Friday, May 17, 2013

Why Isn't This Front Page News?


DATELINE May, 17, 2013:

To my friends in the media, get this—President of the Wentzville Fire Board, Mark Kaiser, resigns under pressure of a hostile take-over. Chief Randy Bornhop, and Joe Heitkamp are put on administrative leave. The now union fire board members are moving people out in preparation of a union take-over. Where's Elliot Davis when you need him, why isn't this front page news?


  1. The Post ran a series of articles almost ten years ago about unions and district boards. The public outcry? Not much.

    When we vote (or don't), we get what we deserve.

  2. How is it the police department is under the city but not the fire department? Are the under the county? Why do all their trucks say city of Wentzville? Are their controls only a 3 person board who they put in office?
