Monday, July 23, 2012

The Box Of Rocks

I know, and most of our elected officials know that political affiliations are not voiced or declared at our city level but it doesn't keep our mayor and others from dividing our local government just like at the State or Federal arenas. Our Mayor Nick Guccione invited a Democrat candidate to the State House of Representative in Wentzville's district to use our open forum for a photo-op and stump to announce his candidacy. I'm sure that our Mayor should now invite the Republican or other candidates for our district to stump in open forum and give them equal time.

In the beginning of our great nation, George Washington knew and expressed: "Political parties will destroy our country." Today, they are doing a very good job of it, just look around at all of the hate and smear campaigns polarizing our nation, it's everywhere. Washington said to the framers of our constitution: "We must set standards that wise and honest people can repair." Our State and Federal campaigns are filled with party lines so wide that they are tearing our country apart at the seams, it needs to stop in Wentzville at our governmental level. It is not beyond repair in Wentzville if Guccione, who is an admitted Obama Democrat, puts his political sword away and get down to the business of trying to run this city.

After watching our Maror for three months and his five years as Alderman I have come to this conclusion: I can say without fear of successful contradiction; there is not one single company or corporation in Wentzville that would allow Nick Guccione to run their business for three months, much less four years. I believe there's enough evidence to say that he is not suited to lead a company and that if he were to take over GM (for example) he would be fired in the first few weeks. Now I'll admit that our city coffers is nothing compared to GM but Wentzville is still a multi million dollar corporation.  What other multi million dollar company in the city, county or state would survive with our mayor at the helm?

Corporations have a board of directors who may have been appointed because of their expertise and they direct the president in running the company. The president doesn't go to the employees for advise or council, he goes to the board. In our Mayor's situation, he has our Board of Aldermen to advise and counsel him but his politics won't allow that to happen. He is on his own by political choice and not doing what he was elected to do. Mayor Guccione needs to reach out to our Board and quit being politically motivated if Wentzville is to continue growing in the county.

This is an election year, not only nationally but in Wentzville. We will be electing three Aldermen to represent us and Guccione will be actively trying to get people who agree with him on everything, regardless if it's good for our city or his choices are qualified. Mayor Nick Guccione is quickly proving himself a "box of rocks" and if he cares about Wentzville, he'll stop being political and start being our Mayor. Mayor Guccione, choose one of the candidates left on the list of applicants, fill the void in Ward 3, and prove to the voters of Wentzville that you are not politically motivated.


  1. This article without a doubt is best piece of journalism in ages. Please continue the writings without the profanity. Do you remember the Beatles song "Where have all the flowers gone"; I now wonder where your readers have gone? Since I now live away from Wentzville I follow the blog for the true updated news. The election period was great, but now there are few comments from readers - is there anyone left in Wentzville?

    1. Thank you Mr. Grinder, I appreciate you following the Wentzvillian.

  2. I watch this blog too and I find it interesting that thert seems to be one "dislike" and "disagree" checked but bno comment explaining their problem.

    Obviously someone must think that our Mayor is capable of running a multi million dollar company. I would like to know how? I also wish they would explain why they checked the "dislike" and "disagree" boxes.

  3. It was a pointless question, unworthy of a response. Few mayors in our region are qualified to run large companies. Mayor G is incapable of running a meeting in an efficient manner, so running a company (any company) would be impossible.

  4. To: The Other Shoe
    I totally agree with your comment. But to be fair and balance as politicians frequently say should Ald S be included. This Ald is lost with what is occurring in the city just like Mayor G. How many times can she say "I need more information to make a decision". She is no comparison to Cheryl Kross who in my opinion is outstanding as an Alderman. Ald Kross cuts to the chase and does her homework. Ald S jury is still out after 3.25 months. For Ald G well he does not seem too interested in the city. If he wins the primary then city will be hurting in a big way - Mayor G & Ald S trying to find their way and Ald G looking to his future more than the city's.

  5. Later this year, you should post the aldermainc meeting lengths, maybe on a chart. A comparison to Mayor Lambi would be helpful. Meetings that consistently run past midnight are unfair to Aldermen, city staff, and the public. If you cannot properly run a meeting, you are not qualified to be Mayor. Beyond appointments, and ceremonial responsibilities, running the board meetings is the Mayor's only regular responsibility. Let's remember, the meetings have been long without any controversial issues.

    NO NEED TO POST THIS. Just a suggestion for a topic...
