Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Put Up or Shut Up

On the 18th of January I posted "Where The Buck Stops." In this blog I wrote about the Mayor of Wentzville, Nick Guccione who does nothing, shifts blame, and never takes responsibility for anything. In that same blog I quoted Guccione who announced that Newstime will be publishing weekly, he said: "Newstime will fix any misinformation out there."

Inwardly I laughed at him for making that statement because I knew that The Wentzvillian was eating his lunch. Last year about this time, he and his ex-Judge Carter friend started a blog that they thought would shut me up by posting their version of the truth. They figured that by exposing me as a citizen I would discontinue my blog and slip into the night. They were going to start a news service written by Carter, which would counter my posts with their version of facts but they overlooked two very important facts:  #1, No one read or cared about their online version of a newspaper and #2 when you put two anal-retentive nit-wits together you get a disaster.

I enjoy Guccione's blathering in Newstime every week and I'm glad he's found a hobby. Unfortunately for the taxpayers I found out that we are paying for it. If Guccione were writing it and giving it to Newstime I'd be fine with it but he's not, our Publicist does, and she charges the City by the article. I don't remember the Aldermen approving this expenditure where our Mayor could have the City pay for his weekly "Gooch Truth" article. If our aldermen did approve it, our taxpayers should be outraged, after all, isn't this group of aldermen hanging their hats on cost-cutting?

Should the taxpayers be charged for weekly articles supposedly written by our Mayor? I don't see this as necessary especially since he has a paid article in our city newsletter The Vision. No other Mayor in the history of Wentzville has had a spending latitude such as this, he should be paying for this himself, or hire a writer out of his own pocket.

This is another example of Guccione over-stepping his authority and handing the taxpayers the check in the process. If you agree, I urge you, my fellow citizens, to call your Aldermen, they need to hear what we think. Guccione has no skin in the game and no right to put taxpayers on the hook for his political agenda, it's bad enough we have to pay him a salary. It's time for the Gooch to put up or shut up!

(Several of you have asked me how many hits are there on The Wentzvillian, in 2012, I received just over 58,000 pageviews, Thanks to all of you who read The Wentzvillian!)


  1. it was funny seeing judge carter at the aldermen meeting taking pictures and videos and posting them on their blog like a real reporter. their blog was a boring copycat. a failed judge and publisher maybe someday he will find something he is good at.

  2. Mayor Nick Guccione does not write these articles or the Mayor's Report in the Vision. He is functionally illiterate and Laura Pendino, the city publicist, writes everything Guccione puts out in print.

    You are correct, Pendino charges the city every time she puts a finger on her keyboard. There is absolutly no reason we should be paying for the articles Guccoone orders for Newstime and by no stretch are they press releases.

  3. this blog is stupid and you are just mean. mayor guccione is the best mayor ever and will go down in histoey that way.

    1. History is about facts and the best known truth. The fact is, there is no truth in our Mayor. History will paint him as the scoundrel he has proven himself to be...sorry!

  4. It is obvious he is not writing his own press. People write the same as they talk. He can do neither very well. I quit reading his 'column' in Newstime after the first one that was entirely about "I did " when he did not.

  5. The Mayor is very poorly educated. I'm not sure that he even has a high school diploma. Attend a meeting or two (I've been to dozens), he struggles with words, he struggles with concepts, and it is embarassing to watch. Local neighboring municipalites/officials laugh about it.
