Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Lesson In Bufoonery

I'm pleased to say; last evening's meetings was (un) conducted almost entirely by our Mayor. For the first time in his mayoral career Guccione had the chance to strut his stuff without the President of the Board of Alderman, Rick "Bulldog" Stokes taking charge. Stokes did need to redirect him occasionally, prodding him back on topic or asking the City Clerk for roll call, but other than that, it was Guccione's shining moment. Mayor Guccione should be proud, he turned a meeting with a relatively short agenda into a free-for-all that ended this morning at 12:05, (six hours and twenty minutes) and then they went into executive session. As predicted the open forum and discussion items were out of control and other agenda items were unfocused.

The regular meeting was prefaced by a special meeting and it's sole purpose was for Guccione to appoint a replacement for the Ward 3 vacancy. Almost two months after taking office he finally gets around to naming the person he wants sitting next to him; Mr Michael Hayes. Those of you who followed the election may remember that Michael Hayes, who was recruited by Guccione to run against Rick Stokes, filed early in the race but withdrew his candidacy December 19, 2011. The only person getting pissed off was Guccione, he was being irrational, making a fool of himself, and the appointment was going nowhere. "Bulldog" Stokes finally had to jump in and asked the city clerk for a roll call to close the discussion.

A vigorous discussion ensued revolving around the process in the "Filling Vacancies in Elective Office" ordinance which was on the regular meeting agenda for its first reading. Thank God the ordinance was discussed toward the end of the meeting or I would have awakened in City Hall this morning. The appointment discussion at the beginning and ordinance debate at the end were the highlights of the evening. Mayor Guccione made a total ass of himself denying an open government process which he perceived would preempt "my appointment."

"The blog" is ingrained in him, he is obsessed with what is written here, he talked about it again: "The blog said; the Aldermen would not accept any of his appointments." Guccione takes speculation and turns it into reality, it's a very strange place between his ears. He has his musk oxen defense on high alert and no amount of logic or reason is going to break through it. He claimed on two occasions; "Not once since I was elected has anyone on the Board worked with me," po po him. He didn't go into how many times he's worked with them, it's all about him. In his head, he is Wentzville. he da man, he be the almighty, great, and powerful wizard of Wentzville, while in reality, he is the pathetic, illogical buffoon behind the screen.

The Aldermen argued for the citizens of Wentzville who may want to apply for the open seat, calling for transparency in government and opening up the process to any registered voter in Wentzville, not just one hand-picked candidate. Guccione would have none of it, he said "it's my appointment," and if it's not his choice, the seat will remain vacant. The "Peoples Mayor" said: "The people elected me and trust my decisions." What an arrogant narcissist, more people voted against him than for him yet he truly believes that the 1,224 citizens who voted for him are the only citizens in this community. The 1,664 residents voting against him, and (in his mind) the 26,182 residents who didn't vote are suddenly discarded or transformed into worshiping their new Caesar Guccione (beware the ides of March!), It's easy for most people to understand that in a democracy when you are the only one against everyone, maybe your thinking is somewhat skewed and it's time to compromise, but that word is not in Guccione's vocabulary. Guccione said: "I lost my power to vote when I became Mayor and this appointment is all I have left," is it only me, or does anyone else see the flaw in his thinking? He should have thought about that before he put so much effort into being elected to his fairytale dream job.

Mayor Guccione is on record saying he's against the open government process and any applicants who may come forward during the process. He is convinced that his choice is the best qualified person in Wentzville and the absolute best candidate for Ward 3. I disagree, he needs to step back, take a look at his narrow-minded thought process and what he's doing to our city government.


  1. You and the Aldermen were too harsh on the Mike Hayes appointment. Consider the following:
    1. After a few meetings, Mike will understand that five is greater than one. He'll seek to get along with the other Aldermen.
    2. He'll quickly tire of six hour meetings. Wait until something controversal comes up. He'll join the other Aldermen in complaining that Nick has no clue how to run a meeting.
    3. Mike is not going to "carry Mayor Nick's water." Mayor Nick has no water.
    4. Who cares about one appointment. At least Nick didn't nominate Donna Sherwood. Mike is the best you could have hoped for.

    Please, trust me. Mike would make a fine Alderman.

    1. Mrs. Hayes, I assure you, this blog has never posted anything negative about Michael Hayes. As you know, people are judged by their associations; when Guccione recruited him last winter to run against one of the most effective Aldermen to ever take office in my ward, I immediately took exception to him trying to oust him. It didn't matter who he ran against Alderman Stokes, I was against it. You do not overthrow proven excellence with an unknown. I was encouraged when Michael withdrew his name from the ballot, in my opinion it displayed good judgement.

      Should Michael apply through the process the Aldermen are putting in place, and his credentials are an highly regarded as Guccione presented, I'm confident he would be considered a viable candidare to be my Ward 3 Alderman.

  2. Duhhhhh.....when is Guccione going to realize hes not the smartest one in the bunch??? Take a clue Nick! These guys are trying to help you look like your leader.Take heed.....

  3. Let him flounder in his mire.

  4. Finally got around to watching this. All I can say is wow. I knew he was not the right choice and was so surprised when he was elected. I think he is showing his true colors and hopefully Wentzville will realize that on the next election. Thank god for Stokes.
