buddies to take the job.

  4. Why would the City not give Mr. Tucker the same pay and status as Bob Swank if he's doing the same job? Maybe he would have stayed, I don't understand.

    1. Gooch wants to say HE trimmed the budget?

      He wants the next person to be HIS APPOINTMENT?

      He is going to give the job to his aldermanic appointment, thereby getting to appoint another one?

      Gooch was trying to play hard ball and lost the bluff?
