Thursday, May 30, 2013

What's Changed?

Last week The Wentzvillian posted  a theory about third terms in Wentzville politics. It is called Third Term Crazies. (TTC) and it is my firm belief that Mayors and Aldermen being elected for a third term somehow change the way they do business. Last weeks writing mentioned Alderman Cheryl Kross, and how according to the theory,  may be showing early signs of TTC. TTC is diagnosed when the elected official comes into a third term with newly acquired uncharacteristic traits. As much as I've appreciated Kross being on the Board of Aldermen, I have to admit, something has changed.

Kross has always been a strong ultra-right-wing-conservative alderman who vehemently opposed taxes, fees or any other form of government control over citizen's checkbooks. She opposed any form of new taxes or fees, and supported the half-million dollar real estate tax cut passed last year. She introduced legislation which resulted in cutting business license fees by 50 percent, and on numerous occasions was heard to say from the dais; "I want to stop putting layer after layer of taxes and fees on our residents," how can anyone disagree with that?

At the "Special Meeting " last night during the Work Session" portion of the meeting, City Administrator, T. Michael McDowell introduced a "Sewer Lateral Program." The program will pay for broken water and sewer mains between the street and residential homes, and result in a fee of $28 per household. The estimated cost of main repairs is between $2,500 and $5,000 per incident, which is  now paid for by the resident who has the broken main. This new fee, if adopted, will result in negating entirely, or eating away most of the savings given residents from last year's tax cut.

Bigger Government was always at the core of Kross' ideology and it's distressing that she agrees with it now. McDowell said to the aldermen; they would need to hire a person to administer the program. That equates to bigger government and Kross uncharacteristically said nothing in opposition.

In the past, Alderman Kross would have been all over this, she would have sunk her teeth in so deep, no one would have been able to break her hold, until it was failed. Uncharacteristically, she did not oppose it, what's changed? Paying for main repairs has always been the responsibility of the homeowner since sewers and water were first connected to homes. Why now, what's changed?

Kross used to take up those battles and not stopped fighting them until she'd won, but last night—not so much. Citizens loved her for that, that's why she ran for office, that's why she was elected three times, I myself actively campaigned for her in each of her three elections. So what's changed? Has she reached her level of incompetence, as suggested by the Peter Principle, I think not. I do believe she may have fallen into TTC, and it can get worse, unless she recognizes what she's doing to the Board and her constituents.

Alderman Kross: Where's the fight? What's changed? Why are you agreeing to have the City put in another layer of fees or taxes on Wentzville residents; wiping out the tax cuts you helped put in place? Have you lost your focus and gone into the Third Term Crazies?

The Wentzvillian caught a lot of flack over it's post of May 24th, and expects those same hard-core Kross fans to overlook the change going on with her; filling my inbox with more personal attacks. I will post any comments addressing the content of the posts here, but if you want to avoid the subject and come straight for me, don't expect to be seen by my readers.


  1. You forgot to mention that she championed getting rid of the Wastewater Utility Fee. It's strange that she would now want to support a Sewer Lateral Program fee. You're correct, something has chaged.

    1. Thank you for reminding me of the Storm Water Utility Fee, putting it down was one of her greatest singular accomplishments.

    2. FACT Kross Opposes GOVERNMENT MANDATED FEEs- Opposed Storm Water Utility Fee because it was a city mandate and not a vote by the People. No change.

      FACT Kross Supports A VOTE by the PEOPLE. The Seweral Lateral discussion and consideration is being reviewed as a VOTE BY THE PEOPLE. No Change.

      Signed Kross

  2. i love cheryl kross and i will continue to love her but i don't know why she is supporting setting up a new department within the city and passing the cost on to us? thats not like her for sure.

  3. Is the $28 Sewer Lateral Program fee an annual or monthly fee?
    Is it per household or for each line going into a house?
    What is the salary going to be for the person hired to manage the program?
    When will the program start and how will the billing be sent to the homeowner/business owner?
    What is the consequence if the charge is not paid?
    Will there be a separate account for the funds to be recorded in and will they be untouchable funds that cannot be used for anything else like paying for some P&R program?

  4. Re: Fire District and Park/Recreation land swap.
    Alderwoman Shyrock is looking smarter than city hall with her idea of just writing a check to the Fire District for the land. It'll be cheaper than P&Z spending more untold man hours looking for land, negotiating the deal with possible landowners, and acting like a real estate firm. Hats off to Alderwoman Kross for seconding the idea.
    How come the AlderMen on the board can't be so dollar smart with the taxpayer money??? Come on guys, who are you working for --doesn't sound like the taxpayers!
